Chapter 31

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Kendall has not said a word all weekend except for when my mom noticed her silence and made her say a few words like thanks for setting the table. I know Emily and I did the right thing... right?... anyways its monday morning and i am really nervous for whats going to happen with Harry and I, are we gonna be awkward, are we gonna be okay... i should just stop guessing because he never fails to surprise me.

I get ready and curl my hair into big waves like i usually do. I put on a silk dark rosy purple tank top on with a cute little pocket on the upper left topped of with a cream blazer with brown buttons. Then i grab a regular pair of blue jean shorts. I haven't wore jean shorts to school yet so this will be a change. I guess I'm starting to open up a little bit more. Lastly for shoes i am changing it up a little with brown combat boots with buckles on the side. They are not very long at all, its a short summery look. Plus the summers here aren't to hot.

When i walk downstairs i see Eli asleep on the couch.. he's dressed but asleep. I roll my eyes and walk to the cereal cabinet and i get the usual peanut butter captain crunch. When i finish my cereal i go up to Eli and poke him.. doesn't work, then i shake him... doesn't work, "Are you dead?" i say to myself and tilt my head... "oh well"  i joke and turn around to get a pillow and once i do i forcefully throw it at his face.

Eli wakes up in the most unattractive way he snorts, and falls of the couch. I stand there looking at him in full laughter i cant stop laughing. Eli stands up. "Thats not funny Alison." he says and then pushes me on the couch. "Oh my god you hurt me so bad." i say laughing with full sarcasm. He keeps walking. "Were are you going." i shout "Im making a snack real quick before we go."

"Ok ill be in the car" i say as i skip to the garage door and Eli rolls his eyes at me. No i'm not in the best mood but i just love annoying him. Im sitting in the car listening to Little Wonders my favorite song when Eli comes in and rips my ipod out and plugs his in.

"Rude" i say

"Hey your music sucks." he says as he stuffs something in his mouth. I was about to say something to defend my music but then i noticed what he was eating.

"What the heck is that" i say in complete disgust.

"Its a rice krispy treat with peanut butter and toothpaste." he says as my eyes widen.

"Ewww Eli Why did you put toothpaste on it" i roll my eyes. "You need therapy."

"Cause i didn't brush my teeth duhh." he says as he drives away and i snarl and look out the window.

He pulls up to his parking spot and i see all of his friends waiting by the building on the bench like usual. I see Michael, Hunter, a few other people i don't know and Harry.. Oh god here i go. Im definitely not gonna walk over to him.. Im just going to be casual and plus i see my friends not that fair away in the middle of the courtyard like always. Ok Alison.. i say to myself... all i have to do is make it to them.

Surprisingly when i get out of the car i see Eli waiting for me at the end of his car. I smile and walk up to him. The whole group notices us when Micael runs over to Eli and gives him a dude hug.. they are definitely both goons. I see Harry leaning against the wall next to the bench were they are sitting on. He's right next to Hunter, and hunter is looking our way and gives me a smile and i return one. Michael pulls my head into his arm and gives me a noogie and says "hey gurl".. i laugh, fix my hair and say "Hi michael."

Hunter says something to Harry and i don't know if its about me, Eli, or Michael but when harry looks at us three he glances down for a second and then right back up like he didn't really notice me there. He has his eyes directly on me as do I to him.. he looks me up and down before i directing his attention back to his phone.. i think listening to music.. I look forward and smile and walk very confident for once in my life. Which is strange because i don't really feel comfortable in shorts.

I see Lizzie, and Mia.. I then walk up to them

"Hey wheres Trevor?"

"He'll be right back" says Mia and smiles. "Hope you like Carmel." she smiles again. She holds out a carmel iced coffee and hands it to me.

"Thanks so much.. thats so sweet." i say and both Lizzie and Mia smile.

"Ok so Ali, were not some huge popular bitch group that you have to sacrifice yourself into but we are still a little group of friends.. So what im saying is do you want to officially be our friends and hang out with us." says Mia and laughs. Wow i can not believe Mia is actually saying this I'm shocked but also very happy.

I give a huge smile and blush. "I would love to guys." i say as we all do a huge girly group hug.

"Oh god what did i get myself into here." says Trevor and laughs.

All three of us girls smile. "Welcome to our weird little group" says Trevor.

"Thanks Trevor." i smile and playfully punch him in the arm.

"Oww." he plays back

"Ok guys whats in the water here?" i ask

"What are you talking about silly?" says Lizzie and laughs.

"Everyone is just in such a good mood." i smile and give a lil jump.

"Are you ok?" says Trevor playfully.

"Actually i dont know" i laugh.

"oh so if you want to be in the coffee thing we all go pick up coffees for one week and then we switch and etc." asks Mia.

"I would love to do that." I smile... "Just tell me my week.. so i buy four?"

"Three." says Lizzie. "Trevor thinks its to 'girly' she air quotes.

I laugh "Okay perfect... Im really glad i found you guys" i smile and blush.

"Aww i think that calls for another group hug." says Lizzie and pulls us all together even Trevor.

You would think Trevor's gay but no hes absolutely not. He has a lot of other freinds and if im correct is on a sports team. Him and Mia have just been close for forever.

The bell rings and we all wave goodbye and head to first hour.

as i'm walking away i see harry looking at me from his friends group. He's not angrily looking at me but he's not smiling.. He's just looking at me. He walks away with his friends, i raise my eyebrow and walk to dance class.

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