Chapter 48

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"A wager? Nakbin what are you doing?" Yoon asked worriedly.
Nakbin's eyes look fiery, not breaking her gaze away from Makoto.
"I heard what you did to Teppei-sama."
Hanamiya chuckled evilly. "So you heard, huh? What now? Are you going to ask me to lift a vase as well?"
"Hanamiya-san." Kuroko interrupted in a warning tone.
"Don't worry shadow boy, I'm not going to hurt your sister. She's just a little girl after all." Nakbin irked at his mocking tone. She dislikes being called and treated like a child.
Hanamiya turned his attention back to Nakbin whose defiant aura doesn't waver.
"I only wanted to listen to this wager."
Akashi looked at Hanamiya darkly. Kagami, Ogiwara and Hyuuga clenched their fists. Riko and Momoi's faces are plastered with worry.
"I accidentally heard from Kouki-sama what you just did to Teppei-sama last year and I can't help but be disappointed."
Makoto snorted but Nakbin placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.
"Manners Makoto-sama, I'm still talking. As I was saying, I am so disappointed. But with your eyebrows, I actually didn't expect you to be nice."
Hara and Yamazaki snickered but were silenced when Makoto sent them a deathly glare.
"However if this is the kind of play you're having I can't help but respect it despite the fact that I don't like it. In sports, people get hurt anyway."
"Enough with the chit-chat brat! Just tell me what you want!"
"How rude you are talk to me that way! Anyway, I want to propose a bet. Fight me one-on-one, not on basketball nor archery but on hand combat."
This earned shocked states and loud gasps from the others.
"Nakbinchii! What are you saying?!"
"Don't do that! That's dangerous!"
"What are you trying to prove, Nakbin?!"
Imayoshi smirked as he watched the exchange. "Interesting..."

"Do you think you can beat me on that? Are you underestimating me?!" Hanamiya grabbed her by her arms.
"Get your hands off her!" Taiga stepped in but was stopped by Nakbin herself.
"I'm not underestimating you, Makoto-sama. I only wanted to make a deal with you. Now, let me finish. If I defeat you, you will not hurt Teppei-Sama or Aniue or anyone who will be joining the tournament."
"Interesting...and what will I get in return?"
"I'm not supposed to say this yet but I am also planning to join the tournament, as a shooting guard." Akashi and Midorima arched their eyebrows. Makoto laughed at her statement.
"You? Can you even play basketball?"
"It doesn't matter if I can play or not but my point is if you defeat me, I will allow you to direct your fouls towards me."
"No!" Riko and Momoi both exclaimed. Tetsuya clenched his fist. The boys hung their mouths open.
"Are you crazy?!" Hyuuga asked her angrily.
"A martyr just like Ironheart. I want you to know I dislike people like that."
"You don't sound convinced Makoto-sama. Let's ante the stakes up. Loser gets what the winner wants. If I win, you are going to treat us all vanilla shakes."
"Nakbin, if you want vanilla shakes that badly just go and buy one!" Yoon yelled at her but was silenced by her knowing smile.
Makoto laughed evilly. "You got some courage in you just like your brother over there. Fine, I accept your proposal but if I win..."
Makoto tilted her chin and looked at her kaleidoscopic eyes, giving her his signature arrogant smirk. He picked up a Kirisaki jacket. " are going to wear this from now on. That means you belong to us now."
"You bastard!" Hyuuga and Kagami angrily exclaimed. But the look in Nakbin's eyes doesn't falter. "Fair enough. And to make our match interesting, we pick our weapon of choice. Just one, if either of us breaks the rule, deal's off! Now please wait here, I'll just go and change."
Makoto chuckled darkly. Kuroko, Yoon and Momoi rushed to join Nakbin, with Seto and Furuhashi following them behind.
"Hanamiya, please don't do this." Kiyoshi begged.
"Humor me. She chose this herself and you should be thankful she's trying to save your ass for the tournament. Not that I care, you can no longer play anyway."
"I actually can. She cured me." Kiyoshi chided.
Makoto laughed mockingly.
"Now I understand why she is so protective over you. Well she just gotten herself caught in spider's web, she should learn how to escape."

