Chapter 14

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Today is a new day i say to myself.. i get through each class with barley a word... I cant think of anything but Harry. I have perfected the Harry Essay into the full truth. Each class period goes by slowly and in fourth hour i didnt even look at harry i talked to Louis a few times so i would not be rude... but completely ignored Harry. I also got to be quite around Lizzie and Mia because i assured them that nothing was wrong and that i just did not get enough sleep... Yeah i lied but i had to.

{Creative Writting}

I walk into creative writing with my head held high.. i sit right next to Harry with full confidence. Harry looks like he is about to say something but i interrupt him and say

"Do not talk to me you jerk, i don't want to here a word that comes out of your horrific mouth... Ok?"

harry looks shocked but i don't care .... he squints his eyes at me and looks away

"Mr. Grey.? i am ready to present my essay"

"You sure Ali?"

"Positive" i smile

i don't know why he called me Ali because only my closest friends call me that... Mr. Grey is actually kinda weird im thinking but cute so it ok

i stand up and clear my throat...

"Hello my name is Harry Styles" i say in my best british accent.

"Im the school troublemaker, and the bad boy so most of you would think my summer went the same way.... but your wrong. See i live here alone because my nana is sadly dying and i would want nothing more but to be here for her.. so in the summer i visited my mum and dad.... because truth is i miss them." i say with a pout as i rub my eyes.

I look over at Harry and he is appalled... He looks absolutely horrified and embarassed.. just how i planned

"And i also practiced some futbol well sorry you americans call it soccer... and as many of you may not know i am captain of Midways varsity soccer team.. so come see us play some time."

Harry stands up very quickly making the chair squeak on the ground and he walks up to me clenches his fists.. He looks like he wants to kill me but thats ok.

He is giving me the deadliest stare and i stand there smiling looking directly in each other's eyes.

Oh my god people are taking pictures of us... Again
Whats with these people? It's not like Harry is a celebrity.

"Alright Alison and Harry please be seated" Says Mr.Grey as he steps up next to us separating harry and I with his hands. Mr. Grey is looking at me with probably the most disappointed look anyone could ever give.

Harry blows by me making my shoulders jurk backwards and me falling to the ground.

Harry doesn't even look at me as he bursts through the classroom door. Im left laying on my back, and I prop up on my elbows with a mortified look.

Mr. Grey rushes to the door but I stop him.
"Mr. Grey please dont... i don't want to cause any more trouble then i already have... im sorry"

he nods his head and points towards my desk I'm guessing to get me to sit down and shut up.

another student volunteers to present and i sit down in my desk and rub my shoulder getting lost in my own troubled thoughts.

{ sorry short chapter}

{ Um so there is going to be quite a bite of language in the next chapter because i am just trying to show how mad harry is and how different he is from Alison when shes mad dont worry their will usually not be that much language hes just kinda pissed. And this chapter is gonna be good i think it finally shows what harry thinks at whats his life story}

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