Chapter 30

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Alison's POV

"So....?" i ask Emily slowly as she walks out of the dressing room she locked herself in. Emily is smirking and jumping. "Tell me!" i playfully shout

"Were going out" She yeaps.

"Well.... yeayhh" i say happily but kinda weirded out.. but I'm totally joking with her cause I'm happy if shes happy. Plus Eli is not to much of a horrible person, i'm totally kidding haha, but Ill make sure he knows if he breaks her heart i will get him back... way harder. Also Emily is very very independent she takes charge in almost all situations.

"Oh hey Ali." says Emily.. I turn my attention from the clothes and look at her letting her know she has my attention to talk.

"I think harry was with Eli." she raises her eyebrows and directs her attention back to the clothes rack.

"Why do you think that?" i ask like I'm asking about the weather.

"Well i think i heard a british accent mumbling in the background and..."

i cut her off "What was he saying?"

"I dont know it sounded like he was yelling at someone in the background" I raise my eyebrows ..."well not yelling but he had a pretty sassy tone in his voice."

Well that sounds like him...

"Oh.." i say back

"Yeah Ali... i have to say hes pretty hot." Emily says

"He's alright" i lie. I think Emily catches my lie by the way shes smiling at me and laughs.

"Where's Kendall?" asks Emily

"She found some of her friends and they invited her to hang with her.. I told her to go. I want her to make as much new friends as she can. We are gonna meet her in a store and ill tell my mom to pick us up."

"Ok" says Em. "Im hungry i need some food." she says as she walks out of the store like a runway model.

I stand behind shake my head and laugh at my best friends attitude as she stops and lifts up her bags in the middle of the mall. i quickly run to catch up to her and we both laugh and walk towards the food court.

When we get to the food court Emily and I stop. We see Kendall with a huge group of people.. There are what seems like an ocean full of guys surrounding her. I see some even trying to kiss her shoulder. I can tell she is kinda flinching away but shes trying to stay cool.

"Emily.." i say as we are both watching the huge group with Kendall at the food courrt.

"Yea." she says still looking at the group like i am.

"We need to go over there."

Emily guides her attention to me. "Do you really think thats a good idea?" she asks.

"Yes i do... but Em i need your help... Im not the best with people and big crowds you know that."

"Ya..." she says

"So can you go and make her leave... shes just as close to you as she is to me."

"Ugh. Ok ill do it. You have to stay close to me and the next time your gonna do it." she says as she walks toward the group.. i follow shortly behind her.

Emily walks up to the group with her best bitch walk.

"Hey Ken." says Emily.

"Umm hi" says Kendall. I see Kendall and the 8 boys around her just staring at Emily like she doesn't even deserve to be talking to them which really makes me mad.

"Kendall do you really think this is appropriate for your age?" says Emily and gestures towards the group around her

"Yeah yeah i do... its fine Emily just go away" says Kendall then looks at me and gives me a disappointed look. I step more behind Emily like the huge chicken i am. Emily doesn't notice me thank god.. because she's too into the situation.

"Hey lady.. i think the girls fine here.. its obviously were she wants to be." says a kid and laughs with all his friends.

Emily just laughs

"You think she wants to be here?... If you have any knowledge on girls at all you would see that she would rather be any where else." The boy starts to talk but she interrupts. We soon have a bunch of girls with the group all looking at kendall.
"And i know Kendall and none of you are good enough for her."

Kendall has her mouth wide open and she looks behind at the group of girls laughing at her. But Emily wasn't focusing on Kendall she was doing the job.

Emily looks down on the floor and quickly pulls out a bag of marijuana poking out from one of the kids back pack. The kid tries to grab it out of her hand but she quickly extends her arm out so that its out of the kids reaching distance. She leans over and whispers to the kid loud enough so everyone can hear it. "See i usually would flush this down the toilet but i could care less about how your life turns out so i'm gonna let you continue." She pauses
"Oh and put it in a jar, I could smell it from a mile away" she says like the bad ass she is and throws the bag of weed on the kids lap.

"Hey whatever your name is... were in 8th grade were having fun.... so don't be a prude." says some blonde girl.

"Oh i'll be the one having fun while your getting your std shots, and whats worse about it is your not even that pretty. Plus your into drugs, so really you have no life ahead of you... , and that is one of the funnest things I've ever heard." she says as she leans in close to her face.

Emily is taking this a little to far. I know she's getting angry at the kids who are talking back to her and she always has to make sure they know she will win. She is genuinely the nicest person I've ever met but the cruelest when she has to be and i really wish i could be like that.

Kendall gets up off the table and very quickly runs away... I follow her and Emily is not far behind.

"Kendall" i yell... but she only walks away faster. "Kendall" I yell louder

"Im never gonna talk to any of you guys again." yells Kendall and i think shes crying.

"Its for the best." i shout

"I hate you." Screams Kendall. Im left there with my mouth wide open. I cannot believe my little sister just said that to me.

"Ill be outside waiting for mom." says kendall and walks out of the mall.

"She mad?" says Emily once she catches up to me.

"Yah a lot." i reply

"Hopefully it cool down soon."

"Yeah" i sigh. "Im gonna call my mom and see if she can pick us up"

I dial my phone.

"Hello sweetie"

"Hi mom.. can you please pick up me, Kendall, and Emily from the mall."

"Oh im so sorry sweetie i cant... im very busy."

"doing what?" i snap

"I am getting groceries and then i have a few appointments to go to.. but i can send Phil right over."

"Ugh" i groan. When i notice Emily next to me she whispers we have no other choice and that shes tired. "Okay thanks mom... bye" i hang up.

Phil picks us up and talks to Emily the entire way.. he says Eli told him all about her and Emily thinks thats the cutest thing in the world. Phil and Emily bond till we get home... Kendall storms inside without a word and Emily and I spend about thirty minutes of sorrow saying goodbye. Because her mom changed her mind and said she can't sleepover

She promises me after her date with Eli she will call to see if im free for the weekend... which i probably will be knowing me.

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