Chapter 89

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Harry's POV

Right as I walk up to Michael and Hunter I see Eli in the corner of my eyes storming towards our direction and I see Alison quickly walking away in the other. Hunter and Michael ask my what happened to my hand and face but I ignore them.
{A/N Harry was supposed to have a big cut on his face too but I've been leaving that out :/}
I frown as I watch her walk away hoping everything's okay. That dick must of said something to her. I'm also hoping that her and Eli weren't fighting about us or that she told him anything she wasn't supposed to. I know Elis gonna find out about Alison and I sooner or later but just not yet. Not until Ali and I figure out what to say. I hope she is on the same page with me and hasn't told him anything, although I'm pretty sure he asked her why I was at their house looking for her at 3:30 am. I have no clue what she possibly could of said. If I got asked that question I don't know what I would have said either.

As Eli walks up to us I can tell he's in a pissy mood

"Sup dude" says Michael stupidly like always and Eli just glares at him obviously not in the mood. I have to bite down on my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing. Usually Eli and Michael are two pees in a pod. Michael just narrows his eyebrows at Eli confused.

"What's wrong with you?" Asks Hunter to Eli kind of sassy and I look back at Hunter then back again at Eli.

"I'm fine it's just my annoying stepsister" he snaps.

I look down and press my lips together trying not to say something.

"Speaking of my stepsister" he pauses
"Harry can I please talk to you for a second?" He asks and gives me his best fake smile. Hunter and Michael are standing behind us very confused.

"Sure" I roll my eyes and walk past him
Eli follows me still clearly annoyed and crosses his arms while I wait for him to talk

"Do you want to tell me what the hell last night was about?" Eli snaps.
Before I say anything back I can feel Michael and Hunters eyes on us and so can Eli apparently because we both turn and give them a death glare which makes them quickly look away.

"What about last night?" I ask completely serious not knowing what the hell else to say.

Eli just laughs but quickly stops
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He says seriously

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say a bit snappy just wishing this conversation would end.

All of a sudden Eli grasps my shirt and pulls me close to his face in rage
"I want to know why the hell you where in my house last night!" He spits out at me.

I furrow my eyebrows really caught off guard and shove him off me making him stumble back a bite.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shout as I smooth out my shirt with my good hand.

Eli laughs again like a fucking psychopath. Then looks over at me and down at my hand.

"Looks like you fucked up your hand pretty bad, huh?" He asks being falsely concerned and walks closer to me again.

"Eli I don't know what your problem is but get the hell away from me before I loose my temper" I warn him seriously

"But your right hand is your punching hand." He says as he approaches me.
"You can't hurt me that bad without it"

I laugh and shake my head. I look to see people gathering around us including Michael and Hunter probably because they all heard me shouting, but before I can say anything Eli's fist forcefully hits the side of my face and I hear a snap in my nose.
I tilt my head down and see blood pouring out from my nose. I squeeze my nose together stopping the blood and start to quickly walk over to Eli about to beat the shit out of him but before I get far Hunter comes in between us and pushes us both away.

"Guys what the hell?" He asks and looks at us both.

Eli gives me a smile and rage fills inside me.
As I'm about to push past hunter to kill Eli two male teachers come and separate us one grabbing Eli and one grabbing me. I glare at Eli for as long as I can and decide to follow the teacher who's demanding I go to the nurse.

There's about one hundred people surrounding us and about half of them are filming. These losers really have nothing better to do with their lives than jump at the chance to watch a stupid fight.

I walk to the nurse and immediately look in the mirror. I have a hint of a black eye and all I see is blood around my nose. If I have a fucking broken nose and broken knuckles I'm going to literally fucking kill Eli. Actually I'm gonna fucking kill him anyways because what the fuck? There had to be a better reason to punch me in the face then me just breaking into his house.

I look in the mirror one more time at my black eye and smile remembering the time Alison was here for the same thing. When fucking Lindsey hit her with her metal shoe or whatever it's called. Although Alison's eye was way worse then mine is. Even with a black eye she still looked adorable while being tickled to death. I've actually never seen anything as cute as that.

My gushy thoughts are interrupted by the nurse walking up to me.
"Aw you poor thing" she pouts at me and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"I'm fine really" I say and try to stand up but she quickly pushes down on my shoulders forcing me sit down again. I look at her very surprised, not angry like I usually would but just surprised.

"Sit still and let me look at your nose" she says as she examines my nose getting very close to me. I try to just sit back and not say anything.
"It just looked like it's popped out of place no big deal" she smiles slightly and turns around.  I sigh in relief. Thank god. I don't need anymore broken bones.
"Now you'll just feel a slight pinch" she says as she turns back around putting on her last glove and before I can even process what she's saying she snaps my nose back in place.

"Fuck!" I scream and immediately grab my nose.
"What the-" I stutter trying not to cuss.
"Why did you do that!?" I ask surprised and annoyed.

"It needed to be done" she says and takes off her gloves.

I'm still looking at her in shock completely dumbfounded that she just did that without my consent.

"You might experience a headache so you can rest here for as long as you'd like okay?" She says as she walks back to her office.

"Yeah, okay" I say and head back to the beds, going into the same little room Alison and I were in. As I sit on the bed and put my head in my hands I'm left staring at the floor regaining the memories that happened there.

A/N there's a Cute cute cute next chapter!! :)
OH and don't forget to check out the trailer that troublestyles made for Devotion. The link is in my bio. Xx

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