Chapter 21

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"Let's have a good game!"
Both teams bowed down each other and the tip off started. Kaijo got the first ball.
Nakbin went to sit beside Kiyoshi.
"So Teppei-sama isn't really going to play?"
"Unfortunately not, but I am happy to see others play."
Nakbin hummed at his reply. "Then perhaps Teppei-sama can tell me how basketball works?"
"It is your first time to watch basketball?"
"Yes, it is my first time to see it. I am not very particular with modern games."
Kiyoshi explained some rules in basketball, how it is being played, and what are the role of each player, while watching both teams play. Nakbin became fascinated with the game.
"Sugoi!" She's so amazed with Kuroko's amazing steals.
"Your Onii-san can do better than that. We are only starting the game."
She saw his cyclone pass to Kagami and widened her eyes in surprise.
"Team play," she mumbled.
"Hmm?" Kiyoshi turned his attention to her and saw her smile.
"Aniue sure has grown, his own principles quite changed."
"What do you mean by that Nak-chan?"
"You see Teppei-sama, the village where we were raised is a land to forget and of the forgotten. We have undeniable weak presence that people seem to forget that we exist. We call ourselves shadows. The people that will acknowledge us and who will bring the best in us are what we called, lights."
Kiyoshi listened attentively but is no longer smiling. Such fate, he thought.
"Because of that, many of my people do not believe in camaraderie with the outside world and terms such as friends do not exist in their vocabulary. They believe that things such as teamwork will not work with someone who will be unnoticed. One of my elders told me that I will simply end up alone and I will be left broken after I give my trust to someone who isn't like me. Aniue believed it too. I'm happy to see him change after all these years and found friends that will make him happy. Can you see how happy he looks?"
"Uh, excuse me but his expression looks the same to me." Koganei who was actually listening to them, interfered.
"It's in his eyes." Nakbin pointed. She laughed softly at their puzzled looks.
"Aniue may look more like our mother but his expression and bluntness, he inherited from our father."
"Uhm, sorry to ask but where are your parents? Are they at Iceland as well?"
"No Shinji-sama, they are overseas, yes but not in Iceland." Kiyoshi frowned at this. Parents are supposed to be with their children considering the fact that they are underage. No wonder Kuroko spent his life mostly alone.
Riko joined in their conversation, while watching her team play. " don't believe in teamwork?"
Nakbin laughed at this, catching the attention of others at the bench. "Of course, I do. You don't only see me as little miss proper with weird manners, do you?"
She stood up, hands on her waist.
"Well, let me tell you a secret."
Everyone gathered around her, forgetting the rest of the game jut to listen to what she was about to say.
"Nah Kuroko, what do you think they are doing over there?" Kuroko turned his back and shrugged. "Maybe she decided to tell them a fairytale story."
"Will you cut that out?!"
"Cut what out?"
Izuki heard this and wrote it on his pocket notebook earning a slap on the back from Hyuuga.
"You saying silly things with that face!"
"I don't know what you are talking about Kagami-kun, and what's wrong with my face?" Kagami groaned in despair.
"Forget it. Let's just focus on the game."

"What secret Nak-chan?"
"I have walked out there sometimes." "Huh?"
"Outside. Outside our village, the mansion."
"Huh? But Yoon said..."
"Yes, Koki-sama I wasn't allowed to leave the mansion without chaperone. Yoon cannot be considered as one since he's actually younger than me. So Yoon and I used to escape. Sometimes we go out with Tyelko but most of the time, he stays at home to cover up for us. Poor thing." Nakbin laughed softly.
"Didn't you ever get caught?" Furihata asked.
"No. Not ever. We don't go that far anyway, just a little bit beyond the borders. I enjoyed it a lot even it's only between me and Yoon. We both learned how to fish, how to hunt, how set a fire, how to camp and how to climb trees! We were able to experiment with spices as well and that's how we learned how to cook."
"Don't you get into trouble?" Koganei asked worriedly.
"Of course we did. It's hard to avoid once you already stepped into the wild. We used to get some scratches or wounds or even broken ribs." She laughed earning astonished replies.
"What?!" Riko looked so amazed while struggling to fight the urge to strangle the young girl.
"I even fell ill once, right after I ate a poisonous mushroom."
"What?!" "
"That's right."
They all jumped in surprise when Yoon suddenly appeared. "That's how we learned how to make herbs and medicines for ourselves. To make everything look like it never happened and to avoid getting into trouble, otherwise we will be both be locked up in a tower."
"Speaking of friends we befriended some ruffians and pirates back home." Nakbin proudly said.
"What?! Unbelievable!"
"Yes but they are actually nice. They understood us and they never failed to notice us, treating us like one of them." Nakbin suddenly felt nostalgic. "But they still treat me like child." She sulked.
"That is because you are one, baka!" Yoon snapped. 
"Hmph, well at least they used to take us with them sometimes then bring us back before sunset. I have to pretend to be studying inside my room for the entire day so we won't get caught."
"But that is dangerous you know? Trusting strangers. Even with a lack of presence, do not take it for granted. You don't actually become invisible." Riko sternly said. "Please tell me you will not do that here."
"Hmm? Okay." Nakbin shrugged earning a scowl from Riko, she doesn't look sincere with that answer.
"Oh by the way, Teppei-sama. I have something for you."
"Huh? What is it?"
Yoon gave him a small container.
"What's this?"
"We made that for you. Aniue told me about your injury and how you can no longer play." Nakbin took off the lid.
"We made a combination of Arnica Montana, comfrey, aloe, turmeric and rosemary, and another ingredient we will not tell. It will soothe the pain and slowly heal whatever injury you have. Apply vigorous amount of it three times a day daily. You'll completely heal most likely after a month, depending on your injury but you can already play even starting tomorrow as long as you apply they before the game." Yoon instructed.
"I used that when I broke my ankle after I tripped in a plank and an anchor fell atop of me. I can't even walk for weeks and I almost gave up my hope for dancing but..." Nakbin stood up and twirled herself, doing a graceful pirouette. "See, it never happened."
The Seirin team gasped in astonishment.
"This means you can play again, Kiyoshi!"
Kiyoshi can't help but smile not realizing his eyes are glistened with tears.

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