Chapter 13

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They sat together on a corner, talking and laughing, and enjoying the little feast that Nakbin and Yoon prepared. Hyuuga sighed contentedly, "Finally, a girl that can cook." Riko heard this and hit him with her fan.                                   "I've grown Aniue, did you notice?" Yoon sweatdropped at this, she hardly grown, being only five foot or less.
"You  were never tall imoto." Kuroko replied bluntly. Nakbin pouted as she pinched him on the arm.
"You are so mean to me Aniue."
"Tetsuya is nothing but being honest, we both know that," Yoon sided. "You're the one to talk! You are only an inch taller than I am and I am only few months older than you!"
"That too. I'm still taller considering the fact that you are older than me." "Urgh!"
Tetsuya decided to interfere the fight that is brewing. "I love these scones, imoto made this really special for me, right?" Nakbin turned back at him forgetting her argument with their cousin.
"Hai! I'm so happy you like them!" Wow. That was fast, everyone thought.
"Now I see how Kuroko can charm a lot of ladies, he probably had a lot of practice, ne Mitobe?" Koganei whispered at his companion who simply nodded back.
"Kuroko has a happy family." Kiyoshi smiled at the sight in front of them.
"Too bad we only know a few things about him."
The others thought of it too. They felt a twinge of guilt for not asking Kuroko about anything family-related sooner. They are a team after all and they are supposed to know lot of things about each other. Blame it on his weak presence, they thought.
"By the way..." Kagami finally spoke since they already eased with each other. They even agreed to allow Nakbin to call them with the honorific -sama, provided that she will try her best not to address them 'my lords' altogether because that just sounds so weird, though it will still take time for her to break the habit.
"Yes Kagami-kun?"His shadow asked him nodding at him to continue.
"What about the Generation of Miracles? Do they know about you two?"
"Generation of Miracles?" Yoon and Nakbin simultaneously asked.
"No. I never told them," Kuroko answered.
"They never asked."
They frowned at his reply. They still don't like him being so secretive. Kuroko needs to learn to be more expressive.
"Well, except for Momoi-san. I just told her yesterday." He continued as he took a bite of his scone.
"Momoi? You told Momoi?" Riko asked. "Hai. I needed her help to pick a present for imoto."
"Oh really?! I should thank her then Aniue!"
"I think you should also thank coach Nakbin-chan. She's the one who told me that I should get you a present."
"Right! You have my thanks as well Riko-sama. I love these shoes a lot. The others that I have were already worn though."
"Ah, no need to thank me Nakbin-chan, all I did was to give your brother a little nudge out the door."
"But still..."

"Worn though? How come your shoes got thoroughly worn?" Koganei asked. "Well I love dancing Shinji-sama."
"She can dance forever if you won't stop her," Yoon sighed.
"By the way, Tetsuya who are the Generation of Miracles?" Yoon asked. "They were my teammates back in middle school."
"Ah the friends you met after Shige, am I right?"
"Shige? As in Ogiwara Shigehiro?" Kagami asked.
"Yes," Kuroko clarified.
"I almost forgot about Shige-sama, do you still see each other Aniue?"
"Not really but we might this coming festival."

"Nakbin is familiar with Ogiwara-kun. You met before?"
"Yes Riko-sama. Aniue introduced him to us before I was sent to Iceland."
"Iceland? That's cool! How is it like to be there?" Tsuchida asked excitedly.
"Iceland is where your eyes land. Kita kore!" "Izuki shut up!"
Nakbin gasped upon hearing it. "A pun joke!"
"Nakbin don't be rude. Answer Tsuchi-san's question," Yoon told her with a murderous aura. He doesn't want to hear lame jokes ever.
Hyuuga groaned in despair and frowned to himself. He can't believe it. A female version of Kuroko, Kiyoshi and Izuki. He is no longer sure if he can live with that. Maybe he should just go and die.
"Oh right, my apologies. Iceland, you say? You'll love it. It has beautiful sceneries, and arts and lots of books. People there are indulged with and are very particular with fair folk."
"Fair folk?"
"Fairies, elves, and elementals." Yoon pointed out.
"Are they real?" One of the freshmen curiously asked.
"I believe so. I didn't see one though. But I know I will, then I am going to write about them on my Nakbin's Fantastical Guide to Fair Folk and stuff, notebook." She said excitedly.
"Yeah right. Sadly though you left it," Yoon said sarcastically.
"Actually I brought it here."
"Yes. I inserted it in your bag and took it out when we arrived home."
"You idiot! No wonder it was so heavy! Besides I doubt you'll see any fairy here in Japan!"
"I think I will, they say there are some parts in this country where I can possibly find one. Hiroshima, for example."
"Stupid! That place is haunted! You'll see ghosts there not fairies!"
Kuroko chuckled at them, some things never change.
"Oh and Aniue, why do you call yourselves Generation of Miracles? Are you some kind of performers? You're the lead singer, right?"
Before Kuroko can answer Kagami asked, "Kuroko sings?"
"Yes! Aniue has the most angelic voice ever. He used to lull me to sleep whenever I am having nightmares," she answered dreamily.
"Oi Kuroko why don't you sing for us?" Izuki asked.
"Some time maybe sempai. As for your question imoto, no, none of us are performers, we're basketball players. You'll probably understand when you see some of us play in court." Although still confused, she only nodded in reply.

"Speaking of Generation of Miracles, our school will be sponsoring a basketball game on festival since we won this year's Winter Cup, the reason why I gathered you all here at the first place." Riko told them with her arms crossed. "Ehhhh?!!!"

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