Chapter 16

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Harrys POV

and all that was the fucking reason i dont drink that much, but not today because as soon as i get my hands on that vodka bottle im chugging it down like a psycho. I havent had vodka in the longest time. I wobble over and drop myself on the couch... I whip a pillow under my head and start drinking again..

Who would have thought a fucking chick would be the one to do this to me? I shouldn't give a fuck about her but here i am drinking myself away.

Two hours later I nearly pass out as i stumble and wobble over to the liquor cabinet opening it for the second time today, because i had finished the entire vodka bottle, well it was actually half full so i guess that makes it a little better.

"what do i want?" i say to myself stupidly as i touch every bottle in the cabinet... i decide on going with bourbon. After getting back on the couch and taking a few more drinks... the only thing im able to see is black... and only black

Alison's POV

Was what i did wrong? no, no it wasn't he did it to me first. I'm walking across the courtyard trying to get to Eli as fast as i can so i can just go home but people keep staring at me and looking back and forwards from me and their phone screens. Ugh A video of Harry and i must have gotten out.

"What!" I yell
"Yah, yes people that was me"

i hear a few girls whisper "bitch" back to their friends

i just roll my eyes and keep walking

damnit i wish everyone knew that he was the one who started it. I hope they didn't see me fall on my ass today... that would be bad because A: i dont want to look like an idiot and B:i don't think Harry intended for me to fall on the ground and i dont think his reputation to get worse should it be able get any worse then it already is. Even though hes a complete jerk and did a horrible thing to me doesnt mean he should be labeled as a guy who shoves girls down. Maybe he will care maybe he wont? You never know with him. Or maybe he shoved me on purpose.

"Hey Eli" i say as i walk up to him and his friends


"very" i nod

he nods to his friends saying goodbye then starts walking away as i follow.

When i get in the car im quiet.. he asks me how my day went and i lie and say good just so he will say... thats good and i will not have to explain whats wrong because i just want to forget about it.

As i get home i go straight upstairs and into my bed doing nothing else. Lizzie calls me but i decline it. I really do not feel like talking on the phone right now. Plus she was probably calling me over that stupid video. I decide that i would like to take a small nap and end up falling asleep in minues.

{Hours later}

Shit! i yell its 6:00 at night.... why did no one wake me up. i have homework to do.

"Kendall!" i yell as i burst open through her door.

"What!" she yells back and takes out her headphones.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" i dont know why im yelling at her.. i guess because her room was the closest to barge in on.

"I don't know!... i didn't even know you were asleep. I thought you were doing homework or something, and so did everyone else."

"Ugh" i groan and walk out of her room slamming the door

"Mother!" i yell as im walking down the stairs.

"Yes sweetie pie?" she says as she is knitting a sweater not even making eye contact with me.

"Mom i was asleep all day and i probably cant finsh all my homework now and i would appreciate it if someone would care enough to check on me and make sure im not dead"

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