Chapter 44

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"Nakbinchii!" Kise ran to hug her but was pushed away by Seirin's captain.
"Hands off you whiny brat!"
"Good morning Ryota-sama!" Nakbin chirped. Kise beamed and tried to give her another hug when Aomine came in between to stop him.
"Aomine?!" Kagami exclaimed, surprised to his rival. His other teammates and childhood trailing not far behind. Aomine gave him an arrogant look. Kasamatsu went to kick Kise on the back.

"Daiki-sama will also come and play?"
Aomine stared down at her chest and smirked. Kagami stepped between them and gave Aomine a light push.
"Perverted ganguro back off too!"
"What did you call me squirrel face?!"
Mibuchi pulled her away as the two hot-headed aces started quarrelling. Mibuchi noted the tips of her ears turning red. There is a sign of irritation behind her fair facade as she stares at the two bickering giants.
She walked towards the two and hit them by their chins. Everyone looked at her in shock as the two aces rubbed their chins that are already starting to bruise. Imayoshi looks interested.
She looked at them in irritation, her hands on her hips.
"Please stop fighting, my Aniue will not be very happy to see his lights bickering like toddlers much less in front of a lady." Nakbin scolded them while the two aces look peeved.
"Sorry..." Taiga muttered softly.
"Yes, me too, I was out of line." Aomine said, looking down embarassed. The onlookers arched their eyebrows at the scene.
"By the way, since Rakuzan is already here, where is your captain?" Hyuuga asked Reo.
"What about Kuroko-kun, Nakbin-chan?"
"Uhm, well..." Reo and Nakbin looked each other but before they could speak up the door slammed open revealing furious Akashi and Yoon, walking side by side, with Kuroko and Mayuzumi following them behind.
Both geniuses have their fists clenched, their eyes hidden under their bangs. Reo could swear that he can see an angry lion and a furious eagle fighting at the background.
"Hmm... That looks ominous." Taiga commented.
"What just happened?" Izuki asked.
"I think it didn't go well." Reo turned to Nakbin who gave him a knowing smile.
"You're mistaken. I think it's the other way around however..."
"Oi what happened? Who won?" Kotaro asked enthusiastically.
"They tied." Kuroko deadpanned.
"It's almost time so we decided to continue the game next time." Mayuzumi added.
"Tetsu-kun!!!" Momoi tackled Kuroko, suffocating him.

Nakbin narrated the whole story while the other generals nod their heads.
"Really? Yoonchii did that?"
"Sugoi. Akashi-kun was never defeated by anyone in shogi before." Momoi glanced at Yoon in admiration.
"Yoon too and I'm glad it happened."
"Eh?! Nakbinchii is happy that Yoonchii lost once?"
Nakbin glanced at the two prodigies seated at the benches, unmoving. "Yoon longs for a rival and I'm glad he found one."

Meanwhile, Kuroko's emotionless orbs are looking straight at his lights. "What happened to your faces?"
"Nothing." They simultaneously replied.
"I don't think you would tell me. But please stop pouting like overgrown toddlers."

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