Chapter 18

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Since i got up early today I'm just going to read a book for a while. I lay back and get out a copy of Brave new world. We are reading it in language arts.

"Ready?" asks Eli as he walks through my door

"yep" i put my book down and get off the bed. I grab all my stuff and walk downstairs

"bye kendall have a good day at school" i say as i walk out of the door

"you too" she says as she stuffs her face with fruity pebbles.

I really want to apologize to Harry today. I still feel bad for what i did.

Eli starts talking about his party and then i remember that im supposed to go to a party with Louis ill just text him now and tell him my brother is having one and ill see if he wants to go to Elis.

Louis has been really nice these past few days. I havent really been thinking bout him to much because ive been to busy watching harry. Hes been weird in language arts class.

Louis texts me back saying that was the party he was talking about and that he cant believe I am step sisters with Eli. Wow I feel embarrassed.

When we pull up to the usual spot Eli says

"Hey its time for you to meet my friends"

"Why" i groan and smile

"Because its gonna happen sooner or later and its gonna be awkward either way, plus these guys are like always with me, and since your already so close to Harry." he says and half smiles

"Ok ok i get it"

Eli and i walk out of the car together and walk up to two boys. Oh here goes

"Alison.. this is Michael" says Eli.

"Weve kinda met" says Michael as he puts on a huge grin and shakes my hand... I look down in embarrassment, smile and nod my head.

"Ok then" says Eli awkwardly "and this is Hunter"

"Nice to meet you" says Hunter.

"You too" i smile

"Well now you know each other and you guys dont have to be pussys anymore... all of you." he points to me and his friends.

"Dude weres Harold?" says Michael to Eli

"Who knows... hes probably late" answers Eli

"Or owned after your sister embarassed his ass in that video" says Michael.

Hunter and Eli laugh

"well alrighty then..... im gonna go and see my friends." I say

"Bye" mumbles eli and continues to laugh with his friends.

I walk over to Lizzie, Mia, and Trevor who were standing on the other couryard.. i could tell by Lizzie's long blonde hair and cheerleading uniform.

I look over to Eli and his friends one more time and they are still laughing and it makes me laugh.. stupid boys

"Hey Alison" says Lizzie and smiles


"whats up.. i saw you with Eli and all his friends"

"ya" i laugh "he wanted to introduce me to them so we could stop being pussys" i air quote

"So i saw you attack Harry yesterday" Mia spits out

"Mia!" says Lizzie

"Ok i dont really want to talk about that"

"Its fine it was just kinda rude"

why the hell is she sticking up for him. He literally slept with her then left her. She shouldnt give a shit about him.

"Ok first of all i am labeled the bad guy all across campus but he did it to me first"

I explain the entire story to all of them... Mia stays quite.

"God hes such a dick" says Trevor

Trevor must really hate Harry. I think maybe he might like Mia, but Mias to obsessed with Harry to date anyone right now.

And i know by saying the word obsessed is mean but i have no other words to describe Mias feelings towards Harry.

"Yeah and im going to apologize today for doing it anyways" i say as we are all walking

"Why he did the same thing to you but worse." says Lizzie

"Yeah but usually i wouldn't of done that. I dont want to sink to his level so im going to apologize and if he does not apologize back somethings wrong with him, and ill just move on from this whole thing."

"he wont" says trevor

i look at trevor thinking how is he so sure to know everything Harry will and will not do.

*the bell rings*

We all say bye an start to walk our different directions but i run back to them.

"Wait guys" they all turn around "So um my brothers having a party and well he said i could invite anyone i want and you guys are my only friends so.. would you guys please consider coming?"

"Sure i guess we could stop by" says Mia "You guys in?" she says

"Yeah that would be cool" says Trevor

and lizzie nods her head smiles and says " Of course"

"Thank you guys soooo much" i say

and Mia winks at me, pushes my shoulder and says "Tell me the deats in History"

Trevor starts to laugh i think because she said deats.. they all turn around and start talking and walking to class.

Im left there smiling like an idiot... *minute bell rings*

Oh no im going to be late. I start running like an idiot to the fine arts building. Thank god dance is the first room in the building.

I run in just as the bell rings.

"Alison everyone is already getting dressed out. I would like it if you were here bye the minute bell next time" says ms. Rose and smiles.

"Sorry wont happen again" i say as i run into the dressing room.

{Im excited because i get to put the first Harry and Alison moment in here soon.. its gonna be at Elis party so dont worry the good stuff is happening soon}

oh and i picture

{Devon Bostick as Michael}


{Chace Crawford as Hunter}

Oh and her friend Emily is going to be coming in soon, and she is her best friend so she might be here a lot idk but this is how i picture her :)

{Sasha Pieterse as Emily}

* just so you know what she looks like when she comes in.

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