Chapter 28

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"So what are we gonna do today" says Emily

"Sleep" i say as i roll over on the bed and put a blanket over my face.

"Ali." Emily groans

"Ugh okay well maybe we could like go shopping and then maybe."

i am interrupted by Kendall barging in the room.

"Hey!" she says as she walks right into my room.

"Uh hi Ken." i say awkwardly.. "Whatcha doing?"

"Don't be a grump Ali.. she can hang out with us." Emily says. "But yah shoppings cool.. but how are we gonna get there?" she raises her eybrow.

"Maybe Eli will take us." i raise my eyebrow back at her.

"Shut up" she smiles

After like thirty minutes of me begging Eli to take us to the mall he gives in and Emily, Kendall, and I have a amazing day at the mall where i forget about Harry and all my problems and i just get to catch up with my best friend and hang out with my sister.

Lizzie, Mia and Trevor will get me through the school year but there is no other friend that could compare to Emily.

Harrys POV

What the fuck was that Harold. I say to myself as I think about last night

I have no fucking clue what just got into me. She was just so irresistible with he perfect lips and big brown eyes.

For some god damn reason I'm just really attracted to her.

I don't think Lindsey or any of my friends saw me at the party thank god. I can tell by all her missed calls and text messages. God shes so fucking psychotic, and that reminds me that i have to dump her and i just know the whole fucking school is going to know by monday. I decide that I'm going to break up with her over text.

I am absolutely not breaking up with her because of Alison as far as i know.. Im breaking up with her because shes attached to me like a leech.

Text: Um hey Lindsey no i didn't make it to the party but I don't think this is working out between us... sorry.

Text: Your gonna die alone Harry Styles... rot in hell. She replies

Well she took that well.. the rot in hell part was kind of extreme but sometimes i wonder if i am going to die alone. No girl in the universe will ever be able to change my values on marriage and kids... i hate fucking kids. They are smelly and break everything they touch. So with my life values i don't think any girls going to want to stick around with me my entire life just to help me incase i get horny. I guess i could find a low life whore, but when i think about it I'm still alone and i know my nannas not gonna live as long as i will... i mean she already has fucking cancer so.. i'm fucked. I don't think I'm ever going to change.

Fuck I'm already getting messages from people about fucking Lindsey... Who the hell is Mary and how did these people get my fucking number.

Eli wants to hang out. I don't hate him anymore now that i know he's not fucking Alison. And again i have no fucking clue why ok.. Its almost like i wanted to protect her from someone like him someone like me.
I would be the worst thing that ever happened to her.. my view on life and girls would only hurt and confuse her.

Im going to try as hard as i can to ignore her but still be as nice as i can. I already asked Mr. Grey if i could change partners and he said "everyone is happy with their partners and I'm happy i think everyone is with who they should be so please try to work it out with Alison."

I can finally admit that i am extremely attracted to Alison I really want to sleep with her.
Hey i could even fuck her for months and be okay with that but Im not going to do that. Shes to innocent and i can tell shes looking for a serious relationship not a fuck buddy. Maybe i should take a break from "dating" people.

I don't think we can be friends... i don't have enough willpower for that.
I will break and not care about how anyone else feels but myself and end up convincing her to sleep with me,
but i know i will eventually have some regret... Maybe

Shit.. i just got a text from my nanna. I have to go see her on Friday or Saturday. I haven't visited in a while I've been busy.

{Hey guys so sorry about the language this is supposed to be in Harrys thoughts and i do not support using this much language so when he talks im going to narrow it down a little. Its gonna get better when he's not so confused.}

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