Chapter 20

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Kuroko remained stoic but there's an annoyed look, more like furious, in his eyes. Kagami chuckled. This means good game.
"A practice game before the festival? A good way to warm up, don't you think Kasamatsu?" Moriyama asked as their company arrived.
"Shut up." Kasamatsu groaned. "Oi Kise! You look bothered, focus on the game or I'll hit you!"
"But sempai! Kurokochii were glaring daggers at me when we passed them by!"
"I said shut up!" Finally hitting Kise on the face.
"Did something happen between you and Seirin?" Kobori asked.
"I don't know but Kurokochii's cousin kept yelling on our way earlier. I don't even remember provoking him. I only remember I was happy to know that I was actually walking with Kurokochii's sister and I just introduced myself to her but Kurokochii's cousin kept on brushing me off. Then Kurokochii avoided me! Waahh! They must have hate me!"
"You're so annoying!" Kasamatsu kicked him hard.
"Wait, are you saying that the girl in a red cape is the phantom's sister and the talkative one is his cousin?" Moriyama asked.
"They will probably cheer for the other team. But even so, that girl is so cute. I am still going to play for her."
"The phantom sixth man has a sister?" Hayakawa asked slowly.
"And you say she's here and you just met her?" Kobori asked, astonished.
"Yes, even coach met those two."
"Where are they then? I don't see them on the other bench?" Kobori asked.
"We're right here." Yoon bluntly said. The Kaijo players jumped in fright.
Kasamatsu clutched his chest, his heart still beating fast. Damn they have the same weak presence as the phantom sixth man.
"Where the hell did you come from?!" Hayakawa exclaimed.
"We've been here the whole time." Yoon replied.
"Since when?"
"Since your arrival," Yoon deadpanned. They look different without their capes on.
"Nakbinchii!" Kise went to hug her but was stopped by Yoon's frying pan.
"Teme! You are lucky Tetsuya isn't here yet, otherwise you're dead!"
"Why would Aniue try to kill his friend?"
Yoon was about to respond when suddenly Moriyama interfered.
"Hime-sama, I failed to introduce myself. My name's Moriyama Yoshitaka, at your service," he said as he knelt down in one knee.
"What now?!" Yoon scowled.
"...and I came here to play for you, my princess."
"What are you saying?!" Hayakawa and Kasamatsu panicked. His lips finally touched her fingers.
"Sempai, what are you doing?!" Kise cried.
"Ugh!" A ball hit Moriyama in the head, hard.
They all looked at the direction where it came from and suddenly tensed when they saw the phantom sixth man with a furious look.
"Sorry, I was only teaching Tyelko how to receive my passes. I am planning to let him join the basketball game during the festival."
"Teaching who?"
"Me." Tyelko appeared behind Yoon.
The Kaijo players jumped in fright on the newcomer. Seriously? Another one?
"Kurokochii did that on purpose, he looks so mad right now sempai..." Kise told his captain who is currently helping Moriyama get up.
"Serves you right Bee." Yoon smirked.
Nakbin sighed then curtsied. "I deeply apologize for that and for what happened earlier, young lords."
"Eh?! Young lords?" The other Kaijo players asked confusingly.
Everyone in Seirin sweatdropped.
"I am sure my Aniue did not mean to hurt you, Yoshitaka-sama." Nakbin held out his hand when Kuroko appeared between the two, separating them.
"Let's just have a good game, Moriyama-san," he said scowling.
"Wah! Kurokochii! Please don't hate us!" Kise wailed.
"Oi Kise!"
"I don't hate anyone." Kuroko deadpanned.
"Kurokochii!" He was about to hug Tetsuya when Tyelko hit him with a frying pan.
"Oi Tyelko, that's mine!" Yoon yelled at the dragon-eyed boy.
"Uhm, we actually came here to invite your company on our feast later on right after the game. Will that be alright?" Nakbin asked the Kaijo players.
"I don't see anything wrong with that," Kaijo's coach stepped in.
Nakbin smiled brightly then curtsied again. "We will be everyone's presence then."
"Let's just go back on our seats," Yoon grabbed her hands.
"Ne Kurokochii, your sister is so pretty and has a very long hair."
"Kise-kun, please stay away from my sister."
"Huh?! Why?!"
"Even with misdirection I don't think she can escape your fans."
"Wah! That's so mean!" Kise sniffed.
"By the way, Kurokochii, who is he?" He asked while pointing at Tyelko.
"He's my cousin and my shadow, Tyelko."
"Kurokochii has a shadow?" Kise went closer and looked at his eyes. "You have pretty eyes."
Tyelko frowned and hit Kise with a frying pan for the second time.

The girl on a red cape (Kuroko no basket fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now