Chapter 88

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Kagami is ecstatic. Nakbin is coming over as Kuroko's demand for her sister to stay safe. He has a suspicion something goes wrong every time he lest her loiter around on her own. Kagami prepared everything. He made sure everything is in order. He even cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast with a touch of fried flowers for her, which the former learned so hard to make.
Kagami slapped his cheeks. "Yosh! I am going to confess to her!" Then all of a sudden, he is already blushing.
Lost in thoughts, he heard the ring of his doorbell. Kagami rushed to get the door and was met by her warm smile. He took her bags to carry it inside and was met by Kuroko's stern look. He gulped audibly, Kuroko can look really creepy and scary despite his lack of height.
"It's been a long time since I came to your apartment Taiga."
"Hmm. Come! Have you eaten?"
"I actually missed my meal this morning because I was in a hurry and Yoon keeps nagging again."
"Ah little bastard. Perfect timing! I prepared something for both of us." Taiga led her to his dining table.
"Ooohhh...smells good. Ah! Fried flowers! You know how to make them?"
Kagami scratched the back of his head. "Uh well you see, Kuroko phoned me this morning saying you are coming over. I know you like them so..."
"Thank you!" Nakbin gave him a hug all of a sudden. He looked away to hide his blush.
They had a little chat after eating. Nakbin helped Kagami wash the dishes. He kept on glancing on her, pink hue tinted on his cheeks. After their chore was done, Kagami took a deep breath and slapped his cheeks which startled the girl.
"Uh, Taiga? Is there something wrong?"
Kagami held her tight on the shoulders, looking directly into her eyes although he is obviously blushing.
"Nakbin! Eto..."
Nakbin tilted her head in confusion.
"I...I like you!"
"No, scratch that. I love you! I wanted you to be my girl friend and I want to marry you one day and we could cook together and you're going to bear my children!"
"Just let me show you then."
Kagami slowly moved closer to her. Nakbin got this cue for a kiss, shied away a bit, her cheeks starting to get red as well.
"Not you too..."
Kagami stepped aside. He suddenly felt furious which slightly scared her.
"Too? What do you mean by that?! It's Akashi and Hanamiya, isn't it?"
"Huh?" Nakbin turned red as she remembered the happenings before. Kagami noticed her reaction and man, he was right. His aura changed, the look in his eyes changed, like he is getting into the zone. Nakbin took a few steps back as Kagami moved closer. He carried her in a bridal style, taking her to his room.
Kagami didn't respond.
Nakbin has a bad feeling about this and so she started to panic.
"Taiga please! Put me down!"
The latter did not respond. He laid her in his bed and locked the door of his room. His gives off a scary aura frightening the girl in his bed. He pinned her down, his eyes looking furious. Nakbin tried to fight back but the strength of a very serious Taiga is enormous.
"Taiga, what are you doing? You're hurting me!" Tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Where did those bastards touch you?" Taiga' voice suddenly turned husky.
"Is it here?" Kagami kisses her deeply on her lips. "Or here?" He kissed her on her neck then trailed downwards.
"Taiga! Stop!"
Kagami snapped out of his dark thoughts and got off her immediately. Nakbin is visibly trembling in fear and is already crying. Kagami felt like.m banging his head on the wall. Nakbin ran towards the door when Kagami pulled her for a hug, this time, gentler.
"I'm very sorry. I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me, please..."
Nakbin cried softly. "That really shocked me."
"I know, I'm so sorry. Punch me if you like. Just, just don't go."
Nakbin calmed down slowly. Kagami relinquished his hold as he looked at her tearful eyes, he can't help but feel guilty. He tried to cheer her up though.
"What about Maji's? I'll treat you some milkshakes!"
They went to their favorite hang-out. Nakbin's chest kept on pounding still. Slowly, she began to feel comfortable around him again as they talk other things aside from what happened minutes ago. They talked and laughed and Kagami even challenged her on one-on-one basketball.
"Let's go back to my place. It's getting late." Kagami held her small hand gently.
Kagami decided to walk her home instead of asking Kuroko to pick her up as planned. Kagami can't forget what he did this morning. He purses his lips as he looks at her.
Nakbin looked back at him.
"What is it?"
He knelt down and held her delicate hands.
"Please forgive me."
Nakbin smiled softly.
"You're forgiven."
"I see. I'm glad then. But..."
"I love you Nakbin. Will you be my girl friend?"
"You don't need to answer right away. I can wait but I will fight for you."
Kagami looked at her seriously then kissed her on the forehead.

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