Chapter 38

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When Harrys breathing gets back to normal I lift my head up to check on him and he's fast asleep his arms still wrapped tightly around me. He has drank to much to be able to wake up so I'm going to try to get him to one of the couches over there. I slowly unwrap his arms from around my back and I get off him slowly and just stand there for about five minutes and observe him thinking about how i'm going to get him on the couch.

Ok I'll just drag him by his arms.. No thats a horrible idea.. but actually I don't really have a choice. Ok i'm gonna do it. I pick up both his arms and start to pull.. Oh my god he's heavy but i keep pulling. I accidentally drop one of his arms on the floor and it smacks down hard but he doesn't wake up nor even flinch so I just go for it and pull him the rest of the way quickly until we reach the couch. I take a moment to rest and then grab his limp back and shoulders and lift him up until his upper half is resting against the couch, then I grab around his waist with one hand and the other on his back and push upward with all my strength till he is completely on the couch... except his legs of course.. his legs are dangling off the couch. Ok ok thats good i got the hardest part over with. Lastly i take his shoes off and lift his legs onto the couch. Then sit on the floor for a moment. I take off my own shoes and bring both our shoes to the closet. I noticed thats were he puts his shoes when I threw my bag in there.

I walk back and sit on the table next to the couch Harry's on. I would say he looks peaceful but he doesn't. His eyes are still bloodshot and his face is puffy and red from crying and not to mention the frown on his face. I smile at him and brush back his hair so its out of his face. Then i kiss his for head.. I immediately pull back up and cover my lips. I have no idea why I just did that. Well its not like he's going to know anyways.. but I will. I cant leave him alone tonight and its already late. Im going to have to stay here with him.

I walk over the the closet and get my phone out of my bag.. I have a few missed calls from my mom and one from Emily. I love Emily but now is just not the time to hear about her and Elis date. I call my mom and convince her I'm staying at Kat's house. I tell her she has an extra of everything I need so I'll be fine. I never told her about Niall anyways because she would ask me to many questions. Anyways I plug in my phone in Harrys kitchen and stumble over to one of the couches and plop down on it. I watch Harry for about 10 minutes but then end up passing out on his couch.

Harry's POV

I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night I check my phone and its about 3 am. I'm laying on the couch and I don't remember how I got here. All I really remember is Alison fucking beating the shit out of me, I remember pills going everywhere and lastly I remember Alison laying on top of me and we were both holding each other on the floor. Speaking of Alison I don't remember what happened to her yesterday. I do remember us fighting. If I hurt her yesterday I'm never going to be able to forgive myself. I take my phone and use the flashlight to look over the couch to make sure she's not dead on the floor or anything. Just when i'm about to crash again something catches my eye. Since i was having problems with turning of my flashlight it was lighting around in every direction and thats when I noticed Alison asleep on my couch.

She's sprawled out in every direction. She looks like she had the hardest night and she probably did because of me. I have to make sure she's okay, but i really don't want to wake her up. But i don't have a choice. I can barley stand up off the couch and I stumble over to the couch she's sleeping on and sit at the end. I can't help but to look at her for a few moments she looks so beautiful. She looks nothing like Lindsey looked when she sleeps. Lindsey looked like a prostitute but Alison looks like a fucking angel. God what's wrong with me.

I shake Alison till she wakes up.

"Wh-hats wrong" she says quickly as she snaps up.

"Shh nothing is wrong I just wanted" I say as she cuts me off

"Oh my gosh are you ok?" she asks quickly and concerned while looking into my eyes

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" i ask softly

"Yah.. yah I'm fine" she mumbles as she rubs her eyes. "But are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. I just feel a little shitty."

"Well yah" she groans "Go back to bed we'll talk about this in the morning" she says as she rolls over. I stand up but fall down on the couch. Alison sprints up.

"Here ill help you" she says and walks me two feet over to the next couch.

"You didn't have to do that" I try to say nicely but comes out as a snap.

"Well you can barley walk." she snaps as she walks back to the couch like a zombie. I just smile at her defense. She rolls over and puts a blanket back over herself and mumbles "Hopefully you'll feel better in the morning."

"Hopefully" I groan. Then in seconds we are both fast asleep again.

(Morning Time)

I wake up to the fucking loud ass noise of the blender. I know its very early because the sun isn't even fully up.

"Harry?" I hear Alison ask from the kitchen.

I decide not to answer for about 15 seconds but then decide against it. "Yeah" I mumble... I must have made some noise when I woke up. Ugh i have a insane headache. I am starting to remember the events of last night.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

"Yeah" I sit up and rub my eyes. "what the fuck is that smell?" I snap with a disgusted look on my face.

I can hardly see anything but I can smell that horrid smell

"Umm..." she pauses "Its an old family recipe." she smiles deviously

"And why would you ever decide to make that?.. Actually why would you ever drink that at all?"

"Oh I wouldn't" she says as she smiles at me emphasizing the word I. "This here is for you" she says as she lifts up the blender.

"No.. .." i shake my head "No No No, absolutely not... why the hell would you ever think i would drink that glass of shit."

"Its for your hangover... so you have to drink it."

"I will never drink that" I oppose as I look at her pouring the hideous juice in a cup.

"Oh your gonna even if I have to tub feed it to you." she says with a hint of sass

I raise my eyebrow and lay back on the couch covering my eyes with my hands. Within a few seconds Alison is kneeling next to me on the couch with that dread full drink of hers.

I peak through my hands and she is still on the floor smiling at me. Within seconds I pull a pillow over my head as far away from that as i can.

"Harry come on, It's not the bad."

"Yeah...? " i groan "you've  probably never even had it."

"No I haven't because I've never been drunk before."

I attempt to laugh "Yeah thats what I thought."

Alison rolls her eyes at me. "Just drink the juice." she pauses "and didn't you say you had somewhere to be today?" she asks and raises her eyebrow.

Holy Fucking Shit.... My nana!!.

"Fuck" I snap

"What" She questions

"I have to go see... well" i stutter like a fucking idiot

"Your nanna?" she asks softly as she looks to the ground.. She looks so shy its so fucking adorable.

"How did you?" i question as she cuts me off.

"It doesn't matter just drink this if you don't want to be completely hungover for the rest of the day."

I open my eyes wide as I look at the drink.

"It really works." says Alison as she hands me the glass

I take the glass, plug my noes and start to drink

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