Chapter 80

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The day of the tournament arrived. Masako's team against Kagetora's.
"Ooohh...look! Girl(r)s are going to p(r)lay first!" Hayakawa yelled from the bleachers.
"Be quiet idiot! Besides, I don't understand what you are saying!" Kasamatsu kicked the hyperactive boy.
"Hmm...this will be an interesting match. Isn't it too early to heightened things up?" Imayoshi said, his eyes glinting in excitement.

As the boys started warming up, the girls remained on the benches applying perfumes and grooming themselves, except for Nakbin who sips contentedly on her cup of milkshake.
"What are they doing?" Wakamatsu asked impatiently.
"Calm down Wakamatsu. They're girls."
"You mean that's their warm up?! Girls are so typical!"
His former captain smiled, although deep inside he's also wondering the same thing. This may be a friendly competition but it is definitely not a child's play. They also have to take it seriously.

Riko approached Nakbin. "Are you ready?"
"Yes. I think so." She replied nervously.
"It will be alright. We just wanted a different game."
"Do you think Aniue will be okay with it?"
"Don't you worry. I will handle him..." Riko emitted a very scary aura.
"Captain, the way you say it is really shady." Tamara butted in.
"Alright girls, gather around!" Masako clapped her hands as she gained their attention.
"You know what to do already. Do your best but don't show all our trump cards. This is only the start of the game. Just give them a little surprise. Nakbin, your up first."
"Okay! Let's get this started." They placed their hands on top together as Alex started the count. "Ready, 1, 2, 3!"

"What the heck?! They are supposed to be a basketball team not a singing choir!"
"Do not judge them quickly Aomine-kun. Girls have their own way." Kuroko deadpanned, Mayuzumi and Tyelko beside him.

"Welcome everyone for this festival's basketball tournament!" The host announced.
"Let me introduce to you the first teams who are going to play. The Red Team! Coach, Kagetora Aida!"
Loud cheers and applause came from the onlookers. In his team involves Fukui and Liu Wei of Yosen, Kiyoshi the Iron Heart and Shuutoku duo Midorima and Takao.
The girls stepped up, wearing the jerseys that Yoon designed. The audience admired it so much, making him proud of his work.
"And the Pink Team. They also call themselves Pink Panthers, coach, Masako Araki!"
"Girls against boys?!"
"Look! They are all cute though!"
"Look at those curves!"
Kuroko and his companions twitched when they heard the comments coming from the bleachers. Akashi readied his scissors. Hyuuga, Hanamiya and his team cracked their knuckles. Kagami and Aomine are fuming instantly.

"Line up!"
"Let's have a good game!"

Midorima pushed up his glasses as he looked down at Kuroko's sister. "So we meet again."
"I think so too. Although no need to point that out, we just met the day before yesterday."
"That's not what I meant!" Midorima attempted to conceal his embarrassment.
"Hehe, so Seirin's coach is the person I should watch out for." Takao grinned.
"Don't push your luck chatty boy! I will put a crab hold on you!"
Takao gulped in fear. Seirin has a very scary coach.
"Mah, calm down Riko. Let's just have some fun."
Riko glared at the airhead center then she caught a glimpse of Nakbin's smile. She smirked sadistically.
"Right. Let's have fun."
Midorima narrowed his eyes. The girls must be up to something. But what can they possibly do?
The tip off started and Midorima's team scored first. It continued the second time around for the girls find it hard to cope up with very tall guys. The boys are so into the game that they forget that their opponents are all girls.
"They can't even move!"
"That's expected they are just girls."
Riko and her teammates irked at the sudden remark they just heard. Nakbin approached her and whispered something. She traded places with her, earning surprised and curious looks from the bleachers. Masako remained calm. It appears that she is expecting something to happen.

Takao has the ball. "So you are marking me again. I told you, I won't go easy on you even if you are a girl."
Nakbin looked deadpanned then her expression changed into something painful. Her eyes look hurt, as tears are starting to swell up her eyes. Takao was taken aback while dribbling the ball. He didn't say something painful, did he?"
Nakbin clutched her chest as she turned her face away then looked up to him again.
"I've been cheated by you for I don't know since when~"
There's a deafening silence in the gym as she started singing.
"So I made up my mind it must come to an end~"
Masako smirked at everybody's reaction.
"Uhm, Nakbin? What are you doing?" Takao started sweating bullets as she approached him. He remained frozen on spot.
Nakbin pulled him by his shirt, her face very close to his. This earned several reactions from the other team and those at the bleachers.
"What are you doing, nanodayo?!"
"Nakbin, what are you doing?!" Yoon stood up and yelled. Mayuzumi glanced at his rival. Kuroko remained still. He looks so shocked as well, still processing the situation in his mind. The three rivals fighting for Nakbin are no better. They are shocked and extremely jealous as well as she began touching Takao's face.
"Look at me now. Will I ever learn? I don't know how but I suddenly lose control..."
Takao remained stiff, gripping the ball hard as he stared into her eyes. His heart is thumping. He can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. Nakbin looks like...seducing him.
"There's a fire within my soul..." Nakbin smirked and slapped the ball away from his hand.
Riko made a grab of it as she answers Nakbin with a song.
"Just one look and I can hear the bell ring!"
Momoi caught Riko's pass as she continued the singing. "One more look and I forget everything, w-o-o-o-h!"
Midorima is the first one to snap out from stupor and yelled at his teammates. "Counterattack, nanodayo!" They were finally brought back to their senses as they marked the girls who are supposed to be marking them.
"And so it begins." Masako smiled in satisfaction.
"Mamma Mia here I go again. My my, how can I resist you?" Alex sings as She was about to make a shot. Kiyoshi jumped up to block it but she was able to pass it down to Tamara who made the shot.
"Mamma Mia does it show again? My my just how much..." The ball landed into the ground as Tamara ended her line. "...I've missed you!"
Loud cheers and whistles can be heard when the ball went through the net.
"Yeah! That's what we call freestyle!" A boy from the bleacher exclaimed.
"Man those girls are hot!"

That was a very dirty trick, Takao thought. He clutched his chest. His heart is still beating fast. He frowned at Nakbin who is smiling at him sheepishly.

"What the hell?! That was a trick! Man I didn't know Tetsu's sister had it!" Aomine exclaimed.
"Not only that! I can't believe that the seduction thing is part of their plan!" Wakamatsu agreed.
"I can't believe Coach agreed to this." Koganei said.

Kagami doesn't find it amusing at all, not a bit. The emperor and spider aren't looking any better, they feel the same too. Although Hanamiya takes pride in teaching her some acting skills at the first place, he can't deny that he feels jealous inside. They have to make their moves fast. The hawk eye looks smitten already which means, they just gained another rival, or so they thought.

Kuroko frowned. He is not liking it at all. Yoon is also on a rampage. They are going to have the talk after the game.

"Rather unexpected. I never thought you can trick us like that." Midorima sternly said.
"You boys have a bad habit underestimating girls. You should quit on that."
Midorima frowned at Riko's reply. And so the game continues.

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