Chapter 64

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"But we need more characters for our cosplay Chihiro!" Yoon yelled at the gray head.
"We will find people for that." Mayuzumi deadpanned.
"No one bothered to come even after that stupid play that we did!"
"Of course there are lots of people who came after the show, Yoon. You were sulking at that time." Nakbin told him.
"I wasn't sulking! Besides you're the one who stole that role from me!"
"Don't be so bitter, Yoon. I was the better antagonist."
Tetsuya stepped between the two and gave them the look.
"I know where we can get those people Mayuzumi-san. And imoto, please stay at Kagami-kun's apartment today."
"But I also want to help Aniue!"
"That's right! Besides why does she need to stay with that buffoon?!"
"We will be surrounded by annoying people before we know it."
"What do you mean by that, Aniue?"
Mayuzumi and Yoon understood what he means by that.
Kuroko ignored his sister and continued. "Besides Kagami-kun volunteered to cook for everyone today. Imoto-chan can go and help."
Nakbin pouted again, feeling downcasted. She doesn't want to feel useless at all. "Okay..."
Kuroko kissed her forehead again to make her feel better. "We'll be back this afternoon."

As they were approaching Kagami's apartment, they heard loud screams coming from within. Mayuzumi, Yoon and Tyelko look impassive. They are already aware of the ace's fear of dogs.
"That sounds like Taiga-sama! He needs help!"
"Don't worry imoto-chan, he is only playing with Nigou."
When Kagami opened the door for them, he looks so terrible. His hair is so disheveled and his shirt has been visibly torn.
"Kuroko teme..."
"Domo." Kuroko greeted him despite his angry look.
"You look terrible Taiga-sama! What happened?"
Kagami blushed furiously upon hearing her voice. He never felt so embarrassed in his entire life.
"Ah...eto...ano..." Kagami stammered and can't get his words right. They heard a loud bark behind him causing the half red head to flinch. Nigou jumped in Kuroko's arms and licked his owner's face.
"Nigou-chan!" Nakbin happily patted the puppy's head, making Kagami hate the mutt more. Nigou went up on Kuroko's head and settled himself on his favorite spot. He wiggled his tail at Kagami as if mocking him.
"Thank you so much for looking after Nigou, Kagami-kun. He sure had fun."
Kagami scowled darkly at his shadow.
"I want you to look after my sister today, Kagami-kun. We have some errands to do and she cannot come."
"Wha-! Oi Kuroko!"
"I promise Nigou and I will take you for a walk in exchange, Kagami-kun."
"As if I need that! And don't say it like that! It sounds so weird!"
Mayuzumi tried to resist the urge to laugh.
"Oi Kuroko! Wait!"
Kuroko and company disappeared from their sight leaving the two of them outside Kagami's apartment.

Several minutes later, the two remained quiet, standing outside. Only the howl of the wind can be heard. Kagami tried his best not to blush and broke the awkward silence. "I'm sorry about that. Would you like to come in?"
Nakbin smiled up at him. "I should be the one apologizing Taiga-sama. I don't want to take so much of your time."
Kagami scratched the back of his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. It's cold. Lets just get inside."

Nakbin gaped at his apartment. It is big and spacious but...
"By nuts and berries! What happened here?"
The things are scattered around, even his table was turned upside down.
"Uhm, Nigou and I were playing." Kagami lied. He doesn't want to tell her how much he hates Kuroko's evil minion.
Nakbin smiled at him softly. "Taking care of Nigou is really a chore. Thank you for helping my brother look after him."
"Ah, don't mention it." Kagami cursed Kuroko inwardly. I'm going to kill him.
He snapped out of his evil thoughts when he saw Nakbin picking up the litter.
"Ah, Nakbin! Don't! I'll do it! It's fine!"
"Then please let me help. I already feel bad when Aniue didn't allow me to come and help them today. I feel a bit useless."
Kagami looked at her seriously. He seemed to have have guessed the reason why but didn't press the subject.
"Fine. Just be careful, you might get some paper cuts and stuff."
Nakbin giggled, "I'll be fine, thank you."
After helping Kagami clean the mess and put back the furniture a back in place, Nakbin intentionally collapsed on the floor.
"Nakbin!" Taiga started panicking when Nakbin laughed at his reaction.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired. A little cleaning won't kill me, look at these guns."
"You don't have any!" Kagami suddenly remembered having the same argument with Kuroko but in a different scenario.
The both laughed together as he offered a hand to her.
"Go take a shower, you will feel better."
"Is that okay? And I didn't bring my towel or clothes with me."
"I'll lent you mine."
"Uh...yeah." He paused for a moment, thinking of Kuroko's reaction but then he might kill him more if he finds out his sister looking like a mess.
A beautiful mess, came a thought. What?

He ushered her towards his bathroom and told her that he will be back to get some clothes. Nakbin, on the other hand doesn't want to waste any time and as stupid and dense and innocent that she is, she started stripping off her clothes, not noticing a giant mirror staring back at her. When she saw it, she screamed in fright and fell down on the floor.
Kagami rushed back towards the bathroom when he heard her voice, bringing some of his clothes and towel with him. What he saw was a fully naked Nakbin, with her legs crossed and hands covering her face, trembling. Forgetting the fact that she doesn't have any clothes on, he rushed to her side.
"Are you okay?"
"Mirror... I'm scared of mirrors." Nakbin told him with a shaky voice, her  hands still covering her face. Taiga noticed the mirror in front of them and turned it towards the opposite direction, facing the wall.
"There. You won't see it anymore."
Nakbin slowly removed her hands and looked at the mirror's direction. Although still in a daze, she is already starting to calm down.
"Thank you, Taiga-sama."
Kagami's blood rushed to his face when he realized she's actually naked. He started stammering. "You...I-I'm sorry! I already left some clothes over there! Bye!" Kagami ran outside and slammed the door, leaving the poor girl in confusion.
Kagami panted heavily, putting his hand on his heart that is beating rapidly. He can't get her image out of his mind. Kuroko will definitely kill him once he finds out.

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