Chapter 59

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The Reader's Club opens their house for the first time. It happened to be unannounced so everyone are so curious, although some are expecting it will just be another stage play.
"The Reader's Club must be exciting this year, don't you think Reo-nee?" Kotaro asked cheerfully.
The taller make smiled at his companion. "Must be. The phantoms are heading the activities after all."

When the uncrowned kings arrived at the said place, they heard loud squeals and saw a huge crowd surrounding the area.
"What's going on?" Nebuya asked as they were trying to get through the screaming girls. Reo spotted Akashi together with the Generation of Miracles and their teammates. Even Seirin and Kirisaki Daichii are there too.
Akashi glanced at the voice and saw his current teammates approaching them.
"Ne what's going on?" Asked Kotaro.
Aomine grimaced. "These girls are worse than your fan girls Kise!" The tanned make gave the blonde a loud smack on the head.
"Aominechii, why did you do that for?!"
Aomine ignored him causing Kise to wail again but was silenced by Kasamatsu.

"They must be having an interesting show." Imayoshi smirked.
"I can't even see anything!" Wakamatsu complained.
"Be watchful enough, the shadows are hard to find after all."
Izuki got another idea for his pubs but was muzzled by Hyuuga.

"Oh Hanamiya! Fancy seeing you here!" Kiyoshi went to greet his fellow general but was given a snarl in return.
"I did not come here to enjoy such stupid show. I only want to see how my student is faring." Hanamiya hissed.
What a tsundere, Kiyoshi thought.
Kagami frowned at Hanamiya's statement. "Student?"
Hanamiya didn't reply but gave Kagami an arrogant smirk instead.
Suddenly someone was sent flying their way but he landed gracefully instead of crushing on the ground. Kiyoshi's eyes widened when he recognized the person.
She's not wearing a dress but a princely outfit, draped with a robe that covers her curves. Her hair is tied up in a bun again. On her hand, is a double-edged sword.
"What are you doing?" Kagami asked worriedly, thinking that the girl might be getting herself into another fight.
"Club activities." Nakbin smiled at him and gave Hanamiya a wink. Hanamiya smirked in return but Akashi and Kagami didn't like it and glared at the Kirisaki captain suspiciously.
"By the way, today I'm not Nakbin. My name is Bento."
"Pfft...what kind of name is that?" Takao snorted.
Takao and Kotaro laughed as she went back to her fight. Hanamiya rolled his eyes. The girl still has a lame naming sense.
The Rakuzan players felt their eyes bulging when they recognized the person whom she is supposed to be fighting against.
"Give up now, Ichigo. Give her back to me." Nakbin demanded.
Chihiro stared at her blankly. "Never."
Nakbin snarled and pounced on him, two swords clashed followed by squeals from the audience.
"She's my bride, I will not let you get her!" Chihiro aka Ichigo spat back.
"Wow. They are so into their characters." Fukuda said in an amazed tone.
"I never thought Chi-chan to be this cool!" Mibuchi told his teammates.
"Nakbin is the bad guy?" Takao asked laughingly.
Akashi and Kagami both glared at Hanamiya who is smirking proudly at Nakbin.
In the background girls keep screaming at Mayuzumi and Nakbin.
"Ichigo-sama, I'll be your bride!"
"Bento-san, take me as your captive instead!"
"Ahh! They are so handsome!"
"Marry me Bento-sama!"
Aomine winced as the girls keep squealing and screaming.
"I can't believe those two have more fangirls than you, Kise! My eardrums are going to explode any moment!"
"Nakbinchii is so cute! Mayuzumi-san too!"
Kise fished out his phone from his pocket and took several pictures.
"Who's the bride by the way?"
All eyes lit up at Momoi's sudden inquiry and scanned the area to look for the lucky girl.
They all froze in place, some had their jaws hung open, and some burst out laughing. Kagami was in the middle of his drink when he spotted the said girl and started choking.
She has a long caramel hair and wears a beautiful red yukata.

Yoon's eye twitched and twitched. In annoyance. He will definitely let Nakbin pay for this humiliation and probably kill Hanamiya later.

Mayuzumi shields his bride protectively from the antagonist, Bento.
"I will not let you touch her, you wicked monster!"
"Monster?" Nakbin clutched her chest and looked away dramatically. "How can you say that to me? All I wanted is to be loved..." Few tears rolled down in her face. Her fangirls looked at her sympathetically.
"Poor Bento-san..."
Suddenly she acted out of character and laughed evilly, shocking everyone who is watching.
This is not the nice innocent Nakbin, everyone thought.
Bento gave Ichigo an evil smirk, "As if I am going to say that, imbecile!"
Those aren't her words either! Everyone who knows her cursed inwardly.
Ichigo hissed angrily and readied his sword.

Meanwhile everybody looked at Hanamiya. Hyuuga, Kagami, and Akashi gave the Kirisaki Daichii a cold stare. Hanamiya ignored their accusing stares and clucked his tongue like a proud mother hen.

Back at the center stage, Bento lunged his sword against Ichigo but he was able to avoid it and pierced Bento on his heart.
Nakbin coughed out fake blood and fell on her knees in front of Yoon.
Several gasps can be heard from the background. Some of the girls are already crying.
Nakbin looked at Yoon with some tears.
"Forgive me my love..." Bento stammered before he laid down dead on the floor.
The girls screamed in despair as they shouted Bento's name.
Yoon's face can hardly be described but he seems to be not enjoying this at all. This is not what he expected when he entered the club.
Ichigo wrapped an arm around him and kissed his forehead receiving another squeals from the fans. Maybe he should also add Mayuzumi on his killing list later.

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