Chapter 27

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"Thats whats wrong" i gesture towards Emily giggling on the bed.

"Oh" kendall says as she laughs. "Shes drunk" she laughs again.

"Obviously." I reply and think for a second while Kendall stares at Emily giggling.
"Kendall go downstairs and get something for her." I blurt out

"Like what!" she shouts "Im in my pajamas."

"Kendall oh my god do not be selfish just go." "No one cares if your down their in your pajamas."

"Geezzz" Kendall says as she walks to the door.

"Hey Kendall" says giggly Emily. "Did you knowww your sister almost lost her V card tonight" she says and laughs again.

"What!?" shouts kendall and smiles.

"Kendall shes full of crap right now shes drunk just go" i say as i shove her out of the door.

"Oh and tell Eli its time for people to leave"

I hear Kendall groan as shes walking down the stairs.

"Emily!" i shout and throw a pillow at her... She barley says anything and just keeps giggling. Great. After Kendall comes back like thirty minutes later Emily is already asleep. So i quickly wake her up and make her take some Asprin. Kendall says she saw supposably the cutest guy ever so she had to talk to him. I don't ask her much questions because I'm to busy in my own thoughts.

I have to spend like thirty minutes convincing kendall that i did not almost loose my virginity tonight and finally she buys it. Well i don't think that its a lie. I don't think anything would have happend.

i mean come on i have some morals... but when it comes to Harry i dont know, there is something about him that i can not resist even if i hate him.

I would never of imagined my first kiss so passionate.

God i hate how he has that over me.

Kendall and i end up just falling asleep on my bedroom floor. There was absolutely no room on the bed.

A few hours after falling asleep i wake up and decide to check downstairs, surprisingly everything is fine. The kitchen is clean and i think my mom and Phil are still sleeping. It looks like Eli actually can do something. I think we are in the clear. Last night was just to much for me so i end up going back upstairs and falling asleep again.

When i wake up its 10:00 Kendall and Emily are sitting on the bed.

"Hey Ali." says Emily.

"Oh hey" i say as i stretch. "How are you feeling?"

"Im good. Sorry about last night i didn't even have that much to drink but since i usually don't drink it kind of hit me hard."

I laugh. "its all good."

"Hey my mom said i could sleepover one more night so we could "talk" about some things." she says and raises her eyebrow at me

"Oh i see" i smile "Or are you just wanting to spend the night again because of Eli?" i smile and laugh

"Its a bit of both."

"Yeah Elis hot isn't he." blurts out kendall

"Kendall!... thats so wrong." I reply and me and Emily laugh.

"What.".... says kendall as she looks at Emily and I. "Oh can we go eat breakfast I'm starving and i have to go out with my friends later today."

"Yah im starved." says Emily.

When we get down the stairs the kitchen is empty. I don't think Eli has been here because he wouldn't have put away any of his mess. I decide to go run up stairs and see if he's here. When i open his door i see three body's sprawled all across his room. Let me guess its Hunter, And Michael. I roll my eyes and shut the door. When i get back downstairs my lovely friend has a cereal bowl already made for me... my favorite peanut butter captain crunch.

Not ten minutes go bye untill i see three shirtless boys running down the stairs. They all charge to the cereal cabinet and make a huge mess. There is cereal and milk every where..

Each one of them pulls up a chair next to us and its really awkward for about five minutes of us just silently eating cereal before we all burst into laughter. We quietly discuss the funny events that happened last night, but soon have to hush because Phil and my mom come downstairs.

"Hello Emily how nice to see you" says my mom as she pats Emily on the shoulder.
"Boys" says Phil as he shakes each of the boys shoulders. I guess that's a greeting guys do, or maybe just Phil cause he's old.

"Morning" says Hunter to Phil and Eli and Michael laugh

In the cutest way possible Hunter shrugs and says "what?" Under his breath to his two best friends

"Its nice to see you too." Emily replies to my mom as she takes a bite of cereal. "You have a lovely home."

"Ok lets go upstairs." i tell emily. "Mom Emily is staying another night if thats ok"

"Sure it is sweetie but you"

"Okay bye mom love you." i say as i grab Emily and walk her to the staircase.

"Nice seeing you again." Emily yells sticking her head out about three steps up the stair case.

"Bye" my mom hesitates as she waves and just laughs and looks over to phil.

I saw Eli watching Emily the whole time we were walking away. I think he likes her.

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