Chapter 86

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I manage to stay awake while Harry is getting his ex-Ray done. He comes back with his hand wrapped and I smile slightly at his arrival.

"So are the broken?" I ask the nurse

"Yes, they should heal in about three to four weeks. I put a finger splint on his middle finger but the rest will just be wrapped up."

"Ok, thank you" I thank the nurse because I know Harry hasn't and probably won't.

"No problem Hun" says the nurse with a bright smile.
"I'll go get the paperwork then you guys can head out"

I smile as she leaves. I want to say something to Harry but there's really nothing to say so I just smile. Harry looks at the ground and after a few moments breaks the silence.

"So, am I dropping you off at Lizzie's?" He asks still not looking at me.

"Emm" I think for a minute
"It's probably best. I really don't want to wake her but all my stuff is there"

Harry nods

Thankfully the nurse comes back and goes over some stuff with Harry then we're finally able to leave. I thank the nurse one more time and Harry and I quietly walk out of the hospital. The silence is weird, but I don't think it's necessarily awkward between us I just think that we're both very tired, him especially. He might say he's not but he is. I know he had a long night.

We get in the car and sit there for a second and I think about us making out in here after the mall trip.

"So, we're gonna hang out and stuff, and like talk at school right? Like we can be seen together right?" I ask kind of scared for his answer.

He looks over at me
"Yeah of course"

I smile slightly thankful that he didn't over react.
"Yeah, that's what I thought but I was just making sure..." I pause
"Because of like Eli" I say and look over at him.

"What about him?" He asks

"What if he asks how we just started talking all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, we'll just say its because we have two classes together"

I smile and nod because I don't want to start a fight but I can't help but to think that nothing has changed. We're still living in lies.

"Is that okay?" He asks and looks at me

"Yeah sure" I lie
"I mean I guess it would be easier then telling him everything that happened"

"Yeah exactly. We could just say that we've been talking and really seem to like each other but we didn't want to tell you until we knew for sure what was going on"

"Do we know what's going on?" I ask him and raise my eyebrow

"Well kind of, we know that we like each other and we know that we want to spend time together"  he replies

"And we'll figure out the rest later" I say immediately after he finishes talking and smile slightly

"Yeah, exactly" he smiles
"Now let's get you back to Lizzie's so you can try to rest for..." He pauses and looks at the clock not have knowing what time it was
"A few minutes" he says and smiles once he sees the time which is 5:30

I also look at the time and giggle.
"I usually get up at this time, I'm technically running late" I look over at Harry and smirk lightly.

Harry smiles and shakes his head.
"Well let's get him you back then" he says and starts driving away.
I look out the window for the short drive to Lizzie's house. She should be awake but if not I don't mind waiting a little bit for her to wake up.

Once we get there I text Lizzie
(Ali to Lizzie) Text- Hey, it's Ali... Is it cool if I come up and get ready at your house. I'm sorry to bother you but all my stuff is here 😬

Once I send the text I turn and look over at Harry.
"Okay I sent her the text. She should respond in a few minutes. I'm pretty sure she's the kind of person to get up early" I say and look back down at my phone

"Well I'll wait with you until she texts back"

I shake my head
"You don't have to. I'll be fine" I oppose

"Alison, it's fine" he replies kind of quick

I nod my head and a text from Lizzie suddenly appears on my phone which is great because I really need to start getting ready and there's not much more to say to Harry for the rest of the night or well morning.

(Lizzie to Ali) Text- Sure babe! I'll be right down to let you in ❤️

I read the text and tell Harry.
"Okay, she's coming down" I smile slightly and Harry just nods his head.
"Will I see you at school today?" I ask and Harry shrugs

"Probably" he responds and just looks at me, not weirdly but just tired.

"Okay" I say softly and form a small smile
"I'll see you soon then" I say as I see Lizzie standing at the front door. I unbuckle and open the door to get out but Harry stops me.

"Ali, wait." He says as he places his hand on my shoulder
"Incase I don't see you tomorrow" he says and slowly leans over kissing me softly.

I kiss him back until we both slowly pull away. Harry's looking at me in lust and I'm smiling.

"Bye" I say softly still smiling and get out of the car. I give Harry one last wave and close the door. I then walk up to Lizzie grinning in the doorway. I'm genuinely smiling in happiness as I shake my head at her. I turn to look back at Harry and smile softly giving him the okay to drive away. Harry waves and then drives off. Once he's gone I look up at Lizzie still smiling as is she. I open my mouth but she interrupts me.

"Say thank you and I'll kill you" she says while grinning.

I laugh and look down because I was about to thank her for letting me back in and apologize for the incident this morning, or shall I say the middle of the night.

"Can I apologize then?" I ask and look up at her still goofily smiling

"No." She says seriously but then laughs.
"You can tell me what happened though" she says and wraps her arm around my neck walking us both inside. She closes the door with her foot and we start to walk up the stairs.

"I will I promise, but what about your parents? I can't help but to feel terrible." I say and hide my face in my hands
"I'm so embarrassed I never want to show my face in front of them again"

Lizzie laughs at me.
"I explained the whole thing to them. I didn't tell them you've been staying with him and I didn't tell them what happened between you two. I basically said he fucked up really bad and needed to drastically apologize to you. They acknowledged that it wasn't your fault but you can still apologize to them if you want, they leave around the same time we're going to" she explains and I nod my head.

"I've never heard you cuss before" I joke and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh sush" she jokes and shoves me
"Get dressed and meet me in the bathroom. We can do each other's hair and makeup" she smirks/smiles and walks into her room.

"Alright" I smile and laugh lightly trying my hardest not to say thank you and I walk into the guest room.

I wonder what I should wear today? I think to myself. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of nervous for today. Harry and I technically went through everything and covered our whole relationship but it's still a mystery to me and I know for sure it is to him. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing and I'm starting to think I don't either... But I'm willing to give it a try if he is, and I think we are...

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