Chapter 26

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"Emilllyyy" i say angrily but smile as i walk up to her leaning against the top of the staircase closing her eyes with her back against the wall. Still in the same position as she was when Harry flew past her.

I drag her into my room and lock the door.

"I swear to god.. i had no clue that you guys were.." she pauses.

"Some people were looking for you and i wanted to make sure your okay, and he looked mad so i was just checking.."

"Emily" i shout. "Its okay." i laugh

Emily lets out a deep breath... and we are both quite for a minute

"Ok now... what the hell was that." Emily says shocked but with a smile. Shes still out of breathe for talking so much.

"Um i don't know." i say quickly. "Were were screaming at each other and"

Emily interrupts me. "Who made the first move."

I raise my eyebrow. "He did of course!." "I would never of had enough guts do just go for that."

"Okay so you were both screaming." she gets back to the subject

"Yes we were both screaming at each other, Oh and he didn't even know Eli and I were step related or whatever" Emily opens her mouth.

"So after i explained everything to him and apologized, i was just about to say maybe we could get along since were going to be partners all year and he just kissed me really hard in the middle of my sentence."

"Oh my God" shouts Emily and yeps.
"Well I'm guessing that was his apology." she raises her eyebrow.

I throw a pillow at her.

"That was no apology." i laugh.

Emily laughs with me.

"Wait" she says "Was that your first kiss?" she grins with her eyes wide open.

I don't say anything.

"Alison Gilbert it was wasn't it." she says with the biggest grin. She also starts walking around in circles with her finger in her mouth like shes thinking.
"What would have happened if i didn't walk in?" She jokes

"Okay okay... enough. We will have to talk about this later tonight." i say and she smiles.

I decide to get back to reality

"Wait did you say there were people looking for me"?

"Yeah i just heard your name from your friends and some guy was looking for you."

"Shit!... Louis" I run downstairs with Emily's arm.

as we reach the bottom of the stairs i whisper. "Say nothing to anyone." i say in her ear.

"Okay Okay" she says and walks back over to Eli and sits on his lap.

oh dear lord.

I am interrupted by my thoughts of Emily and Eli when Louis comes pops out and says BOO.

"AH" I scream

Louis stands there laughing.

I push his shoulder. "Hey, you know i get scared easy."

"Yeah thats why i did it."

i push his shoulder again.

"So have you just been hanging up stairs." he asks as he looks at the staircase because im standing right under it.

"Oh no i was only there for a few minutes." i pause. "I had to go get something and i found people in my room so i locked the door" i say as i laugh.

What am i supposed to say tell him about Harry. Im not going to tell anyone about that because it could spread so easily and i have no idea what that was even about..

"So do you want to get a drink" he asks

"Uhmm.." i pause and he is smiling at me with his hand out. "Sure" i give in.

We stand and talk for at least an hour by the drinks. We are leaning against the wall. Ive had more than enough of Eli's spiked punch. It just tasted so good i could hardly taste the alcohol. I cant help but to think of Harry. Im sure he bailed as soon as possible. I see Lindsey and her friends in the living room. Lindsey and Anna are talking to Emily... who is still sitting on Elis lap. Oh god she must be drunk.

she is leaning completely back on him to were her head is resting on his shoulders.

"Ill be right back" i say to Louis "Wait never mind come with me" i say and pull his arm. The punch obviously has made me more confident.

"Um Emily" i say as i walk up to her.

"Heyyy Ali whats up" she says as she lifts her red cup up.

i just look at her. and louis stays behind me quietly.

"Hey Ali do you know these girls.." she says very drunk "They are awesome girls."

"Yes, Emily i know them."

"Wait yourr um Alyssa right?" says Lindsey

"Its Alison" i snap and correct her.

Anna and Lindsey just laugh "Wait oh yeah we have a class with you."

"mhmm" i nod really sarcastically with the fakest smile i could give. "Um Emily come on its time to go." i say as i grab her hand.

She pulls away. "Noooo you already had your fun... i wanna stay" she pouts.

"No" i shake my head. "Were gonna go now" i say as i grab her arm and yank her to her feet.

She falls on her knee and Eli quickly stands up to help her.

"I got her" i yell/snap as I pick her up from under her arms. Eli quickly backs away.

I'm really mad... These girls are just ugh! Words can't even describe them. That was so rude. She didn't even know my name or she did and was just being a total bitch.

"Sorry Louis i have to go take care of my friend. Ill see you on Monday. Thanks for today i had fun" i say and walk Emily up the stairs with her arm wrapped around my neck.

"Byeeee" she says and waves to the group.... They all wave back and i continue to pull her up the stairs.

When i get to my room i lead her to the bed and she drops herself on it.

"Ugh.. Em" i groan

"What" she giggles.

i say nothing and someone knocks on the door.

"What" i yell and open the door.

I see Kendall standing there in her pjs with her dress folded in her hand.

"Geez whats wrong with you" she says as i pull her into my room and close the door.

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