Chapter 37

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Nakbin and Yoon walked around the streets unnoticed, only surprising some vendors whenever they approach to buy something. Yoon is getting impatient. He keeps on glancing at his watch every second.
"By the way Yoon, you shall call me Wataru and you should be Asuza, got it?"
Yoon sighed and nodded.
"Ooohhh! Mascots!" A child pointed at them.
Yoon flinched and turned darkly to Nakbin. "You said we won't be noticed."
Nakbin laughed nervously. "Uhm, I'm mistaken?"
Suddenly a group of children came running towards their direction and chased after them.
They ran as fast as they could until they reached a dark alley far away from the festivities. They both pant hard.
"I think we lost them Yoon."
"Don't smile! This isn't laughing matter! We almost died on a stampede and now we are lost!"

Suddenly they heard voices coming from a group of men, not far away.
They hid behind a lamppost and listened.
They saw five tall teens wearing dark green jackets surrounded by gangsters.
"Oi pretty boy, give us your wallets if you don't want to get hurt!" A huge man with dark skin tone draped his arm over a lilac-haired boy. He roughly shrugged off the arm.
"Woah! Easy there... You want a fight?!"
A man threatened the boys, putting out a glistening knife.
"This is not good Nakbin. We should go-. Nakbin?!"

"I said give us your money!" A man was about to pounce on the dark haired boy when an arrow flew past them, barely hitting the tip of his earlobe. Both parties were startled. The gangsters looked around for the said culprit.
A boy in high ponytail stepped in front of the raven boy, who happens to be the famous uncrowned general, Hanamiya Makoto.
"Sign says no loitering on streets and that includes the bullies!" Nakbin sternly said pointing a finger at the group.
"Huh?! The fuck you say?! Go home little boy before you get hurt!"
Nakbin stared at the man beneath her mask defiantly, spreading her arms in a protective manner, shielding the boys from Kirisaki Daichii team.
"I won't let you hurt them." The boys looked down at the short stranger surprisingly.
"As if a little boy like you can stop me!!!" The man rushed towards her knife pointing forward as it hit Yoon's frying pan.
"You alright there, Wataru?"
"Asuza..." Nakbin looked at her savior thankfully and smiled softly.
"Let's kick their ugly faces." Yoon sneered.
"Just like old times, huh?"

The two charged against the men as the other five stood there dumbfounded, not exactly knowing what is happening or what they should be doing as they are actually involved, per say. Even the genius Hanamiya is at loss for words.
The phantom duo did several tumbling stunts, kicking and hitting the gangsters with their fans and frying pan. Nakbin pulled one of her arrows and was about to shoot when the group ran and screamed in fear. The two turned back to the Kirisaki players who have their mouths hung open.

"Young lords such as yourselves shouldn't be strolling the streets late at night. Your parents will be worried."
"Are you alright?" Nakbin asked while facing Hanamiya.
"Yes we are. Thank you so much for helping us. We could have killed without you." Hanamiya told her, clutching his chest then he suddenly bent down to her level and sneered at her.
"As if I am going to say that to you idiot! Go away! We never needed your help!"
Nakbin was taken aback by his rude behavior and glanced back to Yoon, who simply shrugged his shoulders.
"It's just his way of saying thank you, perhaps. Come, we better go." Yoon said as he pulled her hand. Nakbin glanced back at Makoto and smiled widely. "Ah! I get it! An aggressive type of tsundere!"
"Huh?! The fuck you say midget?!"
Yoon sensing another trouble, hurriedly pulled Nakbin when Makoto grabbed her other arm before they could get away.
He smiled at her evilly. "I changed my mind, stay. You two got some good skills. Why don't you introduce yourselves to us? My name's Makoto, Hanamiya Makoto." He sneered, expecting them to shiver in fear when he emphasized his name.
Yoon gave out a nervous laugh and pulled Nakbin with him.
"That's right! Nice to meet you! We'll be on our way then."
However, both Yamazaki and Furihashi blocked their way.
"Where do you think you are going little ones? Why don't you stay and have some fun?" Hara looked at them sadistically.
Yoon began to speak in a shaky voice, "This is bad Nak- Wataru, we helped the wrong people."
Nakbin, oblivious to what's going on, remained calm. "I don't think so we did Asuza. But Makoto-sama is right. It is rude not to introduce ourselves."
The boys arched their eyebrows. Sama?
"But before that..."
Nakbin sighed deeply then looked up at Makoto.
"Your eyebrows are like mountains."
She turned to Hara next. "You have hair like baby yak."
"You, you have eyes like a dead fish. You sir, looks like a walking zombie and you, have a very crazy outfit." She sternly said as she turned to Yamazaki last.
The boys stood there shock, their eyes blinking.
Yoon screamed in horror. "What do you think you are doing?!"
"Trying to make friends." Nakbin chided.
"Are you really stupid?! You just made some enemies!" Yoon yelled at her while pointing a finger.
A sound of cracking knuckles stole their attention.
Makoto approached her darkly. Yoon tried to get in his way when Hara and Yamazaki grabbed him by his arms, grinning evilly. Makoto draped his heavy arm over her shoulder.
"Do you know who I am?"
"Yes. You just said you are Hanamiya Makoto. Now, Makoto-sama as you could see I am in the middle of discussion with my companion here." She gently removed his arm from her and turned to his other companions.
"Please release him my lords, so we can continue our argument." The boys gaped and looked at her dumbly. Yoon agitatedly frees himself from their grip.
"As I was saying, Asuza. I am trying to impress them with my keen observational skills."
"I don't know what kind of observational skill you have but we need to run away! Now!" Yoon took her hand but swatted it away.
"Don't be so rude to people we just met. As you can see, they are all very handsome and tall. They look smart and pretty strong too..." Makoto and the others gaped at the boy. He just insulted them then now he is praising them? Did he just lose his mind?
" I just pointed out the least obvious in them so they will be impressed by me."
Their expressions turned dark again.
"You just pointed out their most obvious features!"
Yoon's statement caused them to crack their knuckles again.
Makoto gritted his teeth, "I don't know where you are getting at! But I'm telling you stop messing with me!"
Yoon pushed him lightly away from Nakbin. "Why don't you just let us go? We saved your lives, just pay us back. A life for another."
Nakbin tilted her head at him. "You are saying as if we will get ourselves killed by them."
"Because we will be killed!" Yoon retorted.
Nakbin looked up at Makoto again.
"Are you going to kill us? Why?" Yoon slapped his forehead and fell on his knees dramatically. "My precious brain and good looks...sayonara..."
Makoto gaped at her like a fish, then they heard another chuckle. A hand was placed on Nakbin's shoulder. "Well Makoto as fun as it can be, just let them go. I never met someone as stupid as them." Kentaro chided. Nakbin swatted his hand angrily. Yoon stood up defiantly. It is obvious that they felt so offended.
"I am a handsome genius!" Yoon retorted.
"That's right! We are excellent in Math, Literature, Chemisty, Physics, History and even Medicine!" Nakbin exclaimed as she pouted. "You guys are so mean. You have to make it up to us!"
All boys stared at her, including Yoon.

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