Chapter 7

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I walk into creative writing late because i couldn't find the classroom and i am stunned by the teacher. He is outrageously good looking... like i didn't even know someone could be that good looking. He has black hair with bright blueish/grayish eyes. He looks pretty young to be a teacher. I'd say he's in is 20's

" You must be miss. Gilbert"

"umm uhh yahh im Alison" i stutter like and idiot.

" Hello im Mr. Grey"

Yeah trust me i know... i stare at him and think to myself, but give him a smile in return.

"Everyone has chosen partners already so you will be working with Harry" he points to the left side of the room and there he was sitting there playing with his pencil all alone.

The desks are all paired as two.

I look at him and my eyes widen.. i didn't even notice he was in this class. It was probably because of Mr. Grey's intense looks.

Mr. Grey says these are going to be our partners all year...

perfect. I think to myself.

I sit down directly next to harry in the corner of the room and begin to set my stuff out on my desk.

I hear a small laugh next to me and i slowly look over to see harry smiling and laughing with his head resting on his hand, as soon as i look at him he clears his throat and attempts to put on a serious face but smiles as i continue to glare at him... i shake my head and return back to looking at the teacher.

Was Harry being playfull?... no again he was probably just taunting me for being organized. I am back to starring at Mr. Grey... When Mr. Grey breaks us off he says to discuss our summers with are partner and write a story about your partners summer as your partner... why does he have to make our first project complex i dont want to be harry. i stay silent until Harry says.

"Are we gonna do this or..?."

I burst out in laughter and the whole class looks at me.

Harry looks around the class embarrassed "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asks with a very harsh tone.

" Nothing nothing" i still laugh.... " i just had no clue that whatever you where going to say was going to be with a British accent"
i put my head down on the desk and continue to laugh

"Would you get up!" he shouts and looks around the room again

i clear my throat.. "sorry" i laugh again and he shoots me a death glare "ok sorry im done now"

"Thank You!" He snaps

"Hey no need to be an ass hole ok?"

"i am not being an asshole you where the one who was laughing at my voice"

" i was not.... it just took me by suprise, all day i have been hearing how your some big bad troublemaker but no one said you were british, and i like your voice."

"you asked people about me?" he smiles

" No i did not" i reply quickly...... "Ive just heard some stuff"


"Okay what?"

"Nothing i said Okay, do you not understand what that means?"

"Lets just do this okay"

"Okay!" he smiles slightly as he over uses the word Okay

"who wants to go first?" I ask

" I could care less" answers Harry as he slumps down in his desk.

" Ok ill go first, you might want to take notes on what im saying"

He raises his eyebrows, widens his eyes and shakes his at my comment as he rips a piece of paper out of his binder and scribbles my name on it.

How does he know my name?

"Well are you gonna say something or are you just going to sit here and stare at me"

i open my mouth to say something snotty back but i decide not to. I tell Harry how i worked in the summer, and hung out with my friend Emily. It was actually a pretty miserable summer now that i think about it. I manage to tell Harry everything he needs to know to write his essay on my summer with only a few rude comments from him... which i ignored.

"Your turn" i smile

he drops his pencil and starts to tell me about going to parties, and what he did at the parties which are not going to end up in my essay if i can help it... i ask him if he has done anything productive or memorable with his summer... He says he went to visit his parents it England, and a few activities he did....I ask him to go back and tell me a little bit about him in England. He looks at me very strange and says "Okay", like he wasn't expecting me to care about his life at all. He looks shocked that i even asked so i interrupt

" If thats okay with you"

"It's fine" he snaps

" so if your parents live in England who do you live with here"

" I live by myself "


"Whats with the 20 questions?" he snarles and raises his arms

I Jump afraid of his arms and say "Well i was just umm i don't know"

He noticed i got frighten and had a sincere/ mysterious look on his face.

" Fine, My nanna is sick and shes going to die soon so we moved down here and she basically raised me so i asked if i could move down here with her and here I am... Happy now?"

" Im sorry" is all i can manage to say

" Its nothing who cares"

The bell rings and he shoves his chair into the desk making me jump yet again and storms out of class.

I never got to thank him from saving me today from falling into a pile of mud.

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