Chapter 40

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I can totally tell Harrys Bipolar. I knew something was wrong with him from the start. The way his emotions go back and forth it makes complete sense. Serious, to angry, to happy, to funny, to playful all in the time frame of an hour. This week may be miserable because of Harry's attitude but I'm absolutely not going to leave him alone. No matter what bullshit fills his head about staying away from me for my own good I'm not going to, I can't. After this week if he still wants me to stay away from him because of his bullshit theories than fine but until then too bad. And now we are both just sitting on his bed in silence.

Harrys POV

I need her. I need Alison. Every reason I thought made it ok to kill myself is gone now. The feeling of loneliness, feeling useless, and hating myself has all vanished. As i'm sitting here looking at her all my problems and all the problems in the world are gone. Even though we're not getting along. The only thing that matters is that she's around me. That she cares enough about me to stay with me and to not call the police. I hate this whole babysitting thing because it makes me feel like a freak, and embarrassed but its better then the police or a mental hospital. I'm weirdly glad that it's Alison though. Apart from the situation that happened last night I oddly feel comfortable around her. Now that I felt the comfort she gave me I don't think i can stay away, not while she's constantly around me, but I will give every ounce in me to try. Ill try to distance myself during this week but for the most part how can I? She's going to be here all the time. I really hope she doesn't do anything that will make it harder for me to stay away from here after this week.

"I need to brush my teeth." says Alison breaking the silence.

"Yah you do." I laugh as does Alison

"Hey!" says Alison with her mouth wide open as she pushes my shoulder. I smile. "Harry i'm serious." she says still smiling.

"I have extra toothbrushes somewhere under the sink or in a drawer somewhere."

"Why?" she asks weirdly clearly making fun of me while she gets off the bed.

"Incase this shit happens" I say and lay down.

"Touche" she says with a hint of a smile closes the bathroom door.

After she's done she comes out and says she's ready whenever I am and keeps reminding me that she has to get her stuff from home. Finally after many eye rolls and head nods from me she shuts up.

The car ride to Nanna's group home was mostly silent. I eavesdrop on Alison talking to her mom on the phone and realize her mom is so fucking oblivious. She totally buys into everything Alison has told her about Lizzie and whatever other bullshit she sold. After she's done bullshitting her mom she calls Lizzie and tells her to cover for her and that she will still explain everything later. But assures me she will lie.

When we get to the house I ring the doorbell and stand there awkwardly next to Alison who is looking around

The door opens to the same forty year old women who always opens the door.. who's name i don't know and don't care about.

"Harryyyy" she greets me.
"Aw you brought a friend." she smiles as she gestures Alison and I inside.

"Mhmm" i mumble

"I'm Alison nice to meet you." says Alison as she shakes the women's hand

"Aw your so lovely dear, and pretty too. Harry is this your girlfriend.?" she asks with the biggest fucking smile.

"No" says Alison and I at the same time.

"Oh Im sorry." she says and pauses awkwardly "Your Nanna's over there watching tv with the others like usual."

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