Chapter 15

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"Aniue, can we come with you to school?" Nakbin asked while they were having their breakfast.
"I don't see any problem with that. We no longer have classes and we will only prepare for the festival. Do not bring your cloaks anymore, people from Seirin are already used to with my lack of presence. I'm sure they can manage with yours as well."
"They didn't seem to be used to it yesterday," Yoon scoffed.
"They did not know about you, that's why."
"There you again, being grumpy." Nakbin said playfully.
"Don't you start with me Nakbin!"

Four teenagers stood in front of Seirin gates. With Tyelko being the fourth person to join them. Yoon twitched in annoyance.
"Ne Tyelko, why do you have your mask on?!"
Tyelko pursed his lips and pointed at his eyes.
"It's your eyes, isn't it? I don't think so people will mind seeing them. I also have my pointy ears but they paid it no heed yesterday," Nakbin declared.
"Oh right, they were so entranced by you that they did not notice them," Yoon said sarcastically.
"Tyelko." Kuroko placed a hand on his arm. "Take off that mask. I don't think people will mind seeing your eyes. Use your misdirection if you feel uneasy people staring at you."
"What kind of advice is that?"Yoon mumbled.
Tyelko exhaled deeply then took off his mask. It revealed his beautiful golden dragon eyes. Tyelko is a handsome young man, same age as Tetsuya and probably same height as Mitobe. He has short blue hair and particularly pale skin even compared to Kuroko. He is their cousin from the eight family who also serves them as their butler and body guard. He is particularly close with Kuroko rather than with the other two. He used to follow him everywhere when they were children and even proclaimed himself as Kuroko's shadow. He is very quiet and hardly ever speaks to other people, usually replying to questions with nods, gestures and awkward stares. He is extremely kind and caring. He grew up the same environment as Nakbin, unable to leave her side due to his position so you can say he is just as innocent as her.
They walked inside the campus quietly. "Everyone looks so lively," Nakbin happily commented.
"Of course, classes are over," Kuroko answered.
"That's right I can only imagine. Students in the city must be really lazy," Yoon grumpily said.
"There you go again. Stop putting people in a box, Yoon." He simply scoffed back at Nakbin's scolding. "Interhigh festival is a grand celebration and this year it will be held here in Tokyo. There will be games, performances and stage plays, and booths. Clubs will be formed too." Kuroko explained.
"And you will be participating in one or two, correct?"
"Yes that can't be avoided. You three  can join any if you want."
"Really Aniue?" She asked excitedly. "Of course. It is open to everyone. And you can pick the school you want to enter this coming year."
"Uh but..."
"It's okay if you won't pick Seirin. I want you three to make your own choices, we'll discuss other matter once we get there. But now let's just enjoy the festival."
"Right! By the way Aniue, what are the clubs? Do you have any particular in mind that you will join?"
"There will be lots of it and will be formed by all schools. It is  a nice gathering to meet other people. There will be clubs like theatre arts, cooking club..."
"Wow that sounds great!" Yoon grinned.
", shogi, arts and many more."
"And you will be in the basketball club, right Aniue?"
"Yes but I am also planning to join the Reader's club since I am also part of the library committee in this school." "Oh?"
"In fact I am the vice president." "Sugoi!" The two exclaimed.
"Our club will be sponsoring a lot of literary contests and there will be lots of books for everyone to read."
They all squealed in amazement. "Do you think we can join too?" Nakbin asked.
"Yes. I will be glad if you do. I only need to tell our president first and perhaps he can give you the other vacant positions that we have."
"Who might that be?" Nakbin asked.
"You'll meet him soon enough, he is another phantom like us, my rival shadow in basketball."
"Oohhh rival! That's sounds so cool Aniue!" Kuroko smiled at them.
"Tetsuya, what's his name?" Tyelko asked slowly.
"Mayuzumi Chihiro."

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