Chapter 12

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Kuroko remained deadpanned as usual but it didn't stop his seniors from asking him questions, all with worried look plastered on their faces. He seems to be back to himself but not quite.
It seems practice turned into interrogation session.

"Kuroko," Hyuuga started, a hand on Kuroko's shoulder, squeezing it.
Soon he was surrounded by his teammates who are waiting for his response when the freshmen trio barged in.
"Kuroko, there are persons here who came to see you!" Kawahara exclaimed.
All other teammates gave them a confused look. It is Kagami who broke the silence.
"Hah? Where are they then?"
"They were just right behind- woow!" They looked surprised as they glanced back.
"Where did they go?!" Fukuda asked.
"Don't tell me we lost them?!"
"But that's impossible! They were just trailing behind us!" Furihata argued.

Suddenly they had this eerie feeling and shivered, their hair stood on end.
"Don't tell me they were..." Kawahara's voice trembled.
"Ghosts!!!" The other two shouted. "Hah? What are you saying, idiots? What ghosts?" Their captain irritatingly asked, fighting the urge to throttle the three.

Suddenly pale hands snaked behind Kuroko, covering his eyes. This didn't go unnoticed by Izuki's eagle eye and by the other seniors, not even Kagami who all jumped in fright.
"Ahhhh!!!! Where did she come from?!"
Nakbin who is used to this kind of reaction, ignored them. She removed her hands facing Kuroko who seemed to be lost for words, and kissed his cheek.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"I'm incredibly jealous right now!"
"Why does he get all the girls?!"
"Die Kuroko!" His other teammates exclaimed, all with flushed cheeks that will rival Kagami's hair.
The siblings ignored their surroundings.
"I'm sorry I failed to talk to you last night, I've been wanting to that," said Nakbin. Kuroko smiled kindly and patted her head who in turn welcomed his warmth.
"Oi Kuroko!" Shouted Kagami.
"You know it's rude to call random people ghosts." Yoon deadpanned as he suddenly appeared beside them. They all shouted at his appearance, looking like trembling goats diagnosed with acute aneurysm. One more time and they will all surely go to hospital.

Nakbin chuckled at their reaction, smiled at her brother who is still entrapped by her embrace. He smiled at her knowingly and explained to his very confused teammates.
"I apologize Captain, sempai- tachi, Kagami- kun, everyone. But please allow me to introduce to you Nakbin, my younger sister and my cousin Yoon."
"Ehhhhhh?!!!" They all exclaimed as their voices echoed the entire gym. "What are you talking about Kuroko?!" "Just like I said Captain, this is my sister and that is my cousin over there." He pointed at Yoon who only saluted at them. "Sup."
Nakbin curtsied at them and looked up at them with a smile. "Just like Aniue said, my name's Nakbin, my lords."

They stared at her intently, beautiful, they thought. Snow white skin, red lips, long lashes and pretty eyes, dark wavy hair that reaches past down her knees, and somewhat pointy ears?
"Eh? My lords? From what world are you?" Kagami asked trying not to be disrespectful, but he is. Hyuuga elbowed him hard.
Nakbin simply smiled not quite understanding what he meant by that.
"Please pardon our intrusion. My aniue and I were not able to talk properly last night and so we decided to come here. We're not taking a lot of your time are we? Shall we take our leave?"
""Hyuuga scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward, not entirely sure how to respond. He understands that this is the kind of family Kuroko has since the kid got proper manners as well but he can't simply imagine that his sister can be this polite. What are they? Relatives of the emperor? Even so, this is probably too much. Another problem is the new comers share the same weak presence as Kuroko, probably even weaker. He paled at the thought that they are all going to die before they graduate considering the heart attacks they will be given if these two enters Seirin.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his coach's excited voice. "Oh it's you! Kuroko's sister, right?"
Riko ran towards her, followed by Kiyoshi who was walking beside her.
"Coach, Kiyoshi-sempai." Kuroko acknowledged the two newcomers.
"You knew about me?" Nakbin glanced at her brother who gently placed his hand upon her shoulder.
"Of course, Kuroko-kun told me about you. Wow, you are so cute!" Riko can't help herself from pinching her rosy cheeks.
"It's my pleasure to meet you ma'am, my name is Nakbin." She curtsied. Riko blushed at her manners.
"Ma'am? Oh my! So elegant. No need for formalities, just call me Riko or Riko- sempai instead."
"I'm really sorry but I am not quite comfortable with that, Riko-sama will do?"
"Uh..." The others sweatdropped. Riko doesn't know what to say simply agreed. At least she knows someone with very good manners and a girl at that.
"Nah Hyuuga? Who's that pretty girl?" Kiyoshi suddenly asked. Hyuuga hit him on his shoulder.
"Aren't you listening, dumbass! She's Kuroko's sister and this one here is his cousin," pointing at Yoon who has been standing there beside them the whole time.
"Hi." Yoon saluted.
"Hello." Kiyoshi replied with a huge grin. At least his cousin doesn't have that problem, Hyuuga pondered.
Kiyoshi walked towards Nakbin and Riko to introduce himself.
"Hello there little one, my name's Kiyoshi Teppei." He extended his hand towards her. She curtsied again but only stared at his huge hand.
"It is nice to meet you Teppei-sama, but what is that?"
"Hmm? Oh this? It's a handshake." "What's a handshake?" Everybody sweatdropped.
"It's another way of acknowledging people you just met. You accept the hand and shake it." Kuroko explained. They all sweatdropped again. From what era was she born into? They inwardly asked.
"Oh! Like this?" She took one of his fingers and shook it. They all groaned in frustration.
"Not like that Nakbin!" Yoon scolded her. Kiyoshi laughed at her confused reaction.
"It's okay. She'll learn about it in no time."
Nakbin brought his hands closer to her eyes, "Look Yoon-kun, Aniue! His hands are sooo big!" She exclaimed happily.
"Of course they are! And stop saying things randomly! People might misunderstand!" Yoon grabbed her back.
"What will people misunderstand?" She asked looking more confused than ever. She's too innocent, everyone thought. She sometimes sound similar to Kiyoshi, Hyuuga added. No! Not another airhead, please! 
"That aside, you said you have something to show me, what might it be imoto-chan?" Kuroko interfered for a quick change of subjects.
"Oh yes, Aniue!" Nakbin dashed to give him the basket.
"That is filled with vanilla scones and vanilla cookies! It's a good thing Yoon and I made a lot. You can share it with everyone! Oh and here Aniue! That is for you. I bought that for you on our way here to Tokyo. I am supposed to give it to you last night, so here! I hope you'll love it! I know you already have one like that but no, it's actually a special edition.." She said while fidgeting.
"Speak slowly Nakbin. You are starting to give him the details and that will no longer be a surprise." Yoon told her in a scolding manner.
Kuroko opened her present and brightened at her surprise. "...oh and the shoes you gave me last night. I'm wearing them right now. I love them." She continued.
"Oi are you ignoring me?!" Yoon irritatingly asked. Kuroko patted his sister.
"The shoes look great on you. I am happy they fit. As for the gift, I love it. I'll always treasure whatever imoto-chan gives me." Nakbin blushed happily.
"Oi! You two are ignoring me!" Yoon complained. The others sweatdropped.

"Mah, why don't you two continue your little chit chat over there. You sure have a lot to catch up." Riko suggested.
"Hey! I'm also here!" Yoon yelled. How can they possibly ignore him?
"Ah...sorry right. The three of you, I mean." Riko apologized at the feisty one.
"Why not with everyone? We would love to hear your stories as well. It is not everyday I get to meet Aniue's friends," she flashed them a smile causing them to blush.

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