Chapter 48

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Right when I walk into dance Ms. Rose claps in my face.

I lean back and force a smile to be nice, though that was quite startling and to be honest quite annoying.

Everyone gathers around as she announces the performers for the assembly which happen to be me, Anna, and some girl I don't know.

I giggle to myself noticing that Lindsey didn't make the cut.

After all the congratulations Ms Rose sends us to the dressing room to get changed out. She calls over the three performers and tells us that

"practicing is on your own time because there's only three of you, and it would be unfair to the rest of the class if you didn't have to do the same lessons as they did, and I will make sure to text you girls the details for the assembly as soon as i can."

We smile, nod and walk off.

When I walk into the dressing room kat congratulates me, I thank her and tell her I'm sorry and that she should have made it. As I'm talking to Kat I notice Lindsey, Anna, and a few other girls whispering and looking at me. I roll my eyes and whisper "so mature" to myself. Kat gives me a sympathetic smile and we walk out.
"Anyways" I say.
"I'm so sorry I had to run out like that I had an emergency, and..."

"I totally understand, I just hope everything's okay." replies Kat and I nod 

"They're fine. Thanks Kat." I assure her and smile softly. Are things fine? 

"Okay ladies.. Everyone put your tap shoes on.. We will be doing tap across the floor today." She smiles and the class groans as we make our way to the tap cabinet.

Nobody likes tap, but I quite enjoy it. I enjoy anything that has to do with dancing.

We get our shoes on and line up in three lines. Kat likes being head of the line so I'm usually second. I look back and Lindsey is right behind me. She usually stands with Anna in the other line but today she is dead on behind me. Why?.. I don't know. She's smirking and giggling at Anna. I furrow my eyebrows at them and turn back around

We start of with taps, and shuffles, then we move to more complicated measures.

I see Lindsey bend down to fix her shoe and the line moves again. Kat starts of with a shuffle ball change kick... Which is pretty easy to me. Then I follow Kat and do the same.

I stand in front of Kat and watch Lindsey start to do her shuffle ball changes. When she's not more than a few feet away from me she powerfully kicks her leg and her shoe comes flying at me full power. Her tap shoe hits my right eye with full force, and I fall down to my knees holding my eye. Since the tap shoes have hard metal under neath it hurt way more than any other shoe would have.

Lindsey is covering her mouth. I know she meant to hit me, but not in the eye... I can tell by the look of shock on her face. It was probably because of what i said to her in the dressing room on Friday. Anna told me that she'd get me back, and she did.

Kat squats down besides me and helps me up after a few minutes of me being on the floor and the class staring at me.

When I stand up Im standing across from Lindsey who is glaring at me. I turn my head and press my lips together trying not to cry from the pain.

Ms. Rose asks if I would like anyone to come with me to the nurse, I nod and point at Kat.

Kat puts her arm behind my back and leads me to the door.

As soon as the dance door closes I start to cry. It hurts so bad. I'm afraid to move my hand away from my eye. I don't want to look at it.

When we get inside the office I'm still crying. Some office lady comes running towards me, and Kat steps away.

She asks what happened but all i said was if she could lead me to the nurse. She nods and says "of course"

We turn a corner and guess who I see. Harry

Harry is yelling at some lady and pointing to something on a paper. Right when I walk in most of the office is looking at me, due to the lady next to me freaking out and being very loud. The ladies in the office are making such a big deal about my eye, and many of them are running over to see if I'm okay. What I really want is for them to back off, but i say nothing but nod my head at all their questions.

In the middle of Harry's argument with some middle aged office lady with a red bob. He turns to look at all the commotion and sees me. He takes one look at me, throws the paper down and shoves the lady out of his way causing her to wobble and lightly fall on a counter top.

Harry whips around the corner and stops me in the middle of the hall. He looks so worried.

"Alison are you okay" he says as he puts his hands on my shoulders

I don't answer.

"Alison" he snaps and brings his face down to mine, lifting my chin so that our eyes meet.
"What happened" he says softly but worried, his face is very close to mine.

For a few seconds nobody says anything its just me and Harry passionately gazing at each other. My eyes being confused, and his full with worry.

Kat decides to answer for me after the few seconds of silence, and I snap out of the moment. I know it was only a few seconds but it felt like forever.

"Lindsey hit her in the eye with her tap shoe really hard" she blurts out

Harry growls, and mumbles "fuck" under his breathe while he stares at the floor.

Then he looks at me with the softest eyes and gently whips a tear away with his thumb.

Ruining the moment the red bob lady comes and pulls his shoulder yelling "mister you're in trouble"

"Don't touch me" he snaps. And the lady opens her mouth in shock.

Kat, the office lady helping me, and I sit there watching the situation when the office lady says.

"Come on let's get you to the nurse" as she gently guides me away from Harry and that lady.

I look back and see the red haired lady try to touch Harry's shoulder to move him and he quickly backs away, rolls his eyes and walks off in front of her. She squints her eyes and follows angrily..

When I get to the nurse she gently removes my hands from my eye and examines it.

"yep.... yep" she repeats while shining a light in my eye with complete focus. I raise my eyebrow and look at Kat in reaction to how the nurse is examining my eye. Kat and I giggle and i look back at the nurse with my stained eyes.

"Its definitely going to turn into a black eye in no more than 20 minutes." says the nurse.

I groan.

"Why don't you grab a bed and lay down." She replies.

I stand up and make my way to the beds. Kat tries to walk with me but the nurse stops her.

"sweetie since your not injured you'll have to go back to class." says the nurse. Kat nods and says

"Okay, Bye Alison feel better."

"Bye Kat thanks so much for coming with me."

She turns around and smiles at me as she walks out the door.

After a few minutes of me sitting on the bed starring at the floor the nurse comes in with an ice bag and tells me to relax while I ice my eye. When she leaves I lightly place the ice bag on my eye and after about five minutes I fall asleep.

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