Chapter 82

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Harry's POV

My eyes jolt open as I wake up in a sudden flash on the kitchen floor. I grab the back of my head and sit up quickly.

"Alison!" I shout as I look around.

I blink a few times having no fucking clue what's going on and I notice that my house is completely destroyed. Everything that could be broken is shattered across the floor. There's glass all over the place including where I was just laying. I see blood on the floor and feel my head finding a huge cut across my forehead. I look down and notice how fucked up my knuckles are. There is blood dripping down my arm from the glass and my hand is purple. The bad thing is not that I'm hurt, it's that I don't remember doing any of it. I can remember what happened with Alison, but after she walked out the door my memory goes completely blank. Everything's blacked out from that point. I must of passed out while having a manic episode. I usually start to remember what happened after a few minutes but my minds still completely blank.

I pull myself up by the kitchen counter and look over at the clock. Shit it's 3:30 in the morning.

Oh my god.. Alison. She left, she's gone. Where did she fucking go? Would she go home? That's the only place I can think of. So much has happened that I need to process but I cant think about any of it, all I can think about is if she's okay. What if something happened to her because of me? I would never forgive myself.

I scramble around the house until I find my keys and jump in the car. It's probably not safe for me to be driving at all, but I need to know that she's okay. I immediately start to drive to her house. Luckily I know how to get in there without using the front door. Long before Alison came into the picture we used to climb up the side of the house and sneak through Eli's window, which he always leaves unlocked like a fucking idiot.

Once I get to her house I hop over the gate and start climbing up the side of the house. Eli's curtain is open but it's pitch black in his room. I slide open the window and climb in. The window makes a loud screeching sound as I push it open and Eli immediately jumps out of bed as I'm climbing through.

Eli immediately recognizes me

"Harry! What the fuck?" he asks morbidly shocked

I decide not to respond and continue walking while Eli follows closely behind. I walk down the hall and burst through the door to which I thought was Alison's room but apparently was not. It turns out to be her little sister whose name I forgot. The girls sits up and screams while pulling her covers up to her chest. I giver her an annoyed look for screaming and roll my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" Eli shouts behind me

"Is Alison here?" I ask as I look around as I remember where her room actually is. I don't know how I could of forgotten that.

"I don't know! She's supposed to be at Lizzies" Eli says while following behind me as I rush into Alison's room and burst through the door.

When I turn on the lights I see an empty bed. If she's not here she must be at Lizzies. What if she wondered off and got hurt?

I turn around and see Eli and Alison's sister standing in the doorway. This girl is looking at me in terror, scared out of her mind. By the way she's looking at me I suddenly remember that I have blood all over my arms and a huge cute on my face. Eli is just glaring at me clearly confused.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Eli shouts as he walks towards me and grabs my shirt

"And why is there blood all over you?" He asks and looks down at my arms

I immediately push him back a few feet not being in the right state of mind to be dealing with this.

"Eli back off!" I spit out at him

"I cant deal with your shit right now"

"My shit?" he asks surprised

"You're the one who came barging into my house.. Through my window, and then starts desperately searching for my sister, which by the way is really fucking weird. So don't tell me you cant deal with my shit!" he shouts with anger

Right as I'm about to say something Phill and Alison's mom walks up.

"great" I mumble to myself

"Harry?" Asks Phill very confused as he looks me up and down

"What are you doing here?" he asks and crosses his arms

"And what the hell happened to you?"

If I look anything like I'm feeling then I look like a complete psychopath. I ignore his question and look down at my feet.

Eli is still looking at me in complete confusion as are Alison's mom and sister. I look around and realize how fucking stupid this is. I don't have time for this, I have to find Ali.

"I- I" I stutter

"I need to go" I say and push through Eli and Phill trying to get to Alison as fast as I can.

"Harry get back here!" Phill demands'

The fact that he thinks I'm going to listen to him is priceless. I walk down the stairs and slam the front door as I leave.

.. Next stop, Lizzies house

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