Chapter 4

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Well that's not going to be distracting at all...
I will not let a boy ruin my favorite class. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Mrs. Blayne.

"Hello, you must be Alison"

"Yeah, how'd you know

"This school is very small and i would have recognized that pretty face of yours"

She seems very sweet. I'm looking forward to this class.

I laugh and smile.. actually that was a little bit embarrassing, but i know shes just trying to be friendly.

When i turn around i nearly scream.... it feels like my heart just stopped. i get scared really easy ever since my ... well never mind it doesn't matter.

Harry was standing directly behind me.... after blatantly starring at me for what it feels like to be 2 hours. He walks pasts me and gives the most sarcastic smile to the teacher as he hands in his summer project.

but before walking away his sarcastic smile vanishes into an intense glare. He makes no eye contact with me and walks right past me nearly hitting my shoulder.

That was rude I think to myself

I'm left there standing with a shocked/who the hell do you think you are kind of look on my face. The bell rings,I roll my eyes and turn around to look at the classroom.

"You may sit wherever you'd like for today" says mrs. Blayne

Harry is sitting on the right side of the classroom so i choose a seat on the left side not in the corner but not directly in the middle.

I reach down to my bag to get a pencil and again im startled by Harry... He is sitting right in the desk next to me, but this time he's not glaring at me instead he has a huge smile on his face god knows why.

This boy is really sneeky

I notice his dimples when he smiles.... it makes him 100% more cute then he already was before.

Oh no i probably acted like a freak today in the parking lot and im sure thats why he is smiling at me like a doof... he probably thinks im a idiot.

I give him a sarcastic smile and move to the other row. As soon as i sit down girls come rushing from the other side of the room taking my previous seat and any other chair around Harry. I stare at them with a look of shock and accidentally let out a small giggle.

Harry notices my disgust in the clingy girls and laughs shaking his head clearly embarrassed for these as am I.

so this is how it looked, it was like a laughing scene from a high school romance movie.

He laughed looking at me and then i laughed with him the I looked away still smiling slightly.

Harry gets up once again and sits right next to me looking at me in the corner of his eyes.

what if he maybe likes me?

why does he keep sitting next to me?

no no no he probably is just sitting by me to taunt me or make fun of me or something.

The Harry stalkers are giving me death stares and i swear one girl looked like she wanted to violently murder me...

i just look away.

Harry doesn't pay much attention to me for the rest of class. I dont even know why i care.... maybe its to see the look on the Harry stalkers faces, or because i just desperately want to talk to him.

Harry stalkers? i think and laugh silently to myself.... yeah thats what im gonna call them.

I want to talk to Harry but no words come out. He's just staring at the class syllabus and playing with his pencil. which i find very distracting, annoying.... and maybe a little bit cute. I notice that he is always moving or twitching, you should see his legs it looks like they are moving 2 miles a second.

suddenly he looks over at me in annoyance. I think he noticed me analyzing him...

i look down at my desk right away.

i can see in the corner of my eye Harry still staring at me but by the time I turn to look at him he is back to fidgeting with his pencil.

The boy has like no materials... he is so unprepared. i think all he brought was gum a pencil, and headphones.. with a black binder of course. If he didn't bring a binder to school that would have been very conserning.

I wonder if he gives a shit about his grades? why do i care?

The bell rings and i jump again... i cannot belive i spent the whole class daydreaming. I now have no clue what to prepare for this class.

I begin to pack up my stuff when i hear a voice behind me say

"hows your first day going?"

he startles me so i jump yet again. but when i turn around i see a very nice looking boy with brown hair and blazing blue eyes.

"you jump a lot dont you?" he asks and half laughs

"yeah i guess so" I smile

" Im Louis"

"I'm Alison"

"nice to meet you Alison"

"You too" i smile

"Im gonna be late for lunch but ill see you in class tomorrow" He smiles and walks away.

I relize i am the only one left in the classroom so i decide to talk to the teacher and get the information to prepar for this class since i didnt listen to a word she said.

I walk out of the classroom door and i get a big welcome from Lizzie, Mia, and Trevor.

"What a coincidence" says Mia

"Wow your in AP nice, you must be a little smartie pants." says lizzie and laughs

"Im starving come on guys" Trevor groans

they start to walk away and my hope for lunch buddies soon vanishes untill Mia and Lizzie turn around and say "come on Alison lets go!, dont just stand there"

i run up to them embarrassed and Lizzie gives me a welcoming hug.

I really like these people. I hope we become good friends. Although i dont think Trevor likes me very much. He hasnt really said one word to me all day.

I hear my stomach growl and im starving so i follow Lizzie and Mia to the lunch line.

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