Chapter 14

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Riko dismissed them after discussing about other things they might expect during the upcoming interhigh festival. Furihata ran after Kuroko and his company to give Nakbin her handkerchief.
"You dropped this earlier," he said with flushed cheeks.
"Hey chihuahua-face! Stop gawking at her." Yoon glared. Furihata never thought he will meet someone scarier than Akashi.
"Uh...sorry" Furihata bowed thinking he just did something disrespectful.
Nakbin flicked Yoon's nose.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"Don't be so mean Yoon-kun! You are scaring poor Koki-sama."
She gently approached him and held out his hand. A tick mark formed on Yoon's forehead. Tetsuya's eye twitched at the gesture. He is not liking it, not a bit, not right after seeing Furihata blushed heavily.
"Don't mind him Koki-sama. Yoon is simply in his early menopausal stage."
"Oi!" Yoon wailed.
Kagami's eyebrows raised upon hearing it.
"I really appreciate you for returning what's mine. Please take care on your way home."
"Uh...hai! Please take care as well!" Furihata bowed as she curtsied back.

"What the hell was that Yoon is simply in his early menopausal stage, huh?! You backstabbing midget!"
"It is not nice to call people names, Yoon." That shut him up, feeling slightly guilty.
"He is only returning my handkerchief like a proper gentleman should. And stop being so mean or else you'll end up as a grumpy old man without a wife."
"Why you little!"
Kuroko looked at the amusingly as they keep on bickering with each other.
"Are they always like that?" Kagami asked him.
"Yes. That's actually Yoon's way of being cheerful and that is how they show love with one another." He deadpanned. Kagami can do nothing but gape at his partner.
They passed by the convenience store to buy some popsicles. It took Tetsuya a few minutes to explain to his sister how to eat a popsicle. It is her first time having one.
On their way home, the siblings switched places as Tetsuya and Yoon were discussing about something important.
Kagami can't help but stare at the young girl.
"Would you like to ask me something, Taiga-sama?" She asked with her face still facing the road. This caused Kagami to slightly jump. How did she know that?
"Er...I was wondering you mentioned about menopausal stage a while ago. How come you are not particular with modern stuff like phone or handshake or popsicle but you know something about that? I mean, it's a modern term."
She didn't respond to it for a moment. "Never mind I asked that."
"It's alright. Being born in the main branch of a phantom family isn't that easy, especially if you're a girl. We are rare they say. So I stayed in a secluded mansion. I was raised by our elders, they thought me manners and stuff. I was homeschooled so it will be my first time to attend school. Yoon's as well, since he has been with me since childhood. I was not allowed to have any contact outside, not without a chaperone. I was not even allowed to communicate with Aniue when we got separated, I even thought he hated me." There is some seriousness on her face.
Puzzle pieces are finally putting up together. Although Kagami has still so many questions in mind like, What about the phantom family? Does this mean that there are lots of people like Kuroko out there? And why would they hide a girl from the world? He understands if girls in Kuroko's family are rare but why? Maybe he'll just ask Kuroko about it some other day. Questions like these usually make girls cry and he does not particularly like that. "I may know little about the outside world but we have a lot of books that I read with Yoon. That is how I found out about menopausal stage. And now I am going to learn more about the world!" She smiled brightly at him.
Kagami smirked at that. "Well this is my way home, are you sure you can manage yourselves from here?"
"Yes Kagami-kun, thank you." Kuroko replied in a monotone.
"Good night Taiga-sama," she said as she pulled him down slightly and tiptoed.
Yoon gaped, Kuroko's face looked at his current light darkly, and Kagami's face became as red as his hair. Nakbin just kissed him in the cheek. He began to stutter, not used to with physical contact much less a kiss from a girl. Yes, Alex used to kiss him but that was different!
"What do you think you are doing Nakbin?!" Yoon pulled her.
"What? I just gave him a good night kiss."
"You just don't kiss people randomly!" "Why? Baba or Aniue used to do that to me so that I will not have nightmares. You even do that to me!"
"That is different!"
"How is that different?"
"It just is! You are so troublesome! I can't even take my eyes off you for a second!" Yoon groaned.
Kagami shivered at the sight of his shadow's dark aura. "Kuroko I can explain."
"Please forget what happened Kagami-kun and please go home. Immediately. And I hope you'll have nightmares. Good night." Kuroko turned his back at him pulling his sister gently towards him.
"Bye Taiga-sama!" Kagami remained frozen on his tracks for several minutes as he watched their retreating form.

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