Chapter 46

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Their practice game ended in favor of both teams. Takao pestered Tyelko about his eyes, claiming him as his new rival. Midorima walked towards Nakbin and gave her a mini kerosuke keychain.
"What's this Shintaro-sama?"
Midorima pushed up his glasses and gave her a serious look.
"It's your lucky item for the day nanodayo. Libras rank second today but you still need a lucky item."
"Ah... Thank you very much. But what is that Shintaro-sama?" Nakbin stared at his hand. Takao started snickering from behind even Kagami is trying so hard to restrain himself from laughing. Truly Midorima looks ridiculous with a red rose on his right hand. He looks like an awkward nerd that is going to propose to a girl while wearing his orange jersey.
"This is my lucky item for the day and Cancers rank first today nanodayo. Takao snorted aloud. "As if Nakbin will be interested in that."
"Shut up Takao."
"Forgive me Shintaro-sama but why do you always need a lucky item close to you?"
"Being a responsible person that I am I always believe in fate and I listen to Oha-asa nanodayo. I always have my lucky item so I will not miss my shots."
Nakbin looked at him in amazement.
"That sounds great! I always admire you and Junpei-sama. I also dream to be a shooting guard."
Takao and Midorima looked at her curiously.
"Eh?! You do?"
Nakbin nodded back then she looked at the Midorima's lucky item. She fished out a small blade from her pocket and quickly throw it towards the rose cutting it from the stem.
Midorima froze in shock as the rosebud fell on her hand. Before he can say anything, Nakbin pulled him down and pinned the rose in his shirt.
"Better keep the lucky item close, right?"
Midorima stared at her eyes, light pink tinted his cheeks. Nakbin gasped when she saw Midorima's finger bleeding as it is pressed tightly against a thorn found on the stem. She pulled it quickly, removed the bandages and began cleaning it despite Midorima's protest.
"Please stop being a tsundere Shintaro-sama and allow me to work."
Midorima glared at his partner who is laughing out loud.
After putting the antiseptic, Nakbin kissed his finger lightly causing him to turn red as tomato. This earned several gasps and reactions from the spectators.
"Wh-what are you doing nanodayo?"
"I'm giving it a kiss. Aniue or Baba or Yoon usually do that to me whenever I scrape my knee or get hurt. So, better?"
Midorima gulped and blushed heavily. Kuroko narrowed his eyes while Yoon growled audibly. Kagami scowled at the green haired megane.
"Oh Shin-chan you are so lucky!" Takao exclaimed as he patted him on the back.
"So sly Midorimachii!!!"

The tension broke when the gym door slammed open again.
"Hey Seirin we're back! Long time no see!"

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