Chapter 100

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Nakbin was locked up in a place in a dark secluded place she knows nothing about. She never been so scared her entire life. She cried as she looked again at her mother's letter. She pressed her lips on it, giving it a kiss. All her life she and her brother were made to believe that they were abandoned by their parents. Nakbin didn't know how it is to have parents, how it feels like to eat with them and read books with them. Tetsuya, on the other hand saw them but never felt their love. Stupid tradition broke their family. What is it so special with phantoms? Why do they have to hide from the world? Wasn't being invisible enough?
She kept on sobbing when she heard a bark coming out from the outside.
Beside Nigou, was Yoon, Koganei, Mitobe and Sakurai.
"Shh!" Koganei silenced her. Mitobe signaled her to come down. Nakbin mouthed back 'how' when Sakurai pointed at the small passage below the cell. Nakbin looked for a something that may lead her underground. She spotted a hole under her bed and did not hesitate to try it even if the chances are small. She learned it from a story she once read as a child where a thief broke into a mansion and escaped.
Few minutes later, Nakbin was able to breathe air. Yoon rushed to give her a hug.
"I'm so sorry! I was too weak to save you!"
"There is nothing to forgive Yoon. You are always there for me."
"Ano, sumimasen but we need to leave." Sakurai interrupted. Nigou wagged his tail but didn't make any sound. He is clever enough for a dog.
They were running when they bumped into someone.
"Oh!" Nakbin fall back when a pale hand grabbed her hand and held her by her waist.
Mitobe and the others went into defensive mode but stopped when they recognized the person's face.
"My empress."
Nakbin cried in his arms in relief. Seijuro soothed her, thankful that she was alright.
"Come, let's go."
Suddenly several men appeared in front of them.
"Release the queen."
"Who says I take orders from others?" Seijuro angrily asked. Mitobe and Koganei blocked the newcomers. Koganei peeked behind him. "Go, Akashi-san. We will take care of them."
Mitobe nodded in agreement.
Akashi narrowed his eyes but nevertheless followed what he was told. He has to take Nakbin safe.
"They're running away!" One of them yelled.
Sakurai punched his face, Mitobe and Koganei were shocked with the sudden change of his personality.
"Sumimasen. I will not let any of you get near her."
The men charged against them. "Na, Mitobe, will this be the end of us?"
Mitobe shook his head before he fought against the phantoms. Koganei sighed as he joined to help.

Nakbin fell on her knees due to exhaustion. Akashi carried her in bridal style when he was met with a sword giving his neck a small cut. Droplets of brick red fell to the ground.
"Argh!" Yoon took out his dagger and charged against the man.
"Run!" Yoon yelled at them.
"Yoon, no!" Nakbin screamed in fear. Akashi felt so furious as he can't do any help.
Nakbin watched helplessly as she saw her shadow being attacked. All of a sudden Hara came to the rescue together with the rest of Kirisakk Daichii. Hanamiya, however was not with them but Haizaki, instead.
"Didn't take you as a dangerous type, phantom." Haizaki commented.
"Shut up!"
"You know, I like this game. We should do this often." Hara said while punching a guy on his face.
"I know right? We are free to kick butts anytime." Yamasaki added, chuckling.

"Shh...I know. I have to get you safe."
"I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me."
Akashi did not make any response but held her tightly. Akashi may be harsh sometimes but he never thought of hurting anyone, physically that is.

"Hold it right there!"
Guards chased after them as soon as they spotted Akashi's vibrant hair. Akashi felt so furious and you never take him for a guy who runs away from his problems. He puts Nakbin down as he pulled out his scissors which he used  to fight against him. A loud laugh was heard behind them.
"I never thought you can be this stupid Akashi."
Makoto gave a swift peck on her cheek and successfully dodged Akashi's scissors.
"What do you think you are doing?!"
"You should know who you're real enemies, emperor and scissors? Really?"
"Shut up!"
"No, you, shut up!" Makoto shouted back as he hit the enemy with a wooden stick on his head, causing the person to fall down. The two gave each other verbal insults while fought side by side as enemies came charging against them.

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