Chapter 64

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We pull up to the mall, get out off the car and start walking to the entrance. Harry has his hands in his pockets and isn't saying much.

"Don't worry I'll try and make this fast" I say as we are walking breaking the awkward silence.

"Don't worry about it. I'm kind of glad I get to do this with you" says Harry while looking at the ground watching his footsteps

I look at Harry and smile
"Me too"

Harry looks up surprised and I'm guessing its because of what I just said.
"Really?" He asks

"Really" I answer and smile

We finally get inside the mall
"So where to?I have no idea where they sell dresses?" Asks Harry and I giggle

"Don't you come to the mall?" I ask and look at him

"Only when I need a new black shirt" he answers and smiles.

I smile
"Of course, I forgot you don't wear anything else"

"That's not true." Objects Harry
"I wear white sometimes" he smiles and I shrug

"That's a start I guess" I say as Harry looks down and smiles.
"Come on let's go to-" I suddenly get interrupted by Harry as he grabs my wrist and turns me around pulling me close, our faces only inches apart

"You can never have too many black shirts just in case you need to loan them to cute girls staying in your guess room that just happened to forget pajamas am I right?" He asks whispering in my ear

I take a deep breath
"You're right" I whisper back and smile against his ear
"Especially if that girls gonna keep it" I say confidently and turn around starting to walk to the store.

"You wish" says Harry and smiles

"Yeah your probably right I'll just go by a few onesies and hang out with you in those instead of your black shirts"

"On second thought go ahead and keep it I wouldn't want you to have to buy new pajamas" says Harry quickly objecting to my idea

"That's what I thought" I smile
"Now come on its dress shopping time" I say as I grab his wrist and pull him to my favorite vintage store. When I let go Harry's hand moves towards mine and he slowly interlocks his fingers with mine.

I look at his hand in shock, but slowly fold my hand into Harry's. It's like our hands fit perfectly together

"Is this okay?" Asks Harry

"Uh- yeah it's perfect" I mumble like an idiot as we walk into the store

As Harry and I walk we immediately get asked if we would like help and we untangle our hands quickly and nervously. We decline the offer and I start picking out dresses

Five minutes go bye and I have picked out three dresses so far. I absolutely love this store they have the cutest clothes for an actual good price.
Harry is looking around the store confused and I laugh at him from a far.

"What about this one?" He asks and holds up what looks like a piece of fabric but is technically considered a dress

"Harry" I look at him with wide eyes
"Put that down"

"What?" He asks and looks at it

"I'm going to a school dance not a strip club in Vegas"

"Well then" he says offended but playful and puts it down.

I pick out a few more dresses and then turn down a few more of Harry's.

"Ok I'm gonna go try these on now" I say and start walking over to the dressing room

"Wait what about this one?" Asks Harry and holds up a pink dress with some lace on the sides.

I tilt my head and look at it
"It's cute but it has some see through parts" I oppose

Harry holds up the dress and squints his eyes at it.
"Yeah barely, and who cares just try it on"

I look at Harry and he shakes the dress
"Come on" he groans "I like this one"

I tilt my head back and groan
"Ugh fine" I smile and walk over and grab the dress
"I guess I could try it on" I give him a small smile

Harry smiles back
"I'll be waiting right here" says Harry and sits down on a chair across from the dressing room

"Okaaaay" I say smiling as I shut the certain.

I try on what it feels like to be a million dresses and Harry says they all look good but I haven't found one I really like. I look at the pink dress hanging in my dressing room and decide to try it on. When I put it on I immediately love it. I laugh to myself thinking that Harry maybe could have a job in fashion. I walk out of the dressing room and spin around... Harry is on his phone.

I sigh
"Harry hello" I say as I wave my hands in front of his face.

"Yeah one sec" he says and I groan turning around to look in the mirror. He looks up from his phone for a second, looks back down, and then immediately looks up again.

"Wow" he says
"You look, you look" he stutters and I smile at him through the mirror

"You like it?" I ask and he nods his head not being able to speak.
"Yeah that's definitely my favorite" he finally gets out

"Yeah I think I like it" I say and realize Harry hasn't stopped looking at me since he looked up from his phone.
"I'm gonna get it" I say and walk back into the dressing room.

As I'm getting changed I hear Harry ask "what are the odds?" All high and mighty from outside of my dressing room.

"What?" I ask and giggle from inside.

"No seriously what are the odds you end up with the dress I picked out" says Harry emphasizing the word 'I'

"Yeah yeah"

Harry clears his throat
"Your welcome"

I open the curtain and look at Harry and he's giving me the biggest cockiest smile I've ever seen.
"Thank you so very much my dearest Harry" I say sarcastically

"I'll take your sarcasm as a coverup for me saying I told you so" says Harry and stands up following me to the cashier

"You may of been right about the dress, but I'm gonna be the one who's right tomorrow after my essay eats your essay" I say as I pay for the dress

Harry shakes his head smiling
"If you think I have good tastes in dresses which you obviously do" he says and gestures to the dress I'm buying. "just wait until you see my writing"

"I'll believe it when I see it" I say as Harry and I walk out of the store.

"But I mean you could be right it may not be my best work" he pauses
"Since its about you and all" says Harry with a huge grin on his face

My jaw drops and I playfully push him
"Harry Styles" I say smiling

Harry laughs then brushes his hair back with his hands
"That was a good one you have to admit it" he says still laughing

"Yeah it was I'll give you that" I smile
"I wish I had thought of that" I confess in all honesty.

Harry and I start walking to the car giggling and laughing at each other until we finally settle down and get into the car.

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