Chapter 35

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So we get our lunch and head up to our table. I looked over at Harry's table and I didn't see Lindsey. I saw Lindsey and Anna at some table filled with other girls. Those girls are definite wanna bee's. Im laughing at there expense. I'm sure most girls at this school would just love to take in Lindsey and Anna. I wouldn't be so against Lindsey if she weren't to have judged me right when she met me.. just because Harry had walked next to me after helping me up off the sidewalk.

"Hey Alison!" says Lizzie interrupting my thoughts.

"Yah." i reply.

"You should come too the soccer game after school?"

"What.. Why? i" i stutter remembering that Harry is on the soccer team. Well I'm probably never going to forget that because im kinda the one who outed him.

"Because i'm cheering duh." says Lizzie

"Oh yah sorry.. ill just ask Eli if he can pick me up?"

"I can drive you home.. i have my license" says lizzie as she digs her license out of her purse and waves it.

"Oh cool.. yah sure in that case i would love to come." i smile.

"Cool... were all going" says Trevor

"Okay ill text Eli know"

<hey eli i'm gonna stay after school and watch Lizzie cheer, she will take me home after so go on without me after school.>

<k> he replies

I roll my eyes at his response and continue to eat my salad and chicken fingers. I always love to have a salad on the side not because its healthy but just because i love salad. Plus in my case my salad is never healthy it always has a ton of ranch on it.

"Ok i saw the cutest girl at the party." says Trevor

"Oh really whats she look like?" says Mia and she stuffs pizza in her face.

"Ok so she had long dark brown hair, she was wearing a dress with silver sequins on the top and then the bottom like a cream color." says trevor

"Hmm she sounds hot." says lizzie and smiles at him.. while Mia just flicks her tongue out at Trevor.

I spit my lemonade back into the cup and choke at the realization that Trevor is describing my little sister... Kendall.

"everything ok Ali?" asks Lizzie as Mia and Trevor stare at me with concern.

"Yep..Yep.. I'm good.." i cough "Just went down the wrong pipe thats all."

"Ok" says Lizzie and giggles.

"Anyways" says Mia "Homecoming." "Its in like three or four weeks guys what are we wearing."

Everyone laughs and suggests a few dress ideas..Then the lunch bell rings and Lizzie,Trevor and I are off to physics.

Physics goes like usual and then i'm headed to creative writting.. Im still nervous about Harry.

I walk into creative writing and see Harry playing with his pencil and twitching like always.

"Why do you twitch so much?" i ask with a smile. Harry looks at me kinda smiling about to say something but then turns his head.

"Ok" i sigh "Don't talk to me.. but your going to have to sooner or latter."

"Strictly for work" he says then looks away.

"Okay then crabby pants" I don't understand why he is not talking to me what's his problem. He basically just deduced me no longer then an hour ago.

Harry doesn't look at me but i can hear him let out a small laugh and i almost know he's smiling.

"Gilbert! Styles!" says Mr. Gray and Harry and I look towards him. "Did you guys solve your problems?" he aks

"Um well.." i stutter

"Don't worry Mr. Grey our problems are have been solved." Harry says as he gives Mr. Grey a very big sarcastic smile.

"And how might you both have done that?" Mr. Grey asks

"We talk" i get interrupted

"We made out" blurts out Harry.

I sink into my chair covering my face and The class laughs and whispers.

"Would you like to leave styles?" snaps Mr. Grey

"No thank you sir." says Harry in his i don't give a shit voice not even looking at Mr. Grey

"Today you all will be doing a biography on yourself and this will be done individually and silent."

Im too embarrassed to think or to talk so i'm happy about this assignment. I'm working kinda slow too busy in my own thoughts i see Harry look over at me a few times in the corner of my eyes but i don't look back. When the bell rings I'm quick to get out of class because of the drama thats quickly gonna spread. I walk as fast as i can to the bathroom and call Lizzie to figure out were I'm supposed to go. She says i should find Mia and Trevor in the bleachers on the soccer field.

Harry had no right to say that in front of the whole class. Not that I'm ashamed of making out with Harry but now the whole schools going to think im a slut and i do not do well with hate. He's dating Lindsey isn't he? Why would he want to come off as a cheater? And Mia I'm worried if Mia will get mad, we just started to get along. Oh and Lindsey oh god shes going to make my life hell on top of the hell shes going to make for me calling her fat. God knows what Eli's gonna think. I'm gonna have the worst few days. I really want to go home but i already promised Lizzie id watch her cheer. After the soccer game im going to find Harry and talk to him... If hes even there... But im going to talk to him like the adult that i am.

Word hasn't spread too fast because walking over to the bleachers isn't as bad as id thought. I see Mia and Trevor waving at me as i'm wondering cluelessly around the soccer field. I run up to them and get ready for the game to start

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