Chapter 70

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Harry and I sip on our coffees and laugh about our little stunt we just pulled.

When we get to school Harry and I say goodbye, I give the coffees to my friends, and run to first hour because we were kind of late today.

I remember that I have to tell Ms. Rose that I'm here before heading to the gym. So I peek my head in, tell her I'm here, and head to the gym. When I get to the gym Anna and Hannah are already on the floor stretching.

"Hey guys" I smile and walk in

"Hey Alison" says Anna and Hannah just smiles

"So where are we supposed to change at?" I ask and look around the room

"I don't know I guess Ms.Rose didn't think that through. I went in there to ask her that but she just shewed me away and told me to go practice"

I giggle "Okay where did you guys change then?"

"Behind those bleachers" says Anna "But be careful we caught the janitor peeking through the window" she says and her and Hannah laugh

"Wow okay..." I say and look around
"Thanks I'll keep that in mind" I say disgusted and honestly a little scared as I start walking over to the bleachers.

After I get dressed while aimlessly looking around I run back and once I'm close enough I slide on my knees over to Anna and Hannah. They laugh and I smile

"Okay so I have an idea" I say

"What?" asks Anna

"We should show each other our dances and maybe get each others opinions and critiques while we still have time to fix it."

Anna looks over at Hannah "Yeah that's a great idea."

"Dibs on not going first" I smile

"Ill go." says Anna, and for the next 45 minutes we show each other our dances and goof around. Then we head back to dance and change out. Kat and I exchange small talk and I head off to Algebra. I promise her that we will hang out soon, and that after this week ill be free all the time like I usually am.

I walk into Algebra and sit next to Niall.

"Hey Niall" I smile

"Hey Ali" he smiles back

"Ive been so tired lately" I groan and lay my head on the desk.

"Ya me too" says Niall and I look up at him.

"School sucks" I mumble

"I agree" he smiles.

I smile back and get out my notebook and pencil.

"So I'm gonna see you at homecoming right?" he asks

"Yep, ill be there."

"Cool" he smiles "and your black eye is almost completely gone"

"Yeah I know I'm so lucky"

"So, are you going with a date?" he asks not even looking at me.

I laugh "No, I wouldn't even want to go with a date. I'm just trying to meet people and make friends right now."

"Oh" says Niall "Well maybe we could dance together for a few songs if you want, you don't have to but." I cut him off

"Yeah sure that sounds great, id love that" I smile and he lets out a deep breath.

"Okay cool" he smiles, like really smiles. He looks very relieved and happy, its very cute, but Im too focused on a certain somebody right now.

The teacher starts talking and Niall and I pass notes the entire time. I know I should be paying attention but I really don't feel like being at school today.

We get assigned our homework and Niall and I head off to our third periods.

In history we get together and work on our projects. I'm in charge of the research so I don't really talk to Mia and Trevor other than to give them information to write on the poster. Thankfully the three of us get a lot done today so we won't have to rush to turn it in.

The bell rings and I finally get to fourth hour. When I get there Harry and Louis are already sitting down. I walk over to them with a bad feeling that this class isn't going to go well at all.

"Hi guys" I smile as I sit down.

"Hey Alison" says Louis and Harry just smiles at me.

The teacher immediately starts talking and gives us our assignment, which is to get in a group of three and draw out the major events in the last chapter we read.

Oh no I think to myself. This is gonna get messy I think while I look over at Harry then Louis

When the teacher says break Harry and Louis say "Were in a group" at the same exact time. I look at Harry then at Louis and they are both just glaring at each other.

"Okay so me, you" I say and point to Harry "and Louis" I stand up "Okay perfect that makes three" I say even though none of them said anything or even agreed to be in a group with one another. I walk over grab a poster and bring it back. After the three of us push our desks together I lay out the poster and take a deep breath.

"Okay so we all actually read the chapter right" I ask

"Yep" says Louis and Harry nods his head.

"Okay one of you help me draw while the other one reads from the book so that we know what events to draw out."

"Ill help draw" says Harry and I look over at him smile

"Okay, Louis are you okay with reading from the book?" I ask

"Yeah totally" he smiles and sits down

"Okay then lets get started" I say and harry smirks at me.

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