Chapter 33

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As i walk into algebra class Niall gives me a small wave and a big smile... but i have a pout on my face.

"Whats Wrong?" says Niall looking really concerned

"Im so sorry!" I blurt out.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks

"Because i didn't do extra of the packet like i said i would."

Niall just starts cracking up laughing.

"Whats funny?" i ask with a smile

"Alison... don't worry about it. I didn't do extra eaither... it's totally fine." he says as he laughs again

"Oh..." i say seriously but end up laughing with him.

"So how was dance with my sister?" he smiles

"What.."..... "Oh yah i keep forgetting Kat's your sister... and you guys look a lot alike so it shouldn't be that hard.. but yeah it was good... shes an amazing dancer."

"I bet you are too" he smiles and i blush. "We should hang out sometime" he sounds cool but i can tell he's nervous

"That would be great.. I need all the friends i can get." we both smile and continue to work on our packet as much as we can. We tend to be goofing around most of the time and we have even got in trouble by the teacher more than once.

"actually do you wanna come over on friday like after school and me you and kat can all hang out?" he asks and i think Friday is when Emily is going out with Eli so... why not?

"Sure i'd love that."

"My sister is really shy so she barley has any friends... so sometimes i just worry about her."

"She always has me. Tell her to call me or text me anytime." i give a sincere smile.

"Thank you.. your pretty amazing Alison." he blushes. "Im happy we got partnered up."

"Me too" i smile.

We spend the rest of the hour working on the packet because we are both very involved in school. This day is going by fast. I'm really not ready to face Harry. I hope he's not weird about it and i really hope he didn't tell Eli.. I actually have no clue how he would feel about that.

The bell rings and i head to third hour.

When i get into history i sit next to Mia and Trevor

"Hey guys." i say as i sit down.

"Hey Alison" says Mia.

"Whats up?" i say and smile.

"Bored as hell." says Trevor as he continues doodling on his notebook.... i laugh and open my mouth about to say something.

"Attention Class... Today we are doing a timed write." says Mr. Glay and you hear the whole class groan. "Would you like book work!" he snaps. Me and Mia look at each other with wide eyes and giggle. "Thats what i thought" he says.. "So before i got interrupted you all have the whole period to write about what you think were the biggest factors that lead to World War II. Ready set go.

We all write our essays and Mia hugs me goodbye as i walk to fourth hour. I guess its because i'm officially friends with them. But im nervous about fourth hour.

I walk into the building and i see my classroom. Eli and all his friends are in the exact same place they always are right across from my class. Eli says he hangs there because they all have classes near there. But this time its not the usual ... there is one more person.. Harry. As i walk by the group i can see them all looking at me... Michael and Eli decide to playfully make fun of me by pretending to twirl there hair... which i do not do.. I decide to be bold and playful back and i smile not looking at them and flip them off but then i look and i see harry looking at me and laughing well they were all laughing but i only really noticed Harry. i laughed back, shook my head and walked into class.

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