Chapter 8

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A private plane arrives at Tokyo airport late in the afternoon same date Kuroko met with Momoi.
"Ne Nakbin, are you okay?" A boy with short caramel hair and feminine face asked the dark haired girl who seems to be fidgeting since their arrival.
"I don't know Yoon-kun. What if aniue didn't like me?"
"Everything will be okay. You used to be best buddies when you were kids, remember?"
"It has been a long time Yoon," she said worriedly.
"Stop that, will you? Everything will work out as usual. Let's go, the car will be waiting for us outside." Yoon gently pulled her hands. 
It rained heavily as the car drives towards the mansion of the phantom sixth man. "Tokyo is beautiful. Look at those buildings Yoon!"
"Hai hai." Yoon finally smiled as Nakbin finally settled down however he worries if she will be any better once she sees her brother. He could see that she is clutching the small bag she carries.
They finally arrived at their destination, butlers carried the bags inside. The maids hurried themselves to attend to their mistress. Yoon wonders how Tetsuya survived without one.
Nakbin and Yoon settled themselves in the living room while waiting for Tetsuya. Nakbin becomes nervous again, Yoon gently touched her cold hands to let her know he is there.
Nakbin smiled as she accepted the warmth on her hands.
Tetsuya isn't doing any better, he keeps pacing on his room while staring at the box on his bed. Even with his emotionless face, he looks rather nervous. He sighed deeply as he went out to meet his sister.
The siblings stared at each other but no words came out. Yoon felt like banging himself on the wall. This is getting more awkward. To make it worse they only bowed at each other. They dined together with an extravagant feast, courtesy of Yoon, but only few words were exchanged. Yoon felt like hitting both of them with a frying pan for being both stupid. After bidding each other good night, both siblings went to their respective rooms.
An hour later as Nakbin brushes her hair she heard a knock on her door. When she opened it, she saw no one but found a box instead, wrapped with a red ribbon. When she opened it, she gasped as she saw the pair of shoes that Tetsuya bought for her. She pulled out a paper sticking out the box. She smiled upon reading it.
I'm sorry I cannot utter a word to you a while ago. But I want you to know that I love you my imoto-chan. These are for you, I hope you like them. Have a good night. Love, Aniue.
She kissed the shoes lovingly. She is definitely going to talk to him tomorrow.

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