Chapter 19

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I quickly change out into my purple cheetah print spandex and black tank top and run to roll call... i almost fall but i catch myself.

"Ok ladies... This will be a fun project for you i'm guessing"

Oh god

"This is a partner and individual project. You will find a partner and create a dance each individually. Yes i know whats the point of a partner? The point of your partner will be to guide you in the right direction. You can ask your partner anything if your not sure how to make a move or if anything looks ok because i want these dances to be perfect. Three of you will be performing at the pep assembly individually. Since this is performance dance we all will also be performing in a group dance but I've been asked to pull out the three best dances and put them in... So good luck ladies you may find your partners now."

Ok well i guess this could be worse. It could be making a partner dance. I dont know any of these girls so it would be hard to create a dance with one. I look around the room to see if there is anyone that doesnt have a partner and i see one girl sitting and stretching on the floor. I walk up to her.

"Hey do you wanna be partners?" i ask awkwardly

"Sure" she stands up and smiles

"Im Alison... and i dont have very many friends in this class" i smile

"Hi im Kat and same here" she laughs and we bot sit down again

We have a packet to fill out about each other for this project. As im flipping through the packet its about the person and their dance..

"Ok lets do this dumb packet" she says and i laugh

"Ok first is full name.. My full name is Alison Gilbert"

"Mine is Katerina Horan" she says as i right her name down.

"Ok next is favorite color.. mine is pink." she says

"mine is blue"

"Favorite drink... mine is Shirley Temples"

"Oh my god... yes same here" we laugh

"Ok, any sports?... i dont do any.. i suck at sports... except dance of course" she says as she looks up to the roof like shes confused.

"Same here.. i am a total clutz the only thing i can manage to do is dance."

we go on and on over all these stupid personal questions... When we finally get to the dance part. The first thing it asks is what type of dance we will be doing.

"I think im going to do modern what about you?"

"Im going to do Ballet"

"Cool are you gonna do point?"

"Yes" i smile and fidget into a stretch

"Thats so cool.... i think your the only one in here that can do point... your definitely going to get picked to perform at the assembly."

"No no i hope not.. the hardest thing for me about dancing is stage fright.." i say as she smiles
"and about the assembly is that like in front of the whole school?" I ask

"Yep." She replies bluntly

"Oh god" i say

"well we have to do a group dance anyway?" she says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah but thats group.." i say as we laugh again but stop because of Lindsey and her friend.. they walk up to Ms. Rose who is clearly stressed and is working just to say

"Ms. Rose.. this is going to be the easiest project since we are best friends and know everything about each other" says Lindsey.

"Yeah and we are already picking out our outfits for the assembly." says her friend

"Woowww" says ms. Rose not even looking up from her laptop "instead of picking out outfits maybe you should be working on the dance so you have a chance to even be in the assembly."

I laugh and Lindsey glares at me as she is walking away from Ms. Rose's desk, and when i look to Kat she is staring at me.

"What?" i ask

"You cant do that to Lindsey she will ruin your life."

"Ok i am very shy and still that girl doesn't bother me. She is simply just annoying."

"Yeah but.."

i cut her off. "Who is the other girl?"

"oh thats Anna.. her best friend."

"Ohhh so her sidekick" i raise my eyebrow and kat laughs

"Well no.. well kinda she can be mean on her own to."

"still sounds like sidekick to me" i know i sound mean but Lindsey was mean first with her and Harry, and ever since the day she laughed at me. Im still going by my word to ignore her.

Ms. Rose tell us to start dressing out because we have five minutes left of class and we all go back into the room and i get dressed in my jeans and red top again.

As I'm lacing up my converse. I hear Anna talking about Harry... i couldn't really hear much but they were saying they were wondering why he wasn't here, and Lindsey said she already tried calling him a million times. Ugh shes dramatic.. who cares why he's not here maybe he's sick.. she is so pushy i don't see Harry dating a girl like that. But that sucks that he isn't here i wanted to apologize. I will just apologize tomorrow then. The bell rings and i head out to Algebra class.

{Zoey Deutch as Anna}

{Payton List as Kat}

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