Chapter 61: the alliance between Bento and Mako-chan

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The officers of the Reader's Club decided to make a cosplay, a drama and a little concert as part of their activities.
Mayuzumi suggested that they will have the stage play first and selected the main characters. Nakbin wanted to play the antagonist so bad but how is she going to convince their president for that?
Tetsuya permitted her to go to a bookstore all by herself since Yoon is busy helping Mitobe and Koganei cook for their new menu.
She tried to look for some books that might give her tips and help her with acting. Nakbin always thought it will be cool to act as a villain and it will be nice for a change.

She looks around the bookstore when she spotted a certain raven-head. She gasped and skipped happily towards his direction.

Hanamiya was busy looking for some interesting books to read when he felt someone hugged him from behind. Hanamiya turned around, looking so annoyed as he tried to see the person who would dare to touch him.
He met Nakbin's grinning face and scowled. "What are you doing?!"
Nakbin gave him an innocent look. Oh how he hates that look. "I was embracing you."
Hanamiya feels so agitated early in the morning. The conversation won't go anywhere if this girl is always stupid.
"Who gave you the permission to do that?! Why are you here anyway?"
"I am my own person Makoto-sama, I can do things I want to and I came here for some books."
"Fine! Just leave me alone." Hanamiya tried to shoo her away but Nakbin remained still, pouting.
She tried to peek on the book he's currently reading. Hanamiya frowned. He can hardly concentrate. He just asked his teammates to wait for him at Maji's so he can have a peaceful of his own but now another person came to annoy him. No matter what he does she won't go away.
"What are you still doing here?!"
Nakbin looked at him in puppy eyes. He is definitely not going to fall for that. He is Hanamiya Makoto for goodness sake.
Hanamiya tried to resist but unfortunately he can't. This girl must be using some spell to make everyone wrap around her finger.
"Fine! What do you want?!"
Nakbin jumped in happiness. "I need your help Makoto-sama."
Nakbin explained to him her intentions but was rejected afterwards.
"B-but Makoto-sama!" Nakbin cried his name desperately as she ran after him.
"You are an aggressive type of tsundere with an extreme villainy personality! You're the only one who could help me!"
Hanamiya's eye twitched in annoyance. But he got to keep his cool.
"I said go find another person to help you. Go away."
Nakbin's lower lip quivered. She turned away from him with her arms crossed.
"You're probably right, I should go find someone else."
Hanamiya ignored the girl as he pays the book at the counter.
"There might be someone else better than you."
Hanamiya glared at her. He doesn't like that sarcastic tone. No one can be better than him.
"Maybe I could just go to Teppei-sama for help!"
Hanamiya arched an eyebrow. "And what help can you get from that goody-goody?"
Nakbin ignored his question as she continued blabbering. "Or maybe I could ask Shoichi-sama instead. That's right he's smarter than you right?"
Hanamiya growled audibly and muttered something upon hearing his sempai's name. Nakbin smiled upon hearing him. She is winning.
"Then I am going to tell him that you preferred to read a romantic novel than to help me."
"Fine, I'll help! You blackmailing little shit!"
Nakbin brimmed in happiness then punch him lightly on the arm. "And don't call me that. I am not some kind of paper."
Hanamiya scoffed. This girl is as stupid as ever. She can't even spot the difference between shit and sheet.
Nakbin hold onto his arm as they walk towards the exit.
"What a cute couple! Don't you think, Rei?" The cashier asked told his companion, loud enough for both of them to hear.
"Did you hear that Makoto-sama? She said we are a cute couple!"
Hanamiya looked at another direction, trying to hide his pink-tinted cheeks.
"Don't sound so happy about it. You don't even know what that means."
Nakbin tilted her head at him but didn't ask further questions.

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