Chapter 8

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What am i gonna do about that boy... he's so.... he's so bipolar... and much more of a softy than I thought

i really just want to get into Eli's car and go home... i am really looking forward to calling Emily and seeing Kendall. Emily is supposed to come over this weekend. She only lives like thirty minutes away, thats not to bad?

I see Eli standing by the same front doors he walked up to this morning with his friends. I daringly walk up to him and say

"Im ready to leave"

"Yeah me too I've been waiting" he says harshly but not to harsh.... i think he can tell i had a long day... which is kinda nice of him... i guess. At least it is for him.

I look over to Harry who is standing not to far from me but he just looks down at his shoes and ignores me, while his freinds laugh. i don't know i guess i was waiting for him to say something like i don't know maybe a goodbye.

I guess Mia was right he's just a jerk after all....

i feel like he is watching Eli and I walk back to the car but I'm not gonna dare turn around.

When i get into the car i put my seatbelt on and let out a sigh of relief for making it through this day.

" How was your first day?" asks Eli awkwardly.... i think he's trying to be nice?

"Umm it was actually ok... i was expecting it to be worse"
"How was your day?"

"Boring" he replies

"So why are you being all nice all of a sudden?"

" I can be a dick to you if thats what you want?" he smirks

" No I'm ok thanks"

" its just well I'm not in a terrible mood and theres no point to be mean since im gonna be stuck with you and your sister for a long time."

"Okay" i laugh

Eli smiles and continues to drive... over the speed limit of course. This is the first time he has attempted to talk to me in a long time. I wonder whats up with that.

We pull into the garage and things start to get back to normal he slams the car door and walks inside the house kicking his boots off and throwing his keys on the floor. I pick them up and hang them properly on the key rack where they belong.

Eli goes upstairs locks the door and blasts music like usual. My mom and Phil wont be back till about 5 so i decide to make kendall and I  a snack and wait downstairs for her to come home.

When Kendall comes home she has company with her. She greets me hello and asks me some questions on school but i tell her to go on up with her friends and to take the snack plate i made. i wasn't that hungry anyways.... Kendall asks me if ill be ok and i nod and tell her i have some homework to do anyways. Which is not a lie. My mother has to sign quite a few papers so i leave them out on her desk with a note telling her to bring them up to me when she is done looking over them.

You can never be to organized in life. I go up to my room start my homework

I just pull out my homework when i get a text from Eli

Eli (Text) hey i have to run to Walmart to get some school supplies, do you want to come with to get whatever you need for your smart ass classes?

Alison (Text) Thanks that would be great! What time?

Eli (Text) uh 5ish.

Alison (Text) Ok.Thanks again

Eli (Text)Yeah don't get to used to it.

I think he's warming up to me... finally. Underneath that whole bad boy look i think there is a nice person.

{ Hey guys, so the past few chapters may have been a little boring but im just trying to show you who all the characters are and what not.... i really want Harry and Alison to get close soon but i want it to be as realistic as possible.. Comment what you think. i promise it will get better and more intresting.}

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