Chapter 47

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The door slammed open and revealed Hanamiya and his starting players. All eyes turned saucers wide.
"Hey Seirin we're back! Long time no see!"
"What are you doing here, you bastard?!" Hyuuga exclaimed while Kagami is fighting the urge to punch the general on the face.
"Don't give me that expression. I only came here for shadow boy." Hanamiya sneered and walked towards Kuroko. He glanced sideways and his eyes widened when he saw Nakbin and Yoon standing frozen in shock. But that's not the only thing that surprised him and his teammates.
Hara's chewing gum popped on his face, Furuhashi dropped his can of soda, Seto's sleepy eyes turned so wide and Yamazaki pointed his finger at the two, trembling.
"You're a girl!"
Kuroko stepped up and gave his sister and cousin a look. The two youngsters gulped nervously.
"Imoto-chan, Yoon. You know Hanamiya-san and his teammates? How exactly did you meet?"
Nakbin never felt so much fear in her entire life. Her red lips curved downward and tears started to sting her eyes. Yoon looked guilty and peeved at the same but not as frightened as her. It is obvious that he actually expects this to happen. He simply held Nakbin's hand tightly for support. Nakbin bowed down and whimpered. "Please forgive us Aniue, me especially. It was my idea, I'm really sorry! It won't happen again."
Yoon bowed down with her but didn't say anything. All looked puzzled at the exchange even the Kirisaki Daichii players were taken aback feeling slightly guilty. Kuroko quite resembles Akashi when angry.
"Get up you two and follow me at the locker room. Now."
The two got up and walked towards the locker room. Nakbin sniffed softly, her head bowed down. Yoon looks straight but there is some seriousness in his eyes.
Kuroko turned to Hanamiya. "Hanamiya-san please follow as well, I have questions for you and Tyelko please go and fetch me vases. Big ones."
"Uh, Kuroko-kun what's going on?" Riko asked worriedly.
"I'm sorry coach. But can you give us an hour or more before we start the game? I would like to use the basketball court as well."
"Kuroko, what's going on?!"
"Tetsuya, don't tell me you will..." Ogiwara placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Please don't get in my way, Akashi-kun, Aomine-kun, Kagami-kun, Ogiwara-kun."
Kuroko looks really mad at the moment that no one bothered to get in his way. Hanamiya's smirk disappeared in his face as he followed the teal haired phantom. Mayuzumi looked at the other two phantom with slight worry.

"Care to explain?" Izuki asked Hara who also seemed worried and guilty at the same time beneath the lilac hair covering his face.
The rest of the Kirisaki Daichii players narrated them the whole story and received several reactions. Hyuuga is getting into his clutch mode again, Kiyoshi, Mitobe and the others look so worried, Mibuchi, Momoi and Kise gasped in horror, Riko started rubbing her temples, while Imayoshi finds the whole situation amusing. Kasamatsu looks so tempted to throttle the two. Akashi looks interested in the conversation and glanced at the direction of the locker room.

Moments later the four arrived. Nakbin's head is bowed down, her eyes and tips of ears are red, showing that she just cried. Yoon keeps a very serious face as he looks straight ahead. Makoto looks serious as well with a furious Kuroko following the two.
Nakbin and Yoon stopped on their tracks when Hyuuga gave them karate chop on their heads.
"You two...are more trouble than you can bargain for..." He cracked is knuckles and the two visibly gulped.
"Do not worry Captain, imoto-chan and Yoon will finally learn their lesson." Kuroko deadpanned, revealing a leather whip in his hands.
"Oi Tetsu what is that you're holding?!"
"This is my lucky item for today, Aomine-kun."
Kuroko sternly replied as he ordered her sister and cousin to kneel down at the center of the court.
"Kuroko what are you-!"
"Please don't interrupt Kagami-kun."
"Tetsu-kun..." Momoi tried to grab his arm but he is already was already walking forward, fast. Everyone looked so worried for the two. Tyelko arrived with two large vases. Kuroko asked Nakbin and Yoon to lift the heavy vases high while kneeling down.
Everyone are so quiet and tense as they watch Kuroko punish the two scoundrels. Only Kuroko's footsteps can be heard as he keeps on pacing, looking more agitated than ever, threatening the two with the whip in his hands.
"Akashichii, have you seen Kurokochii this angry before?" Kise whispered behind Akashi.
"This is actually my first time seeing him that way. As usual, he exceeds my expectations." Akashi replies in his usual monotone although he feels sympathetic for the two.

