Chapter 50

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When the nurse comes in to check on me I tell her that I am very embarresd and don't want to go to class today because I'm afraid people will laugh at me.

"Do you have social anxiety sweet hart?" she asks softly

"Umm No, I don't know." I answer

"Okay since you don't have it confirmed by a doctor you cant stay in here all day nor go home, you'll have to go back 4th hour."

"Okay what period are we in now?" i ask

"3rd... you have about 20 minutes to get yourself together."

"Okay" I say softly and nod my head

I walk back into my little room with the curtain and sit there full of thoughts. Harry's so confusing so so confusing. I repeat silently as I relive what just happened between us.

Sadly my 20 minutes end quickly. I get my stuff and tell the nurse that

"I'm leaving soon, I just need to use the bathroom"
The nurse nods and replies "Ok sweetie I'll write you a pass to class in case your a few minutes late"
I walk into the bathroom and cover my mouth immediately... My eye looks so bad. It's swollen and black, blue, and purple.

I shake my head to my reflection as I remember Lindsey's shoe flying at me full speed. I roll my eyes at the thought, grab my stuff and start walking back to class.

The bell rings when I'm not quite at my class yet.

I walk into AP English and everyone is staring at me.

I walk up to mrs. Blayne and hand her my pass and sit in my assigned seat. I can feel Harry's eyes follow me along with everyone else's in the class.

After a long lecture on Rhetorical Devices which I didn't listen too at all mrs Blayne says we have the rest of the class period to our selfs. Immediately when she ends her lecture a ton of people are asking me what happened. I answer repeatedly that it was a dance accident. Louis then comes and sits down next to me.
"Hey " he sighs with sympathy looking at my black eye.

"Dance" I laugh and answer to his soon to be asked question

"Oh" he nods.
"So are you going to homecoming"
He asks as he sits back in his chair.

"Um I'm not sure, this week is pretty busy for me, and I don't even have a dress"

Louis laughs "well your eye should die down by Friday if you decide to go, and if it counts at all I defiantly think you should go." He says as he smiles and moves back to his seat.

I smile and look up to see him walking back to his desk. After he sits down I look towards the back of the room and see Harry with of course the Harry stalkers sitting on his lap, and on his desk. Harry's not even talking to them. He is just glaring at Louis who is sitting almost directly in front of him. When he is done glaring at Louis he turns to look at me but right when our eyes meet he turns his head and puts his arms around the Harry stalkers.

He is the definition of a player.. We had a moment in the nurses office I know we did. Maybe he's just embarrassed of me. I'm gonna stick with the plan though and not label this as anything and just forget about what we are until this week is over. Harry seems fine but for all I know he could be planing to commit suicide again.

I roll my eyes and sink down into my desk. Pulling out my phone. I have a few messages one is from Kendall
It says hey Ali, text me later so we can talk things out.
The next text is from Lizzie and it says hey girly you have a lot of explaining to do over lunch. :)
And the last one is from my mom which says sweetie I hope your project is going well, it's very strange they assigned it to you so early, anyways call me.

Oh my gosh. I'm dead! I can't believe I even had this horrible idea to stay with Harry, I know he's not okay and that he doesn't want anyone to know what happened so I made a sudden decision, which everyone seems to be bothering me about. If they find out I'm beyond dead so so beyond dead. Maybe I should just calm down. Should I tell Kendall? I know we got into a fight but she wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anyone else I know that for sure.

The bell rings and interrupts my thoughts... Lizzie, and Mia come running into my class before I have a chance to get out.

Lizzie runs up and hugs me while Mia walks in and says
"We heard you got hurt" as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

Wow word spreads fast in this school. People were talking about me? I think to my self. People know me? I think

I see Harry look at me and my friends and he rolls his eyes as he walks out of the class. I squint my eyebrows and put my attention back to my friends.

"Oh my gosh! Your eye" says Lizzie as she pulls away from the hug.

"Come on let's gets some lunch" says Mia as she guides Lizzie and I out of the room.

When we walk out of the room Trevor is standing and waiting for us and right when he sees me he gasps.

"Don't say a word" snaps Mia playfully to him. Trevor mouths to Mia "oh my god" as they walk in front front of Lizzie and I.

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