Chapter 18

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"Alright boys! Today we are here at Kaganawa to have our practice match with Kaijo high per request. Do all you can!"
"Yes, coach!"
"Uh, Kuroko-kun?"
"Hai, Izuki sempai?"
"Where are your cousins and your sister?" Izuki looked around worriedly.
"They will come in later. Yoon and my imoto volunteered to cook for everyone, including the other team. So they will probably come in late. Imoto-chan is also excited since they will be the one to fetch Nigou at the vet."
"Are they going to be alright?" Hyuuga asked.
"Yes captain. As long as Yoon is around, they will not get lost."
"You are really confident with that cousin of yours,huh?" Tsuchida asked Kuroko as he changed into his jersey. The ice-blue eyed teen gave his senior a warm smile.
"I am. Yoon is a genius. He can memorize a book after reading it once."
"Ehh??!! Sugoi!"

Tyelko who is probably tired of waiting, finally revealed himself
"Since when are you there?!"
"I've been here the whole time Hyuuga-san." Tyelko said in his ghastly monotone voice.
"Actually he came here with me Captain." Kuroko said.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Kagami asked angrily, fist on the air.
"I tried," came Tyelko's reply.
They inwardly sighed. His cousin is worse than him. He even talks like a ghost.
"Nah Kuroko, does Kise know they are coming?"
"Like I told you Kagami-kun, I did not tell the others about them. I'm waiting for the right time."

A  soft knock came on Kaijo team's locker. Kasamatsu opened the door and was greeted by two short teens with hooded capes. He recognized the two as the girls from the other day. "Uh..." Being socially awkward around girls he cannot find the words.
Nakbin's eyes widened in recognition.
"Oh look Yoon! It's Mr. Bee's companion! Good morning!" Nakbin curtsied.
Yoon gawked. Kasamatsu's right eye twitched. What does she mean by Mr. Bee's companion? He didn't recall being called as such and what are these girls doing here? Are they here for Kise perhaps? They must be his fans.
Kasamatsu gathered all the confidence he can muster and was about to brush them off when...
"Who is it Kasamatsu? Oh! My dear princesses, you came for me! How did you know where to find me?" Yoon hit Moriyama with a frying pan very hard. Who knows where he found it?
"Teme! We did not come here for you! We don't even know who you are! And I told you I am a handsome boy!"
Kasamatsu blushed at Yoon's proclamation upon realizing he is not a girl.
"If you are here for Kise, perhaps you can wait after our game." Kasamatsu calmly told Yoon.
"Kise? Who might that be, my lord?" Nakbin asked curiously. She never heard that name before.
"Eh? My lord?" Kasamatsu started stuttering.
"Ah a real princess, come here my lovely-" Yoon gave Moriyama another hit, this time on the face. "Don't touch her!"
"Yoon." Nakbin sternly said, trying to stop her cousin from hitting strangers, Mr. Bee is nice.
"Don't try to stop me Nakbin!"
So their names are Yoon and Nakbin. "But you don't have to kill Mr. Bee."
Ah so Moriyama is Mr. Bee... A tick formed on Kasamatsu's forehead. I am going to kill him!
"Sempai! I heard my name. Is someone looking for me?" A boy with blonde hair, long lashes, a piercing on his left ear and a pretty face that will rival Yoon's stepped out.
He looked down at  the two strangers and gave them his sparkly smile.
"Hi! I'm so sorry but sempai did not allow me to receive fans today. After the game maybe?" He told the two with his usual cheery face.
"Uhm, please forgive us young lord but we did not come here to sell you fans." Nakbin explained.
"Oh Nakbin, I think he's referring to pans." Yoon said glaring at Kise with murderous aura, threatening to hit him with his mighty weapon. Kise stepped back, confused with what's currently happening. He did not say anything offending, did he?
"Uh, wait...I didn't mean...I mean did you not come here for my autograph?" "Huh?!"
"Yoon, what's an autograph?" Nakbin innocently asked.
The Kaijo boys stared at her dumbfounded. Murmurs filled the room, disbelieving.
"It's simply asking a handwriting from a famous performer or something."
"Oh so the young lord performs?" Kise sweatdropped, doesn't know what to answer.
"He models." Kasamatsu said nudging Kise, gesturing him to speak up. 
"He models? Is that something like what Baba tells me that one should be a good role model? But I don't understand Yoon."
Yoon already feels agitated. "I don't think that's the kind of thing he models. This one has a face of an annoying minion with a very fake smile."
"Waahhh! Hidoi!" Kise wailed but was ignored.
"Come Nakbin! We are obviously at the wrong place. Let's not waste our time here! Tyelko and your brother are already waiting for us." Yoon said dragging her with him.
She glanced back the three who still cannot recover from what's happening.
"But, we are lost. Perhaps we could ask for direction?"
"I don't need directions from those wolves! We can manage on our own!"

The two of them bumped into the Kaijo team's coach and winced in pain.
"Hmm? Children aren't allowed in these premises."
"Then please move Sir, and we'll be on our way." Yoon told him irritatingly. Takeuchi raised an eyebrow. He is not liking the tone of this one at all. Nakbin eyed the two worriedly.
"Please forgive us my lord, but we are somehow lost. Can you please point us the way?"
The middle aged man looked at her curiously. My lord? This one's too polite. "Hmph. Oi Kise, why don't you show these two where they are heading."
"Uh." Kise looked at the two strangers hesitantly.
Nakbin mouthed please with pleading eyes.
"Uhm sure. Where are you supposed to go?"
"To my Aniue."
"To Seirin's locker room." Yoon interrupted.
"Oh right! Seirin? You know someone from Seirin?"
"Stop asking questions! Just take us there, will you?!" Yoon yelled back at him.
"Oh okay. Please follow me." Kise was taken aback, never before was he spoken like this before.
Nakbin looked back at Kise's companions and curtsied. The were all taken aback. They kept on staring at their retreating form.
"Hah a super cute girl. I am going to play for her today," Moriyama declared with blush tinted on his cheeks.
Kasamatsu hit him on the back. "Play for us you idiot!"

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