Chapter 22

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Yoon and Nakbin jumped from their seats, all eyes widening in surprise.
"He calls it his 'Vanishing Drive'." Riko pointed out.
"I can't believe he can do that too! He never mentioned about it in his letters." Yoon said.
"Eh? What do you mean by too? You don't mean..." Koganei trailed of his speech.
"We can also do something like that. We discovered it when a giant tiger chased us." Nakbin said proudly.
"Eh? Tiger?" Kiyoshi asked in surprise followed by indignant yell by the benchwarmers catching the attention of everyone.
"What the hell is going with them?!" Hyuuga complained feeling slightly offended for they are not entirely watching closely the game.
"Nakbin what kind of life do you live in?!" Koganei asked worriedly.
"Sorry but I don't quite understand what you mean by that. If it's the tiger you are worried, he's alive, so please calm down."
"It's not about the tiger! What if you were eaten?"
"It's fine. We became friends after that." Nakbin grinned.
"Oi you! What the hell are you doing?! You are disturbing our game!" Hyuuga exclaimed, getting into clutch mode.
The benchwarmers, Riko and the phantom duo excluded, tensed in sight.
"Please forgive us Junpei-sama. Somehow everyone seems to be indulged with our reminiscing tales as as children."
"Just like what I told Kagami-kun earlier captain, she must be telling them some fairy tales." Kuroko stepped closer to him.
" don't get that kind of reaction from a simple fairytale." Kagami said suspiciously.
"And please do not frown like that Junpei-sama, it's unbecoming and scary, just like the Cookie Monster in Aniue's bed time story when I was little." This earned some snickers behind.
"Huh?!" Tick marks formed on Hyuuga's forehead. This girl is learning to disrespect her seniors.
He turned to Kuroko, scowling. "Kuroko..."
"Sorry Captain. I simply made that up to scare her so she will not leave her bed."
"That's not the problem!"
"What is?"
"Teme..." Hyuuga growled and felt a vein throbbing on his head.
A hand pressed Hyuuga's shoulder.      "Let's just continue the game, shall we?" Asked Kasamatsu.
"Hmph!" Hyuuga snapped. And so the game continues. Both teams  are enjoying the game. All players are showing off their skills earning impressed looks  from their audience. A ball whizzed past the players and headed straight out of bounds towards the Seirin bench. The freshmen trio froze on their seats when a pale hand blocked their sight. The three were surprised to see her in front. Where did she come from? She was with Kiyoshi moments ago.

Nakbin heard the ball coming and quickly acted out of instinct. It seemed to be she knows what's going to happen next. She held out her hand. It jolted back slightly as the ball made in contact with her hand, creating a sound between the leather ball and her flesh. She used her other hand to grip the ball and pulled it to her chest. She sighed in relief and turned to face the trio whose faces hung open, "Are you okay?"
They simply shook their heads, looking at her with total amazement, but still with mouths hung open.  The three earned a scolding from Yoon and were told to close their mouths. He seemed to be used to with this kind of scenario.

"Nakbin!" Tetsuya felt his blood drain when he saw the ball went out of bounds, even Hayakawa, the closest was not able to catch it.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. His sister smiled at him as she gave him the ball.
"It's alright Aniue. It hurts actually..." Showing him her reddened palms. Tetsuya brought her hands closer to his lips and kissed them.
This brought surprise to many.
"Even though they are siblings I am still jealous!"
"You are so lucky Kuroko!"
"Kuroko I hope you die!"
They inwardly cried and blushed heavily at the sight. The others arched their eyebrows, it is unlikely for the phantom sixth man to act out of character. Nakbin closed her eyes in content then kissed him back on the cheek. And this just caused another scene, causing the others to inwardly sulk.
"I'm alright Aniue. It is painful but it is bearable. It is my first time to hold a basketball and it feels nice." Tetsuya smiled. "Please go back to your game. I want to see more of you play then perhaps you can teach me when we return."
Kuroko brightened at this then kissed her on the forehead. "Okay."
"Oi Kuroko, enough already! Get back here you idiot!" Kuroko stepped back to the court.
"You sound jealous Kagami-kun."
"I'm not!"
"You're face is red."
"Teme!!!" Kuroko simply smirked back causing the other players, Kaijo's especially to stare at him in surprise. Kuroko freaking Tetsuya, the emotionless good boy extraordinaire smirked. He smirked! Who knows the phantom sixth man has a playful side? Even Kise stood dumbfounded. He cannot say anything to his former instructor. Then he suddenly brightened at a single thought. He learned a lot of new things about Kurokochii in one day.
Kurokochii has a pretty sister, and two cute cousins.
Kurokochii is a sweet, caring, overprotective big brother.
Kurokochii smirks.
Ha! Aominechii, Akashichii and the others will be so jealous! He snapped out of his thoughts when Kuroko popped in front of him and flung  a sweatband in his eyes. "Kise-kun please stop daydreaming."
"Hido!" Kise wailed.

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