Chapter 67

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Harry and I eat dinner and tell each other funny or embarrassing stories that's happened to us. I don't know how that topic came up, but it did.

"Wanna know something embarrassing?" I laugh.

"Shoot" says Harry.

"You were kind of my first kiss" I say as I cover my face with my hands.

"Your joking right?" He asks seriously

"No I'm not" I say and cover my face even more as I put my head on the table.

"Oh wow..." Says Harry

"I know it's embarrassing I have like no exp-" Harry cuts me off

"No, I like that I'm the only guy that's kissed you, that stuff is a really huge turn on to guys"

"Seriously?" I ask and laugh

Harry nods his head

I blush
"We should type up our essays now" I smile changing the subject for good reasons. I'd love to talk about what turns Harry on but we have homework.

"Ugh" Harry groans tilting his head back.

"Harry come on, we have to"

Harry exhales..
"Okay okay"

Harry and I walk over to the couch, sit right next to each other and open up our laptops.

"Alright let's swap then" I smile

Harry and I exchange papers and we start typing.

"Not bad Styles" I say as I'm typing up his essay on his self.

"Yeah, not so bad yourself Gilbert" he smiles as he is typing not even looking up from the screen.

"I would of portrayed you differently but whatever" I look at him.

Harry looks at me
"What?" He asks

"It's just this essay isn't really.... 'You' ...from what I know about you at least"

"I could say the same for you"

"I think it might of been easier if we wrote the essays on each other like we were supposed to. I mean you can't really write about yourself without putting in pointless details. It's cool to observe a person and write about who you think they really are"

Harry smiles at me softly

"But whatever maybe next time" I smile focusing my attention back on the computer.

"Your perfect" says Harry as he types

I blush
"So are you"

Harry shakes his head with a small smile and we write out our essays...

Once I press the print button I'm exhausted and need to go to sleep. I want to hang out with Harry but I can't stay awake for another minute.

"Hey Harry I'm gonna go to sleep I'm really tired"

"Okay sleep good and don't forget to put on the cream I left it on your bed" smiles Harry.

"Okay I wont" I smile back and walk up the stairs. The moment I get into Harry's clothes and lay down I'm instantly asleep. I don't wake up at all through the night but I do wake up to my alarm clock going off at 5:40.

I roll over and groan shutting off the alarm. I need to take a shower this morning.

I wake up refreshed from a good night sleep.

I jump in the shower and get out after like 10 minutes. I don't like to take long showers in the morning because then I run out of time. I'm blow drying my hair when my phone rings.... It's Emily.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi Alison, I'm surprised you answered" she replies a little sassy

"Look I'm so sorry I've been avoiding you its just things have been so complicated"

"Yeah I know, Kendall said you were staying at your friends house or something working on a project."

"Yeah I am, plus it's nice to at least try and make some new friends" I  lie

"Anyways I just really have been wanting to see you and you haven't answered any of my calls. We used to talk on the phone every night you know and I just well I just miss that."

"Me too so much I would love to see you. Maybe today after school?

"Sure I'll drive down there after school then we can hang out?"

"Okay yeah sounds good" I smile...
"I can't wait"

"Me either" she replies.
"I'll see you later Ali"

"Bye Em" I smile and hang up.

Okay that works. I'll just text her later and tell her to meet me at a park or something or at the grill yeah the grill works.

I feel like I'm betraying Harry slowly.... I don't want to tell anyone, but I don't know it's hard. I don't think I should tell Emily, because she's with Eli and if it slips and Eli finds out Harry's never going to be able to forgive me. I guess I'll just have to lie to Emily, she lives like 30 minutes away so she will have no idea what's going on anyways. Plus I can just tell her I've been really busy working on a a school project and that's why I haven't had time to call her back. Honestly I'm too exhausted to explain everything that has happened. It will be much easier for both of us if I just lie.

{A/N this chapter is so boring and short I'm so sorry, the next chapter is gonna be great so it will make up for it}

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