Chapter 87

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{Alison's outfit is above}

Since I randomly just shoved clothes in my bag I don't have very many options to choose from. I end up picking a red cami and jean shorts then head over to the bathroom

"Hey" I smile as I walk in

"Hey" she smiles back while drying off her face.

"So you usually curl your hair right?" She asks as she plugs in the curling iron and sets out her makeup

I nod "Yeah like big loose curls"

"Okay, thats what i thought. So then I'll do your hair and makeup" she says cheerfully

"Okay" i smile slightly
"But are you going to have enough time to get ready?" i ask

"Umm" Lizzie thinks for a second
"Yeah I should. Why don't while I do my makeup you can straighten my hair?" she suggests with a smile.

"Perfect" I agree

"Okay, you first" she says and sits me down in a small chair in front of the mirror. Lizzie kneels down in front of me and begins to do my makeup.
"Okay so spill" she says as she dabs foundation across my face, and i know exactly what she means so i just decide to start from the top.

"So we had a fight, obviously" i smile slightly
"But it started when Harry headed off to soccer practice and me having a mental breakdown. I started thinking about what we were even doing, like why were we acting the way we were, so happy and glad to be around each other?" I confess and Lizzie smiles softly still doing my make up.

"Anyways I started to think about it and the only conclusion I could come up with is that the whole thing had to be fake, that he was only acting this way because he was so emotional unstable and didn't know any better. Then everything clicked, I thought I knew exactly what it was, I thought I was a distraction." I pause trying to remember everything clearly.

Lizzie looks at me sincerely as she's doing my makeup
"Then what happened?" she asks

"Right" I smile and get back to the story
"Earlier that day I had planned on seeing my best friend, who is dating my stepbrother as of recently. I had been so busy with Harry that I couldn't make any time for her. It may of even looked like I was avoiding her or mad that she's dating Eli. I planned on lying to her by saying I was with you and that I've been busy with dance and homework, but I really needed her and ended up telling her everything."

"You told her about the suicide attempt?" Lizzie asks surprised and I nod my head

"Yeah, I did" I answer a bit shamefully and Lizzie sincerely nods her head probably having nothing to say.
"So Emily comforted me about the whole thing and I felt so much better once everything was off my chest and I didn't have to lie to her anymore" I pause
"Although my thoughts were still set in stone, I sill believed in my theory about Harry and I."

"So I assume thats why you guys had the fight then? Lizzie asks as she finishes up my makeup and begins on my hair.

"Yeah, kind of" I answer

"Anyways go ahead and finish" Lizzie says as she curls my hair

"Okay, so then I got back to Harrys and he was acting happier then ever. He was making dinner and was just in a really good mood. I tried to act as normal as I could but he knew something was wrong and he knew I had been crying. He immediately asks me what happened with Emily because he knew i just got back from seeing her. I didn't answer him until he snapped at me and I started crying. Long story short he found out I told her and started to rage into a manic episode. He was throwing and breaking things all over his house until he finally stormed out the door."

"Oh my god did you get hurt?" Lizzie asks with concern interrupting me

"No, that wasn't really even the fight. Anyways i went after him and told him my theory about our relationship and thats when things went south. He was completely taken by surprise and didn't understand why or what I was saying, so ultimately he just agreed with me. There was some screaming and he said some really mean things, so thats when i packed my bag and called you." I tell her as she finishes up with my hair

"Wow, Ali.. thats a lot" She says in shock and looks at me in concern. I nod my head in return.

"You shouldn't of had to go through that"

"Technically I started the entire thing." I admit as i stand up and look at my hair and makeup in the mirror.

"What do you mean?" she asks

"Im the one who told Emily, and I'm the one who put my screwed up theory in his head...I triggered him" I blurt out and gesture her to sit down so I can straighten her hair.

"As long as you know that what he does while he's triggered isn't your fault" she says seriously. I assume she means him physically hurting me, which i know he'd never do. But i nod my head anyways and start to straighten her hair.

"So that's why he came here last night?, to apologize?" she asks

"Umm" I smile and laugh lightly
"Kind of... In his own way."  Lizzie raises a brow
"he came here to tell me i was wrong" I smile as does Lizzie.
"He said he doesn't know anything about feelings but what he does know is that what we had was real" I smile as I think about it and Lizzie awes at me.

"So he doesn't know that I know?" She asks and I quickly shake my head.

"No, he doesn't" I say with a sigh
"Three people know as of now, and thats you, Emily, and my sister Kendall."

"Are you going to tell him?" she asks and I shake my head again

"I mean I can't" I say assuringly as finish her hair

"i understand, he cant expect you to keep that from the ones you love. You needed to tell them"

"Exactly because If i didn't tell you guys i would of lost you all. I really do care about Harry, but its just something i had to do" I shrug

Lizzie stands up and hugs me tightly

"You know I'm here whenever you need me"

I hug her back and smile softly
"Thank you, for everything" I thank her this time without her yelling at me.
"I'm really happy that we're friends and that you came to save me in the printing room on the first day of school" I smile and Lizzie laughs as we both pull away from the hug.
"And thanks for doing my hair and makeup, you've managed to make me look like a decent human after last night."

"What else are friends for?" She laughs lightly and wraps her arm around my neck as we leave the bathroom

It's time to apologize to Lizzies parents and beg for forgiveness

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