"Oi Shin-chan, you said Nakbin ranks second today but she seems to be having a very bad luck still."
Midorima pushed his glasses. "I forgot to warn her that Libras should not anger Aquariuses today."

Nakbin's arms began to tremble after 30 minutes of lifting the heavy vase.
"Aniue, this vase looks more expensive than me. If I break this, you will be very sad."
Makoto gave a loud snort. "What kind of lame excuse is that?"
Kuroko gave Nakbin a cold stare. "Never mind if that vase breaks, I'll just give you another one."
Tyelko moved sideways revealing a pile of giant cases lined up. Nakbin gulped at sight.
"So big! Where the hell did you even get those Kuroko?!" Kagami exclaimed but Kuroko simply ignored him.

"Mah I don't know that the little phantom has this sadistic side..." Imayoshi commented in an amused tone.
"I don't want to see Tetsu in that mode again!" Aomine shivered.
"Kuro-chin is scary..." Murasakibara said in his usual lazy tone, while taking a bit of his maiubo.

"Then let me switch vases with Yoon, Aniue, his vase is smaller than mine!" Yoon glared at her upon hearing her constant whining.
"Please don't Tetsuya! I can't even hold this one anymore!"
Nakbin glared at him. Yoon scoffed. He is willing to sacrifice everything for her except for this.
"But that is highly inappropriate! I am the lady here!"
Kuroko appeared beside her, his aura turning dark, causing the others to shiver.
"Lady? Aren't you the excellent bowman Wataru, huh?!"
Nakbin looked away and bit her lip nervously. Yoon simply rolled his eyes sideways.
"Your courage is bigger than the face washing bowl! I told you to stay at home, didn't I?!"
Nakbin felt like crying again. Mayuzumi pitied the girl, Kuroko sounds like a very strict brother. His grey orbs watched Kuroko's deep blue eyes and they look...hurtful.
"I am really sorry Aniue. I won't do it again, I promise."

After an hour, Kuroko lifted their punishment and went to cool off outside. Momoi and Tyelko went to accompany him. Nakbin went to sulk in a corner with Mitobe and freshmen trio comforting her. Her wavy hair spread on the floor.
"Nakbin stop sulking already, I told you this would happen, didn't I?"
"Yoonchii doesn't sound so troubled. Are you used to with it?" Kise asked all of a sudden.
"I have actually prepared myself for something like that ever since I committed myself to be that midget's shadow." Yoon chided.
Everyone else sweatdropped.

Yoon felt his patience running thin.
"Stop being a child Nakbin. You are so overly dramatic."
"I'm not being dramatic! I'm just practicing my act! I want to audition for the theatre arts and I am going to portray the evil queen!" Nakbin sobbed.
"Hah?!!" Came several reactions from the company.
"As if I am going to buy that pathetic excuse! And the evil queen doesn't sulk, you tsundere!" Yoon yelled back, his vein started to throb.
"Of course she did! Especially when the prince married Cinderella instead one of his daughters! And I am not a tsundere, you hypocrite!"
"That's the evil stepmother not the evil queen, Baka! And I don't remember her sulking! You proudly call yourself an enthusiastic reader, you even mix up the fairy tales!"

Kiyoshi chuckled and patted Nakbin's head. "Everything's going to be alright. Kuroko loves you, he only doesn't want to see you get hurt."
Nakbin started crying softly. "But he deducted the quota of my vanilla shake for the day."
"Eh? Nakbinchii, that's what you're worried about?"
Takao snickered behind Kise, earning a scolding look from Midorima.
Murasakibara walked towards Nakbin and gave her a vanilla candy. She looked up to him teary eyed. She muttered a soft thank you as he gently patted her head.

Kuroko finally calmed down. They went back to the gym so he could talk to his sister. He still hates to see her upset. Nakbin ran to him when they arrived and sobbed in his arms. Kuroko hugged her back and gave her a comforting smile.
"How touching and disgusting." Hanamiya sarcastically said. "I think my work here is done. I actually came here to give this back." Hanamiya tossed the bells towards Yoon. Hanamiya smirked arrogantly towards Nakbin.
"You are undeniably stupid. I'm glad to see you upset."
Kuroko gave him an angry stare.
"Why you?!" Kagami and Ogiwara was about to pounce on him but were stopped by the seniors. "I will see you again at the tournament." He and his teammates started walking away when Nakbin halted their way.
"Please wait, Makoto-sama."
"What do you want midget?"
"I want to propose a wager."

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