Chapter 73

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The boys settled themselves in the hot springs.
" has been a long time since we have gathered like this together." Imayoshi smiled.
"What's the matter Makoto?" Imayoshi noticed his kouhai scowling and so he stepped closer to him. The evil genius didn't make a move not flinch. The Touou captain sneered and whispered to his ear. "Can't get that girl out of your mind?"
Hanamiya cringed and pushed Imayoshi's face away. "Shut up Shoichi! I swear to God-"

Reo kept on clinging on poor Tyelko. The latter remained impassive on the former's affection. He looks like an innocent baby being cuddled by his mother. Kotaro and Nebuya tried pulling their vice captain away but Mibuchi's grip on Tyelko's arm is just really that strong.

"Look everyone! I can do butterfly!" Koganei proudly shows his butterfly strokes. Everyone seemed to ignore it though except for Mitobe who is silently telling him to stop because he will get tired very soon.
Kuroko is washing Nigou again, turning themselves into cotton candy again. The sight looks really adorable though.
Yoon is calmly sitting near a rock and hummed to himself. Hara spotted him and went closer.
"Sup cutie..."
"Stop calling me cutie and go away..."
"Hmm, your remarks are lacking some bite now huh?"
Yoon opened one eye at him. He sighed. This guy will never stop annoying him to end. "Fine. Stay. As long as you won't disturb me."
Hara smirked. "Fine by me."

Haizaki is sitting beside Mayuzumi who remained silent for the entire time.
"So you are Tetsuya's so-called rival?"
Mayuzumi ignored him and sunk himself into the water.
"Oi! Don't just ignore me!"

"Where are the coaches?" Tsugawa asked.
"They said they will catch up. Now shut up and allow us to rest as well." Iwamura reprimanded him.
All of a sudden they heard female voices and laughters coming from the other side.
"Sounds lively out there." Ironheart commented. Izuki flinched. This feels like déjà vu. He hopes his friends won't decide on peeping and drag him again. He values his life, thank you very much.
All boys suddenly turned quiet.
"Yours are as small as ever." Momoi commented.
"Shut up! And stop staring!" Riko retorted back.
Hyuuga's face is starting to turn red. They can't possibly be talking about that!
"Hmm! Yours are smaller Masako-san," Alex said.
"Shut up! Do not compare them without my permission!"
The boys joined Hyuuga in blushing.
They are definitely talking about it.
"At least Tamara's big enough and Momoi just got bigger." Alex said with a grin. Otsuubo frowned when he heard his sister's name.
"What the hell Alex?!" Taiga slapped his forehead. His mentor has no shame really. They must be aware that there are boys beside them. Himuro feels doing the same, despite keeping a cool straight face.
"Sumimasen! But they shouldn't be talking about that! Sumimasen!"
"Just shut up!" Wakamatsu whacked his kouhai although he can't totally argue with him. The kid's right.
"Yours are still bigger, Alex-san."
"Well, what can I say?" Alex said in a proud tone. "Anyway, where's the phantom girl?"
"Ano, minna..."
The boys stiffened when they heard her gentle voice.
"Come out. Don't be shy, it's only us." Tamara said.
They heard her footsteps coming closer.
"Oh! They are not really big but they are well rounded! Your waists are incredibly small as well!" Alex commented.
"You have a very beautiful skin Nakbin!" Momoi added.
"Please don't look!"
The boys swore that they certainly heard her blush and felt like drowning themselves at this point. They don't want to be branded as perverts but...
Kagami turned his back. His face is now deep red. The memories of what happened the other day keep haunting him again. Hanamiya suddenly feels hot, even Akashi is now at his boiling point despite not showing it.
Yoon joined Kuroko at glaring at the boys. All of a sudden they heard Nakbin call.
"Yoon! Yoon, are you there?!"
Yoon cursed inwardly. "What does she want this time?!"
"Nakbinchii, what are you doing?!" Kise asked quietly. Even Kasamatsu can't utter a word.
"Yoon please answer me! Fine! I'm coming up!"
The boys began to panic. Some dived and sunk themselves deep into the water, others ducked under some rocks, some hid behind the posts although it would be totally useless. Indignant yells followed after.
"Stop it Nakbin! Don't you dare climb that wall or I will kill you! What do you want?!"
"Sorry, I forgot my soap. Can I borrow yours?"
Yoon felt like banging his head against the wall. He muttered something incomprehensible and dug something out of his satchel.
"Oi you! Throw this at the other side!" Yoon shove the soap to Midorima.
"Why me?!"
"Because you can shoot, duh!"
Midorima takes hold of the soap, his are hands trembling. This is the first time he doubted himself making a shot, despite having today's luck item, a rubber ducky. Kuroko grabbed the soap from the shooting guard's hands and threw it at the other side using a phantom shot. It landed straight to her hands without her noticing.
"Nakbin, didn't I tell you-"
"I'm so sorry Aniue, it won't happen again next time! I just really forgot my soap and I'm naked now so-"
"Nakbin! Stop saying obscene things shamelessly!"
"Just go back to your friends!"
"O-okay, geez you really sound like Baba. Fine, thank you anyway and I love you Aniue, bye!"

The boys panted in relief after she left. They gulped at the sight of an angry phantom.
"Minna-san. That was worth of a case of vanilla shakes. I expect payments later."
"What the hell Tetsu?! We didn't even do anything! Heck we didn't even see anything!"
"Are you questioning me Aomine-kun?"
Kise shivered at his Kurokochii. He sounds like Akashi sometimes. The copycat glanced at Akashi who now looks like he is going to faint. Akashi rolled his eyes sideways and caught him staring at him. Kise turned away immediately.

"Let's just switch activities, shall we?" Imayoshi suggested a game like they did before, who stays the longest in the hot springs wins. The game sounds lame but it is better for them than facing another heart attack or worse getting killed. They also value whatever dignity they have left.

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