Chapter 63

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When Harry pulls up I hop into the car and he drives away.

Harry and I exchange quick smiles.

"I think we're in the clear" I say

Harry nods and smiles.

The car is filled with awkward silence for a few minutes until I decide to change the subject before it can lead to more talking about feelings. Which we already had enough of that last night.

"Hey look what my step dad gave me today" I say and hold out the five one hundred dollar bills.

"Woah" says Harry and his eyes widen.
"Why did he give you 500 bucks?" He asks

"It's for the homecoming, every girl needs a perfect dress" I say half serious and half mocking myself.

"Oh yeah of course" replies Harry not taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah although I don't think I'll have time to go shopping this week" I say and rest my head against the car seat.

"I could take you if you wanted" offers Harry

"Really?" I ask surprised and raise my eyebrow.
"You'd take me dress shopping?"

"Yeah why not" he shrugs

"Do you have soccer practice tomorrow?" I ask

"Yeah why?"

"Well then we'd have to go today because Thursday I have to spend the day practicing for the assembly on Friday"

"Oh yah I forgot about that" says Harry and smiles knowing how nervous I am about that.

"Yeah I'm not looking forward to it." I say honestly

Harry looks at me
"Well let's go today then"

"Today? It's really last minute and I'm kinda tired and.."
Harry interrupts me

"Alison come on you have 500 bucks in your hand to buy a piece of fabric that doesn't just come along everyday"

"Ugh" I groan knowing he's right
"I guess I should go" I wine and look at Harry and he nods at the road smiling lightly

"Yah the man gave you 500 dollars, use it" says Harry.

"Ugh ok fine, lets go" I say with a change of attitude.

"Alright to the mall we go" says Harry and I lean against the window and smile.

"Yeah I guess this could be fun actually, you could help me pick out a dress" I say excited and sit up straight.

"I would be horrible at that" laughs Harry

"Have you ever helped pick out a dress for a girl?" I ask

"Does it look like it?" He asks

"Well that's about to change. Don't know unless you try right?" I smile and Harry smirks at the road
"And let's just say you are terrible and have no fashion sense, I'll pick out the dresses and you tell me which one looks best."

"I guess I could do that, as long as I get to sit down"

I roll my eyes playfully
"It could be a total shopping montage" I say cheerful and excited, but clearly just joking around. I would hate a shopping montage.

Harry looks at me in disgust and that's the exact reaction I was going for.

"Kidding" i say and put him out of his brief misery

"Thank god" he takes a breath in relief
"I knew that didn't sound like you anyways your not the type of girl who's world revolves around shopping I can tell"

"Yeah definitely not" I emphasize
"I hate shopping" I laugh as does Harry
The car gets silent for a minute
"What if someone see's us?" I ask changing the subject.

"Then they see us" answers Harry and gives me the your stupid look.

"Your not embarrassed to be seen with me?"

Harry looks at me in shock
"Why would I be embarrassed to be seen with you?" He asks seriously

"I don't know" I look down
"I was just making sure"

"First of all I don't give a flying fuck what other people think and second of all if anything I'm proud to be seen out with you, you're gorgeous, sweet, amazing and I love the look on people's faces when they see a girl like you with a guy like me, and lastly you need a dress so we're gonna go fucking get one" he says

I blush
"Thanks Harry" I say and look out the window
"So are you going to the dance?" I ask him

"I don't know. I don't really do the whole school dance thing. I'm not one of those people against them but I don't know there's just other things I'd rather do."

"Me too really. I don't usually go to school dances but since I'm new here and my friends invited me I thought I should just go, maybe meet some people or something" I laugh lightly.
"Plus my mom wants me to go. She'd be heartbroken if I didn't go"

"There it is" says Harry

"What?" I ask confused.

"The real reason your going to the dance. Everyone has just one reason why they go to these things and there all different excuses"

"Yeah maybe it is an excuse" I shrug my shoulders
"But I do have to admit I kind of like dressing up and getting that whole high school experience thing"

"So your going with your friends then?" Asks Harry.

"Yep, oh and I promised Louis I'd dance with him"

"Seriously?" Snaps Harry

"He's nice and it doesn't hurt to dance with him. Plus he's my friend so why not"

"First of all he's not your friend, second of all he's a huge player, and third of all he just wants one thing and I think you know exactly what I mean by that" says Harry quickly and snappy.

"I don't see the point as to why your telling me this or why you even care so much? It's just a dance Harry"

Harry clenches his hands around the wheel then takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry lets just talk about something else okay?" He asks in a completely different mood and tone.

"Um yah ok" I say still adjusting to his instant mood change.

Harry and I barley say anything until we get to the mall, but I turn on the radio so it's not exactly pure silence.

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