Chapter 82

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"We will be facing each other at tomorrow's game. Too bad you are going to lose." Akashi told Nakbin playfully.
"Don't be so sure about that, Seijuro." Nakbin argued.
"I always win and I'm always right."
"I propose a bet then."
Nakbin looked up at Akashi, her eyes widening a bit. Akashi's eyes changed into heterochromatic again.
"You will have to do whatever I ask you to."
Nakbin frowned a bit. "Seiju? What kind of bet is that? You're saying as if you will really win."
"Because I will. I'm absolute."
Nakbin inwardly rolled her eyes. I'm absolute. I always win so I'm always right.

"Stop mimicking me."
"I didn't even say anything!"
"You're thinking it."
Nakbin crossed her arms. "Fine. But if I win you'll have to grant all my requests."
"I can afford all your vanilla shakes."
"I'm not saying anything about vanilla shakes!"
"Don't you want them?"
Akashi laughed heartily causing her to pout. As usual, Akashi is always right.

Akashi planted a kiss on her hand, his eyes are back to crimson red.
Akashi looked up to her with a smile. "You are so beautiful."
"!" Nakbin blushed heavily. "Stop saying embarrassing things!"
"Oh? So you are embarrassed now?"
"The way you say it makes me feel...strange."
Akashi embraced her from behind and nuzzles his face on her neck. He inhaled her sweet scent. She smells vanilla with a mixture of macadamia and berries, even Murasakibara will be tempted to gobble her up.
"I'm extremely mad right now."
"Why? Did something happen?" Nakbin asked him worriedly.
"You are torturing me." Akashi answered in a husky voice.
His grip on her tightened. "You are always with that Seirin monkey, Kagami Taiga."
"Taiga is not-"
"Don't you dare mention his name!"
Akashi tilted her chin up. "Prepare to lose tomorrow, my empress."
Before she can speak up, Akashi kissed her cheek, leaving her bewildered and blushing. Satisfied with her reaction, the red head left the locker room. Kuroko and Yoon met him on his way out. The teal head was surprised to see his wide smile when they greeted each other. Yoon frowned suspiciously.
The caramel haired stopped on his tracks. "What do you want?"
"Hot-headed as always I see. Keep that up. I expect the best from you tomorrow."
Yoon scoffed at his command. He will never be intimidated by him.

The second day of tournament begins. Akashi feels very confident today. He even listened to Oha-asa and asked Midorima for his lucky item of the day, which the latter thinks weird and suspicious. Akashi is always sure about his winning and he doesn't need a lucky item for that. Aside from that, he has Murasakibara, Yoon, Moriyama and Hara in his team.

The girls arrived at the gym. Loud cheers echoed the entire gym. News have spread about the uprising girl team. The opponent team smirked upon their arrival. Masako feels that they're are up to something, even Eiji Shirogane's aura is different today.

"Look man! It's the basketball acapella!"
"Shoot! Those girls are hot!"
"Look who will they be playing against! The emperor of Rakuzan!"

"Basketball acapella?" Aomine arched an eyebrow when they heard that from the audience.
"What can I say? They are girls. They easily get the attention of many." Imayoshi told his ace.
"But they only started playing yesterday!" Wakamatsu argued.

"For today's game, allow me to announce our players. From the white team, The Lover Boys!"
Loud laughter echoed throughout the gym. Akashi blushed visibly, a tick mark forming on his forehead. Yoon and Murasakibara felt their veins throbbing. The three of them glared at a certain teammate. The said culprit couldn't care less.
"Ahahaha! That name sounds so lame and corny!" Aomine doubled his laughter.
"Hahahaha! I can't believe Akashichii has ever thought of something so corny!" Kise's arms are shaking in laughter.
Kasamatsu frowned at Moriyama. "I don't think so he is the one who came up with their team's name."
"Kota-chan stop laughing. If Sei-chan finds out about this-"
"I'm so sorry Reo-nee. I can't help it!" Kotaro answered, his hand still clutching his stomach. Nebuya joined him in laughing as well. Although he remained with a blank face, you won't miss the amused spark in Mayuzumi's eyes.
"On the other side of the corner, the ever famous Pink Panthers!"

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