Chapter 80

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All I want to do right now is call Emily, but that's not what's important, what's important is that I figure out where I'm going to go.

I know what I have to do, I have to call Lizzie. I wanted to find the time to apologize to her tonight, but things got messy with Harry and I. I really hope she doesn't think I'm just apologizing to her because I need somewhere to stay, I really am sorry. I take my phone out and take a deep breath as I push the call button.

The phone rings for what feels like forever before she finally picks up

"Alison?" she asks in confusion, obviously woken up by my call

"Um, yeah hi, its me" I answer with the previously have been crying tone in my voice

"What's wrong?" she asks, seeming a little more woken up "are you okay?" she quickly adds

I sniffle

"Yeah, I'm fine" I pause thinking about what to say. "It's just Harry kicked me out and I- I have no where to go." I cry as the memories flood back

"Where are you?" She asks now wide awake

"I'm, I'm" I stutter as I look around
"I'm a few blocks down from his house"

"Okay stay there, I'm coming to get you" she says assuringly and straight forward

"Lizzie wait!" I spit out hoping she wasn't about to hang up

"What?, what is it, Alison?" she asks a bit frantic

"I'm so sorry" I apologize

"Alison, it's okay. Just please don't move"

"No, Lizzie. Like I really am truly sorry. I didn't mean to use you. I really just wanted to be your friend."

"It's okay, Ali. It really is" she assures me
"I'm leaving right now. I'll be there in five minutes okay?"

"Okay" I repeat weak and torn down

"I'll be right there, stay put" she orders before hanging up the phone

I put my phone down and immediately start crying again. I hug my knees and put my head down as I sit there and cry knowing that I lost Harry forever.

Exactly five minutes go by and Lizzies car pulls up to the curb next to me. I look up at the headlights and reach my hand out trying to block some of the light.

Lizzie immediately jumps out of the car and rushes over to me.

"Ali, Hey. Are you okay?" she asks as she squats down in front of me

"We had a fight" Is all I manage to mumble out

Lizzie pushes a piece of hair behind my ears that was stuck to the dry tears on my face.

"I know" She says sadly and I just look up at her

"Come on let's get you in the car" she says as she helps me stand up and walks me over to the car.

The fight with Harry now isn't the only thing on my mind. My thoughts are going crazy with a million things rushing around. What am I going to do about Harry, to make sure he gets help? Should I tell his Nana, tell a doctor, set it up myself?.. Wait, I think to myself. My mind immediately shoots back the idea of me setting it up myself. I am no longer going to get involved with Harry without professional help

{A/N: Hey guys so its been forever and I'm so sorry. This chapter Isn't very exciting so I'm going to try to post another one tonight and just keep on working on it. I really do apologize that this is so short its just that I cant extend this one anymore so that's why there will be another chapter coming up soon. I'm dedicating my time to work on this story so expect a bunch of updates!.. Thanks again guys}

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