"What are you doing Nakbin?!" Yoon yelled at her.
"Imoto-chan, please."
"Please don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing."
"But you are going to get yourself hurt." Momoi told her worriedly.
"It's better that than seeing anyone else hurt. And Aniue, please trust me this time. I want you to see how much I've grown as well."
Kuroko stared at her worriedly.
"I truly admire your courage back there." Seto butted in, earning surprised looks from Kuroko and Momoi.
"We understand you are trying to save your friends. I am also impressed by the skills you showed last night but you are going to face our fearsome captain. If you heard so much of him, then you should know by now how he plays." Furuhashi said, possibly trying to convince her to back out.
"He saw you fight and Makoto is a genius, which means he has analyzed some of your moves already." Seto added.
Nakbin gave them both a bright smile. "Thank you for your concern but I am not the type of person who pulls out from something I just committed to. Besides, did you see the look on his face?"
Furuhashi frowned. "Yes, you just angered him."
"Good, that means he's ready for our little competition. Prepare yourselves, he is going to burst out some manly tears later on."
Seto laughed at her comment. "I'll be looking forward to it."

Nakbin arrived wearing a similar attire she wore last night. Her hair tied up in a decent bun. She has her huge metal fan as weapon. Makoto smirked at her, holding a sword.
"Are you going to be alright, Nakbin-chan?" Takao asked worriedly.
"I'll be fine Kazunari-sama, besides I'm feeling lucky today. I have the lucky item that Shintaro-sama gave me in my pocket." Nakbin grinned.
Kuroko gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Enough with that! It's so disgusting!" Makoto yelled irritatingly.
"Are you perhaps jealous?" Nakbin mocked.
"Yoon, please give Makoto-sama his good luck kiss as well."
"As if I would!" Yoon irritatingly exclaimed.
Makoto glared at her darkly. "I am really going to break you."
Nakbin scoffed and walked towards the court. The spectators watch the two intently. Mibuchi is clinging again to Tyelko and Takao starts biting his nails but received a scolding from Midorima.
"Not that I'm underestimating that girl but do you think she stands a chance?" Nebuya asked.
"Fret not, after all this is Tetsuya's sister we are talking about." Akashi replied in a cold voice.
Mayuzumi looked at the girl who has a beautiful grin plastered on her face. She truly is the sister of the old model phantom, defiant and strong.

The fight started earning several reactions from those who are watching. They are impressed by how the phantom queen gracefully handles herself. Her fluid motion, tumbling stunts and the way she blocks Makoto's sword make her look like dancing. This angered Hanamiya even more. He feels like being mocked by her smile.
Nakbin flipped herself into mid-air and Makoto who already saw this stunt, grabbed her by the ankle and sent her flying across the court. She yelped in pain when her back hit the backboard hard. Makoto lunged his sword forward. Kagami, Kuroko and several others rush to help but halted their steps when Nakbin disappeared on the spot together with Makoto's sword.
He felt the tip of the blade on his back.
"Looks like I win, Makoto-sama."
Makoto returned her smile with a frustrated scowl. "Damn it!"
Several cheers followed, Kiyoshi lifted her up in glee. The Kirisaki Daichii players secretly smiled.
"Looks like you found someone who can keep up with you, Mako-chan." Imayoshi gave him his very amused smile.
"Shut up Shoichi, I swear to God!" His voice faltered when Nakbin appeared right in front of him.
"I come to collect the payment."
"Hurry and be done with it!"
Nakbin jumped in glee. Yoon who looks triumphant and proud, stood up and brought a fist on air.
"Alright boys! Let's go and claim our vanilla shakes!"
"Let's go!" Nakbin happily cheered,together with Kuroko, Tyelko and Murasakibara who look deadpanned as before.
"Oi Murasakibara, why are you even there?" Aomine asked with a scowl but was simply ignored by the giant sweet tooth.

The four phantoms plus Murasakibara gave Mayuzumi a long hard stare. Mayuzumi return them with his blank one and sighed deeply. He stood up from his seat and raises his right hand holding a light novel. "Let's go." The grey haired phantom deadpanned. His own teammates looked at him disbelievingly as if he just turned into an idiot.

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