Chapter 97

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On their doorway, there stood a tall man with ashen shoulder length hair in waves, blue-gray eyes and pale complexion.
"You!" Yoon yelled, pointing at the person. "What are you doing here?!"
"Tomoe." Nakbin looked at him, with her eyes red due to crying.
"I have come to take the phantom queen home with me."
"Who said you have the right to do that?!" Yoon yelled back, shielding Nakbin from the male.
The man chuckled. "The elders gave me the right to do so, of course. It took me time to convince them though. Apparently the phantom queen has to marry me."
"What?! Who do you think you are?!"
"The Prince escort of course."
Tomoe showed them of what seems to be a contract.
Nakbin's eyes widened. "The elders' scroll."
"That's right. And it says you shall marry me, Takeru, Tomoe of the High Keep. It has been a tradition for ages that the one from the Silk Palace shall be wed to heir apparent of the High Keep."
"No way..." Nakbin stared at the contract in horror, Tetsuya as well.
"I never heard that from our parents." Kuroko argued.
"Of course you didn't. That's why they were banished from our home the moment the new phantom queen was born. A royal from the silk palace is not to marry the one from the lower branch, however the former queen was too stubborn."
Nakbin gasped in shock as tears started to roll down her cheeks.
Kuroko stood still. That's why their parents left them. Is it because of such foolish tradition? He tightened his fist in anger.
Mayuzumi is overwhelmed as well. He seems to be so confused, as he tries to process all the information.
"And now I have come to take her back. I don't know what the elders were thinking allowing Nakbin to go to place such as this."
"You stay away from her!" Tetsuya blocked his way defensively.
"Ha! As if you could stop us, shadow prince. Soon that title will be mine!"
Tyelko wielded his sword and lunged it against Tomoe who successfully blocked the blade with his own. The battle ensues. Kuroko shouted at Mayuzumi to take Nakbin with him.
However, phantom guards surrounded them, preventing their escape.
"Seriously, Tetsuya, befriending a commoner?" Tomoe mockingly asked as he gave Mayuzumi a look. The latter frowned. He did not like that insult at all.
"Truly, you are just like your mother."
"Tomoe! Please, what are you doing? Please stop."
"I have come to save you from the incapable hands of your brother."
Two guards grabbed her from behind.
"Let me go! I am the queen and that's an order!"
"You have not secured the crown yet and also..."
Tomoe whispered in her ear, " don't want them to get hurt, right?"
Nakbin looked at her family in horror as she cried silently.
She closed her eyes as she muttered an apology to them. Tomoe smiled in triumph as he got her in his arms.
Kuroko rushed to save his sister but were met with several swords.
"Kuroko." Mayuzumi stopped Kuroko. There's no way they are going to win against those men given that they also do misdirection as them.
Kuroko watched in despair as his sister was taken away.
"Tetsuya! We have to follow them!" Yoon yelled at the bewildered phantom. He looks hopeless right now.
"Kuroko, you know we can get some help."
Kuroko looked back at him and understood his message.
"We need to hurry." He stood as he dried his tears up.
"And also tell me everything." Mayuzumi requested.

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